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|WWE|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ |July 4| 21916/29022 | Sense 2.5 2021 / Titanium / Cookie 2.0

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Guest coltsta

i have to disagree with what you should get rid of.

get rid of opera yes but install opera mini 5. simply its more stable, looks better, its faster both in net connection and also phone speed and takes up less ram.

keep swype i think its an awesome keyboard makes typing really easy. especially if you have big thumbs you dont have to retype the same word over and over again from pressing the wrong button over and over.

hey i have only 2 question,

1- where is the link to download this version with 6.5:


2- and after boot have many free ram have?


That ROM is not released yet! But you can try EnergySense and it has around 50MB free Ram at Boot. After spending 2 hours with it, Ram drops down to 30-35MB free, then use FreeUp Ram utility and goes up to 40MB stable

Guest coltsta

i have to disagree with what you should get rid of.

get rid of opera yes but install opera mini 5. simply its more stable, looks better, its faster both in net connection and also phone speed and takes up less ram.

keep swype i think its an awesome keyboard makes typing really easy. especially if you have big thumbs you dont have to retype the same word over and over again from pressing the wrong button over and over.

Guest soroush0313

Fast And stable ROMs. I wish Your 23XXX Rom Will release as soon as you can.

WE are all love your works.

Guest hawkish

Ever and ever seen a roms like these on SAMSUNG devices congratulation


Make a try this: :P




例如"Courier New"="\\Windows\\MSYH.ttf, MSYH", 则字体文件在目录\windows下,字体名称为MSYH


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00























Guest becosemsaida


Great roms NRG, like them just as i liked your htc ones. Still having memory issues even with the "new" build from sep. 4!!!!!!!!!!

After doing what i need to do my memory drops to ~15mb available and when i connect to my pc to dload it just hangs and i have to wait 20min to get a connection. tried it on xp and win7 both the same.

I know it's hard to do but is there a way to make more free memory available???? Sense is a huge memory eater but it has a nice interface.

I already tried disabling the sense but: 1º- i don't like the samsung interface, 2º still having the problem...........

Maybe you can do some "magic" and make this a bit lighter???? I know i'm not the only one with this problem and i have my phone not only to look nice but also for work................... For things to work right i need around 60-70mb of free ram STABLE after running sense. I'm NOT interested in flashing an other rom i want ENERGY.........

If i knew that samsung restricted the memory i would have bought an HTC since this never happened on my other devices i had.

I noticed that when i flash a samsung original rom i have after booting and with all my apps open (word,excell, adobe reader, phone, e-mail, and the fm radio) about 50mb available but with this one it drops to 10~12mb and makes my device slow laggy and hanging (waiting for verything to be processed).




Very nice rom but here are some bugs!

1. The rom is not lite rom so Free ROM and Ram is too low!

2. Battery usage is too HIGH!

3. HTC messaging has a problem: when i open the keyboard (all of keyboards) HTC messaging gets smaller!

4. None of applications which I have installed are not shown at Icon Changer!

5. I could not assign a program to side button permanently it becomes default after reboot!

6. I could not arrange the icons at folder of start menu like setting . when i push Move To Top it goes to top of main start menu!

7. It would be better if there where a 6.5.3 version! Is there any?

8. Could you please put no apps at next rom and provide cab instead?

Guest pavel1234546
Posted (edited)
Hi !

The only thing that ROM mist (And I think all Sense ROM)...is a better available memory :P

I got 20-30Meg(no software running, just sense) only after playing with some soft (open and close).

But this ROM is so great !

Thanks !

I have to agree....Its the best ROM Ive ever seen, but memory compsuntion is bad. After a 2 or more hours phone memory status is qute low.

But anyway perferct work!!

Edited by pavel1234546
Posted (edited)
It wasn't directly to NRGZ28, was quoted because of the reply. the idea is to ask anyone who has the know-how to help out.

i see you are also in Canada. If you have been able to get your internet connection to work,

please share how you got it to work so others can benefit. I am perfectly aware that the Chef is very busy and is better of working on the rom rather than answering these questions which are relatively trivial compared to rom cooking and fixing.

So anyone out there who knows how to configure the internet connection manually or has link to where we can find the information please share


You need to go to Samsung Settings and use the "Restore connection settings". Under the Double arrow icon.

If you're no longer using the Bell CSC then you need to manually configure the internet connection.

First you need to make My internet writable.

Open a the registry editor and got to HKLM>Comm>ConnMgr>Destinations>My Internet>Edit the "ReadOnly" from 1 to 0

Now go to Settings>Connections>Connections>Under My Internet click on the Manage existing connections.

Choose the connection there, in my case it was T-Mobile then press edit.

You now rename the connection to what you want, I renamed mine to Bell.

Press next, now you should see "Access point name:" for bell this is pda.bell.ca.

Press next, make sure everything on this page is blank.

Press Finish. Your internet should be working now.

Edit: BTW thanks Energy for the Awesome Rom

Edited by Jaivan
It wasn't directly to NRGZ28, was quoted because of the reply. the idea is to ask anyone who has the know-how to help out.

i see you are also in Canada. If you have been able to get your internet connection to work,

please share how you got it to work so others can benefit. I am perfectly aware that the Chef is very busy and is better of working on the rom rather than answering these questions which are relatively trivial compared to rom cooking and fixing.

So anyone out there who knows how to configure the internet connection manually or has link to where we can find the information please share


Cannot help at the moment as I am not using this ROM yet (waiting for 23127); even then I won't really need it to work as I do not have a data plan (speakout and wifi only instead). Thanks for your response and clarification though :P

Guest darkworldzz
Very nice rom but here are some bugs!

1. The rom is not lite rom so Free ROM and Ram is too low!

2. Battery usage is too HIGH!

3. HTC messaging has a problem: when i open the keyboard (all of keyboards) HTC messaging gets smaller!

4. None of applications which I have installed are not shown at Icon Changer!

5. I could not assign a program to side button permanently it becomes default after reboot!

6. I could not arrange the icons at folder of start menu like setting . when i push Move To Top it goes to top of main start menu!

7. It would be better if there where a 6.5.3 version! Is there any?

8. Could you please put no apps at next rom and provide cab instead?

they are all not bugs just what you dont like

1.thats cause its still a newly developed rom and the cook needs time to trim it

2.batt usage is high because of sense

3. thats due to the ogl drivers. nth can be done as the ogl drivers are made by users NOT Samsung

6. that is the same for jh2 roms

Guest magellan070


I had JG4 using italian language. I flashed this rom and I've now english language. Is it expected ? Shouldn't the rom leave the previous language settings ?

(After the flash I restored in the samsung setting the language and so the entire previous rom was restored :-( )


Great rom! Just one problem(NO, this is not a complaint), my internet does not work when I connect with wifi. I tried reset and I tried connecting several times, but no go. Any help would be appreciated.



Guest soroush0313
Great rom! Just one problem(NO, this is not a complaint), my internet does not work when I connect with wifi. I tried reset and I tried connecting several times, but no go. Any help would be appreciated.



Hello TRoN.

I Don't have any problem with WIFI and I connect very easily without any problem.

Hi, NGGZ28, hi everybody!

Last night I flashed twice with EnergySense..Cookie and just EnergySense. This ROMs are perfect!!! Everything that could ever wanted. You are the first chef here who fix problems from previous releases and don't make another ones. Those from 4th of September are perfect. The minimal set of Samsung aplications is just fine, you can replace Opera 9.7 with 10, Office Suite 2010 exelent. I'll keep looking and testing your future releases.

Great job!!!!

You'll never see me fix something, only to break something else. If I ever break something, an update or a hotfix will follow shortly. Make sure to checkout the "ROM Hotfixes" shortcut in the Internet folder onthe start menu for upcoming hotfixes (if any :P )

Guest soroush0313
Posted (edited)

I have a question Dear NRGZ28.

Could you tell us when your new 23XXX ROMs are released?

Excuse me But I need theme because tomorrow i want to go on a trip so I cant flash your new roms.

NRG You rocks

Edited by soroush0313
Posted (edited)
You need to go to Samsung Settings and use the "Restore connection settings". Under the Double arrow icon.

If you're no longer using the Bell CSC then you need to manually configure the internet connection.

First you need to make My internet writable.

Open a the registry editor and got to HKLM>Comm>ConnMgr>Destinations>My Internet>Edit the "ReadOnly" from 1 to 0

Now go to Settings>Connections>Connections>Under My Internet click on the Manage existing connections.

Choose the connection there, in my case it was T-Mobile then press edit.

You now rename the connection to what you want, I renamed mine to Bell.

Press next, now you should see "Access point name:" for bell this is pda.bell.ca.

Press next, make sure everything on this page is blank.

Press Finish. Your internet should be working now.

Edit: BTW thanks Energy for the Awesome Rom

Thanks Jaivan and all the others who replied to the internet problem.

I haven't tried it yet as i reverted to my previous rom, but i am sure this is the answer to the problem.

I will flash energy GTX later tonight and report back so others will know it works.

I really like the way the comments on this Rom post are going. No one is taking things personal and only helpful replies are being posted.

Lets try and keep it this way and avoid attacking people for asking questions (which sometimes may look stupid if you are an advanced user but to the noob its legitimate).

Keep up the good work people and NRGZ28 you're the MAN

Edited by redoxy
Make a try this: :P




例如"Courier New"="\\Windows\\MSYH.ttf, MSYH", 则字体文件在目录\windows下,字体名称为MSYH


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00























Guest magellan070

I had JG4 using italian language. I flashed this rom and I've now english language. Is it expected ? Shouldn't the rom leave the previous language settings ?

(After the flash I restored in the samsung setting the language and so the entire previous rom was restored :-( )

any help ?

Guest seksith

Thank you, after I use your rom (21914.Sep.04)...It can read and type thai language... :P :) :(

Guest Mustard007

Hi !

CHT Editor crash on mine....

When I click "Apply Changes" the application crash.

Thanks !

So sorry the result is fialed .when I follow as above procedure after softRESET MY Omnia just hang and need to hardreset to start again my omnia . Can some one provide any method and comments to fix this issue with thanks sorry to my poor english :P

Hi Previa,

Instead of creating font path registry, I use sktools to change the font name. My method is

- install wince 1 (for HK setting)

- install mingliu font

- install ugcsh00m font (which will overwrite mingliu font)

- check fontlink and find out the the path of Tahoma is \windows\ugcsh00m-2.ttf,AR Crystall... (point to the font file (ugcsh00m) I installed)

- change the regional setting to HKSAR, then soft reset

- use sktools (under tune up menu) to change the font name to Tahoma

- soft reset

Please try the above to see if it works for you

Guest actionboyCZ
any help ?

This is normal effect. It is ENGLISH rom, so u have english text there :P

Guest fifd2005

My test report

ROMs looks great.

But There is important RAM problem

Opera and iGO cant run properly due to lack of enough RAM

So it is not for every day use for me


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