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Gallery & external SD as storage for cam

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Guest NeidRider

Hi folks

I'm having quite an annoying problem, and so far I haven't found anybody with the same...

So, here goes:

I chose to store cam-pictures on the external SD; now, when I open the gallery, I don't see the "Camera" folder as first one, but it's stuck somewhere way back, behind other folders, and the pictures inside the camera-folder aren't sorted as usual, but from old to new, left to right.

So, since I have pictures dating back to february in that folder, I have to scroll endlessly to get to the most recent pictures.

Does anybody else have that, and (even) better, has a solution?

Thanks a lot in advance!

P.S.: It's somehow like the Nexus One acted with the HTC-camer-app and the default gallery, really odd.

Guest ykk_five

Any hints, ideas, ....?

seems the thumbnails cache is corrupted. u may try to rebuild the cache

Guest NeidRider
Posted (edited)

What steps do you suggest?

I just tried some fooling around with '/sdcard/Anroid/data/com.cooliris.media' and the same folder under '/sdcard/sd...'.

On first start (after a reboot, or after a "Clear Data" from the application manager) the gallery quickly shows the "Camera" folder as first, but then it disappears again, where it belongs alphabetically...

EDIT: I also deleted all .thumbnails-folders I could find, which resulted in a lengthy rebuild, but still the same.

Edited by NeidRider

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