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|WWE|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ |July 4| 21916/29022 | Sense 2.5 2021 / Titanium / Cookie 2.0

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Guest Arashdn
i NRG..

After a 1hrs of using it i found a few bugs.

I am using the cookie standard rom

will flash to gtx and titanium later on to see if they still exists..

1. One of the major bugs is this (trying a soft reset to see if it persists),


Still persists after soft reset. random white screens on weather page and sometimes on home tab.


Reduced 60%

Attached Image

480 x 800 (103.28K)

Reduced 60%

Attached Image

480 x 800 (105.78K)

Dear NRGZ28.

Did you fix the white squares problem or you will fix it or ....

Install These tools

sdkcert.cab ( 4.6K )

OpenGLESv1.cab ( 91.92K)

Install These tools

sdkcert.cab ( 4.6K )

OpenGLESv1.cab ( 91.92K)

Those drivers are already in the ROM. Otherwise Sense would not even start... The problem is available RAM !

I'm going to remove the 23127 ROMs and uploading 21914 ROMs. Seems to manage RAM better...

Guest hawkish
Will be posting 6.5 ROMs here in an hour or so... 21914 based and JH1 driverbase.

energy what energy have you !! in hour or so !!

great l think 6.5 is much stable than 6.5x

l ve question why cht editor works fine in gtx and not on cookie or standard roms ?? otherewise it must be a solution ! no ! so may the driver has no relation with these bugs !!


Guest hawkish
Those drivers are already in the ROM. Otherwise Sense would not even start... The problem is available RAM !

I'm going to remove the 23127 ROMs and uploading 21914 ROMs. Seems to manage RAM better...

l ve posted in xda that the samsung applications consume much memory as well the amoled screen.

Guest omniall

Oh my god! Energy rom! Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks :huh: ;) :( :D



Hi. I'm from Romania and i have a small problem. Internet connections and MMS is not working. Any sugestions? Thanks. :huh:

Guest chrisque1

cool I used ur roms a lot with my touch HD!!!

Great work

Guest soroush0313

can any one give me the titanium download link and copy it here

Hi. I'm from Romania and i have a small problem. Internet connections and MMS is not working. Any sugestions? Thanks. ;)

Da drumu la "Automatic Data Config" din settings/connection.. salutare tot din romania :huh:


this rom very very perfect. excellent. but not stable. sometimes screen freezes. my english not good. sory


Okay.. I'm happy with how 21914 runs with the new drivers. I dont see any white squares yet and available RAM is higher. The ROMs are starting to upload NOW.. I will remove the 23127 versions for now and will work on them at a later time :huh:

this rom very very perfect. excellent. but not stable. sometimes screen freezes. my english not good. sory

Try the new ROMs I'm going to post soon...

Guest itsme_4ucz

hi NRGZ28

a small suggestion plz remove all the themes ur default one, bcos people like to install many themes as they like.

and it saves memory to.

Da drumu la "Automatic Data Config" din settings/connection.. salutare tot din romania ;)

Dupa ce dau drumul la "Automatic Data Config" imi spune ca nu a gasit conexiune la internet pentru cartela SIM Orange. Mai sunt si alte setari? Merci. :huh:

Guest leungda

I will flash it when I get home. Thanks..... Finally..........

Posted (edited)

what is fc.exe. my turn on phone. telephone is problem message. message content is fc.exe problem v.s.... what is it? (my rom energy gtx 23127)

finally thank you very much NRGZ28. BEAUTİFULL ROM.

Edited by hazar
what is fc.exe. my turn on phone. telephone is problem message. message content is fc.exe problem v.s.... what is it? (my rom energy gtx 23127)

finally thank you very much NRGZ28. BEAUTİFULL ROM.

Update to the new GTX ROM and you wont have that problem anymore.

Posted (edited)

I got a problem. my gtx rom is not the same of picture.



Edited by hazar


am o problema. am inceput sa instalez versiunea JH1 si s-a blocat la 64%, a stat asa o ora. a inchis softul octans ,am deconectat telefonul si am oprit telefonul scotand bateria. acum daca il conectez , nu vrea PC-ul sa recunoasca usb-ul, iar pe telefon imi arata ca este o problema intre telefon si PC.

am incercat si HARD reset si nimic. stie careva cum rezolv problema.

multumesc anticipat

Guest flopyro

am o problema. am inceput sa instalez versiunea JH1 si s-a blocat la 64%, a stat asa o ora. a inchis softul octans ,am deconectat telefonul si am oprit telefonul scotand bateria. acum daca il conectez , nu vrea PC-ul sa recunoasca usb-ul, iar pe telefon imi arata ca este o problema intre telefon si PC.

am incercat si HARD reset si nimic. stie careva cum rezolv problema.

multumesc anticipat

fa o poza la telefon sa vedem ce scriie

ai cautat pe modaco "bricked omnia" sau how to unbrick omnia 2?

ii un pic tarziu ca as fi cautat si eu ptr tine, dar maine -> work

oricum, stay relax, daca porneshte telefonul ii OK

cu Samsung Pc Studio ai incercat sa-l conectezi ? zice ceva ?

ai modem driver ala instalat ?

fa o poza la telefon sa vedem ce scriie

ai cautat pe modaco "bricked omnia" sau how to unbrick omnia 2?

ii un pic tarziu ca as fi cautat si eu ptr tine, dar maine -> work

oricum, stay relax, daca porneshte telefonul ii OK

cu Samsung Pc Studio ai incercat sa-l conectezi ? zice ceva ?

ai modem driver ala instalat ?

mersi mult de ajutor

fa o poza la telefon sa vedem ce scriie

ai cautat pe modaco "bricked omnia" sau how to unbrick omnia 2?

ii un pic tarziu ca as fi cautat si eu ptr tine, dar maine -> work

oricum, stay relax, daca porneshte telefonul ii OK

cu Samsung Pc Studio ai incercat sa-l conectezi ? zice ceva ?

ai modem driver ala instalat ?

mersi mult de ajutor

guys, english please. so other members can understand both of you.

I got a problem. my gtx rom is not the same of picture.



what is it way?

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