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HOWTO :: Offline maps of Japan with Maverick from Code Sector

Guest lenik

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Guest lenik

I like Google Maps. What I don’t like — these maps are not available offline, which is exactly the time I need them most of all, far away from home and, probably, without a reliable phone data connection. Actiually, there might be some way to cache Google Maps, and I’m sure my phone does that, but I could not figure out how to get it working reliably, it feels like cache time is very limited, maybe hours or minutes — definitely not enough for real-life applications.

Recently I’ve found Maverick from Code Sector. It shows the map, works with GPS and compass and does pretty much everything Google Maps does, and also it can cache and use offline maps.

Unfortunately, default downloader does not handle oceans well enough and blue tiles took too much space, so I had to make my own scripts. My detailed explanation of the process involved: http://lazydroid.com/2010/07/howto-offline...om-code-sector/


Predownloaded Google Maps

Whole world, zoom 4~6 (17mb) :


(MD5: C066DC7B3652661FFC70AB1128A63EDF)

Japan, zoom 7~12 (140mb) :


(MD5: 143D82C97E011EF403905647FA144997)

Japan, zoom 13 (200mb) :


(MD5: E91F1610B3428DD2ED47524B16B0BDFA)

Levels 14 and beyond take too much space, so you may download partial maps around the places you like yourself.

Also, be careful, if your SD card is formatted with 16kb cluster size, maps tend to occupy 3-4 times as much space as their size. 1GB of maps took about 4GB of space on my device, so if your SD card is small, it might be a good idea to format with 2~4k cluster size.

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