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|WWE|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ |July 4| 21916/29022 | Sense 2.5 2021 / Titanium / Cookie 2.0

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Guest williamwong

Very nice! many thanks ................... ;) :huh:

Guest soroush0313

Hello guys.

Any one could make a rapidshare mirror.

I'm In Iran and I can't download because of filtering.

Guest honming
Posted (edited)

Hi NRGZ28,

I am a new user of Omnina 2 and had flash some cooked roms from here, your work is much appreciated. i will try tonight. :huh:

Edited by honming
Guest honming
Posted (edited)
Okay.. ROMs are uploaded. Enjoy and send me feedback... And no I don't wanna hear about low RAM, slow Sense or other nonsense, only stuff I can actually do something about! ;)

oh...just overlook the download icon.. :huh:

Edited by honming
Guest derekle
Posted (edited)


I tried your rom and over all its very good! pretty fast and is a very eye candy,

i experienced a problem that whenever i try editing home tab screen it just hangs and restarts sense,.

also you said that it has the iphone style messaging bubbles but i cannot find this...

Great rom overall


Edited by derekle
Guest imblfmstr

Dear NRGZ28

Your ROM for i8000 looks very very promising

could you please make a similar one for B7610 also, its almost similar to i8000.

I do agree that it very tough job to cook for samsung devices and that too when you don't have one to test

But please please please please try to make a ROM for B7610 also.

Earlier I had HTC device but the new ones are quite costly or the other models not available in my country, ans in that case B7610 was my savior

Now i find a lack of good custom ROMs, which make me feel bad that I made wrong decision to leave HTC

If you can spare some time of yours and release a ROM for B7610 would be grateful to you

I hope if you would consider our request


Guest hawkish

September 2nd, 2010

  • First build of my Omnia 2 ROM :huh:

    2010 (trimmed every month)
    2009 (trimmed) ----------------------------------------------------------
    2008 (trimmed)-----------------------------------------------------------

    September 21st, 2008:

    • First Manila 2.5 Leo based ROM released! (first Chef to release a custom ROM with Sense 2.5)

    Man your welcome

    happy to see you here. hope for you more success in your life THANKS for your ENERGY ;)

Guest ebi_lancer

very nice rom




Guest darkworldzz
Posted (edited)

hi NRG..

After a 1hrs of using it i found a few bugs.

I am using the cookie standard rom

will flash to gtx and titanium later on to see if they still exists..

1. One of the major bugs is this (trying a soft reset to see if it persists),


Still persists after soft reset. random white screens on weather page and sometimes on home tab.


post-569370-1283423529_thumb.jpg post-569370-1283423536_thumb.jpg

2. it seems edit home layout is still not usable on i8000 is with all the other sense roms available. But i think the gtx versions should be alright as it works with all the other sense roms available..

3. it seems touch player cannot play video files properly, helicopter video cannot play audio and cannot change to fullscreen. But i guess it should be alright as there is tcpmp.. Hvnt tried audio files yet..

4. overall sense seems smooth and faster than other sense roms with cookie installed in, the background is nice :huh:, the icons is also very vibrant.

And many useful goodies installed in it.. Reminds me of SB's roms..

And if NRG allows it i can mirror it to 4shared using my free user..

Edited by darkworldzz
Guest hawkish
hi NRG..

After a 1hrs of using it i found a few bugs.

I am using the cookie standard rom

will flash to gtx and titanium later on to see if they still exists..

1. One of the major bugs is this (trying a soft reset to see if it persists),


Still persists after soft reset. random white screens on weather page and sometimes on home tab.


post-569370-1283423529_thumb.jpg post-569370-1283423536_thumb.jpg

2. it seems edit home layout is still not usable on i8000 is with all the other sense roms available. But i think the gtx versions should be alright as it works with all the other sense roms available..

3. it seems touch player cannot play video files properly, helicopter video cannot play audio and cannot change to fullscreen. But i guess it should be alright as there is tcpmp.. Hvnt tried audio files yet..

4. overall sense seems smooth and faster than other sense roms with cookie installed in, the background is nice :huh:, the icons is also very vibrant.

And many useful goodies installed in it.. Reminds me of SB's roms..

And if NRG allows it i can mirror it to 4shared using my free user..


the bug is on standard or cookie rom ? screenshots seem to be cookie ???

Guest baniyang

just flashed GTX version very beautiful!

but then white squares appeared...hope you can fix this ~

Guest hawkish
Posted (edited)
yes thats the cookie rom..


l think the bug is on sense 2.5.2018 but in the version 2.5.2011 cht editor works very fine and no bug on it.

which octans version have you used ??

Edited by hawkish
Guest c00l3rko

Internet not working through wi-fi. Very nice rom pls fix.

Guest darkworldzz

nah i tink its the rom.. but well i am gng to flash the standard rom later to see how it goes..

Guest darkworldzz
Internet not working through wi-fi. Very nice rom pls fix.

its working on mine.. perhaps its your eboot or phone part??

Guest koko5800
They are not. But the homescreen looks the same on the Omnia, due to dithering techniques on the graphics, to minimize the ugliness of the color banding effect on the Omnia :huh:

the color banding effect .... i discussed this problem and made a topic for it and no body care......... this realy what am looking for thanks energy i think i can use sense rom now after using rodrigofd roms for along time


Guest koko5800

thanks energy for ur great rom this the greatest rom i"ve ever seen on omnia

but i think the problem still there the Poor colors quality

pls find a solution for this :huh:

Guest honming

hi, just flash the GTX rom, there is an erroe, is it my wrong setting?


Guest c00l3rko

yep it was problem with my eboot. This rom is the best one ive tried so far. Very very nice thank you sooo much :huh: Keep up the hard work.

Guest speedfrog
random white screens on weather page and sometimes on home tab.

that is because sense its not meant to be on 6.5.X, there are no white squares in any 6.5 versions.

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