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Which phone would you recommend to an app developer

Guest anbot

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Hey everyone!

I'm a new Android enthusiast(did I spell that right?).

My curent phone is a Motorola W180... in other words, it can call, send SMS and it has an alarm clock too.

I'll be upgrading to a new phone soon and wanted your opinions on which one to choose. (this has probably been asked 100s of times... sorry... please answer it for the 101st time)

I am a Flash developer and will be making Android apps, and I need the phone to be capable of running them.

I really like "Samsung Galaxy S". Is this phone any good for games & apps ?

Also, will I need to modify the phone in any way, since it uses Samsung's own version of Android (if I understood what I read).

Please, leave me feedback on the "Samsung Galaxy S" or recommend any other phone that can handle AIR made android apps.

Another question: Android 3.0 (or is it 2.3?) is in development right now and I was wondering if the Galaxy S is gonna have an update for that version too... It would be pointless to buy a phone to develop android apps, if you can't have the latest OS installed.

P.S. I live in Europe, so HTC EVO and other american smartphones are a no-no (including the Nexus One... it's almost impossible to get one here, in Slovenia. Maybe if I order it over the net....).


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