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Missing german date format options

Guest Lamhir

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Guest Lamhir


was searching here and in google for a while about this issue and trying several options, but non lead to a success.

Recently I rooted my HTC Desire with the latest modaco mod. Works fine so far, expect 2 things:

- when i first booted after flashing Froyo on my Desire, it was completely in english (with the original ROM and the one test one used for rooting, it always selected German automatically). So far no problem, it can be changed in "Language & Keyboard" options. However, the descriptions there were already a bit different. While on the other ROMs before, the entries were in German/the respective languages, this time it was all in english. So the option for German was called "German (Germany)" while before it was called "Deutsch (Deutschland)". Well no biggy so far, but bit annoying.

- Second, more annoying thing is: There are no date formating options for german dates in the "Date & Time" Menu. This one is indeed very annoying and cases many formating issues in Apps which relay on the phones date settings. In the "Select date format" i can only choose between

  • 12/31/2010
  • 31/12/2010
  • 2010/12/31
  • Fri, Dec 31, 2010
  • Fri, 31 Dec, 2010
  • 2010 Dec 31, Fri
    • 31.12.2010 (this is actually the most commonly used and the standard way for date formating in Germany)
    • 12.31.2010

    The US dates formats would be welcomed too.

    Is there a way to manually change it or is it more complicated to bring it back?

    The formats in the lists above also have some negative downeffects. For example, if i pickup "German (Germany)" as language and "31/12/2010" as date formating, some Apps will display the date as: "2010 8 7" instead of "07/08/2010" or even "07.08.2010" which is really hard to read. And that happens if the apps use DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance() to obtain the DateTime instance (which actually obtains the formation options for the default locale)


    my bad, forgot to post the specs of the ROM ^^

    [*]Android Version: 2.2


    [*]Kernel-Version: htc-kernel@and18-2 #1

    [*]Build-Number: 2.06.832.1 CL207528 test-keys

    [*]Software-Number: MoDaCo Custom ROM r5 for the HTC Desire

    [*]Browser-Version: WebKit 3.1


    I had to wipe the user data once, as the Desire become quite unstable and rebooted on installing certain Apps (like Google Skymap or Goggles), if this is of any importance. It runs stable after wiping, just dunno if this has anything to do with the date formating

Edited by Lamhir
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Guest Gaspedal
No one got an idea on how to solve/restore it?

Update to R8 and use the latest Super User App 2.3 for set Data format.

Edited by Gaspedal
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Guest Eyonik

This does not work <.< You can only choose a few there, all separed with / and this works only for the Superuser log.

What we want is the name of a file that contains all date formats, so we can edit it and then reupload on the phone.

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Guest gforums

did a little bit of googleing and found out, that many german users complain about this.

This bug seems to affect the original htc froyo rom and all custom roms based on it.

the nexus one froyo is NOT affected.

So it's up to htc to fix that bug soon.

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Guest Lamhir
Not sure off the top of my head, i'll have a look...


Just found this one, as I was tracking some other bug which seems to be associated/caused by this.


I stumbled at this while I was looking for the MMM bug as my app I'm currently working on always crashed by trying to parse a date.

I had

static SimpleDateFormat FORMATTER = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z");


this.date = FORMATTER.parse(date.trim());

while date contained: Sun, 29 Aug 2010 17:17:19 +0100

Looking at the documentation, the date formating from above should exactly match the one given date. So my only guess was, something with the MMM was wrong. And it seems that the root of the evil is the locale settings used in the Desire Froyo mod.

Any chance on fixing this by using some other ROMs locale?

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