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Android 2.1 Update From LG

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ok i found it, but what am i doing here:

on the phone: Settings => Applications => dop.nastroyki, set daw USB debugging

it obviously translated wrong, which aplication is dop.nastroyki?



application settings -> dev settings -> enable usb debug

application settings -> dev settings -> enable usb debug

alright1 thanks! ok now why is it after i extracrt all files follow all instructions, then when i try to open flasher, i get a page in russian that is greyed out and i can not do nothing acept close it?

Guest hacker_didko
If i update with this unofficial way ,

becoze this is not official lg dont anoynce

it , can i flash it with the official rom or it

will say up to date ? Becoze i want the

finished version .


alright1 thanks! ok now why is it after i extracrt all files follow all instructions, then when i try to open flasher, i get a page in russian that is greyed out and i can not do nothing acept close it?

yer u should have a file called windows enabler

run that

then click its icon in taskbar

press open in kdz (working now)

then press the big button under the file bit (vague..)

then with any luck itl work


Installed 2.1 and i love it!

Only one problem, how to root it now? I tried Universal androot but i got a message "Failed! No ~~~ Fu goo ~~~" :lol:

Is there any other easy possibility to root?

Posted (edited)
yer u should have a file called windows enabler

run that

then click its icon in taskbar

press open in kdz (working now)

then press the big button under the file bit (vague..)

then with any luck itl work

Thanks so much aaa801 for your patience buddy!

so now the screen keeps pn saying emergency mode after it restarted.

it keeps saying things on KDZ> like iparam=162, then 163 then 164, and it has stopped at 164 for a long time now...

how long shall it be like that? before i panic :lol:

Edited by ijcy
Guest PhilipBerovo
Thanks so much aaa801 for your patience buddy!

so now the screen keeps pn saying emergency mode after it restarted.

it keeps saying things on KDZ> like iparam=162, then 163 then 164, and it has stopped at 164 for a long time now...

how long shall it be like that? before i panic :lol:

just dont touch the phone and it will finish soon.. it dependsd on many things my phone was finish in 2 mins...

just dont touch the phone and it will finish soon.. it dependsd on many things my phone was finish in 2 mins...

ok i think i a, in troble, it has been like 10 nothing has changed and my computer is frozen! now what?

If i update with this unofficial way ,

becoze this is not official lg dont anoynce

it , can i flash it with the official rom or it

will say up to date ? Becoze i want the

finished version .

It is the official Baltics ROM you're looking at, so... If you're in Estonia, Latvia or such it's official. Finished, yes, language localized - no.

If in doubt, don't use the Baltics ROM. Can't be many days before the rest is released (France got 10d today, has anyone looked into that one yet?)

Guest hacker_didko
It is the official Baltics ROM you're looking at, so... If you're in Estonia, Latvia or such it's official. Finished, yes, language localized - no.

If in doubt, don't use the Baltics ROM. Can't be many days before the rest is released (France got 10d today, has anyone looked into that one yet?)

Im in Bulgaria , Europe . Can I update ? One of my friends had updated , but I'm not sure he's in Bulgaria , im in doubt ...

Guest oleneiole

I can see the update with LG soft, its official Baltic release. Update is in progress, so any1 who can wait a few more days and is afraid to test it, can just wait, sure the other languages will be out soon.

I can see the update with LG soft, its official Baltic release. Update is in progress, so any1 who can wait a few more days and is afraid to test it, can just wait, sure the other languages will be out soon.

any idea what to do? the KDZ uploader froze and computer along with it. did soft reset and now phone shows download mode. but all kdz is doing is giving me nine lines and stops working. i think it xan not find the phone! did i brick my phone? :lol:

Posted (edited)

It doesn't work for me. I just followed all the steps and after some log in the small updater window, my phone is turned off and the updater window show "Step Complete : DLOAD Change". Nothing happens unless I remove the battery and disconnect the cable and turn it on again (if I don't remove the battery and disconnect the cable, it doesn't turn on), then it boots as usual with my Android 1.6 and a message in the updater shows "Upgrade Error, WParam : 100, LParam : 502" and some more log appears.

What am I doing wrong? What should I do when my phone turns off?

Ok, I have to confess that I am trying to do this with a Windows XP installed in a VMware in my Linux, however since I don't know what are the expected steps, I don't know if I am doing something wrong or not.

Can somebody tell me what should be the expected steps?

Update: Ok, it is not posible to do it from VMware because at some point it turn off the phone and turn it on again, the problem is that once the phone is turned off, it is disconnected from vmware and then the flasher cannot turn it on again. Conclusion: we must do it from a Windows. Conclusion 2: I just did it... and I love Android 2.1!!

Edited by JanusDC

Hi all trying to upgrade my optimus.

I get to the stage were the screen goes black and says download mode. It sits there for about 5 mind then i get this message.

Upgrade error

Wparam 100

Lparam 6

Any ideas whats wrong?

Hi all trying to upgrade my optimus.

I get to the stage were the screen goes black and says download mode. It sits there for about 5 mind then i get this message.

Upgrade error

Wparam 100

Lparam 6

Any ideas whats wrong?

what happens if u take the cable off? mine just died and is now restarting like crazy...

i think i bricked my phone....


somehow it picked up the phone now! but it keeps on sayding model dll msg not found.


what happens if u take the cable off? mine just died and is now restarting like crazy...

i think i bricked my phone....

It reboots to 1.6.

Posted (edited)

Ive updated and everything is fine, however I was just wondering if someone could confirm something for me...

This is the first ROM flash Ive ever done on this phoe, and doesnt look like it will let you flash back to 1.6

But when the official 2.1 ROM for the UK is released (v20a im guessing, being as my phone is a CPW model) will it be possiblt to re flash to this 2.1 ROM as I would like to be able ot have the official UK release software on this phone.

Did any of you guys ever try flashing different versions of the 1.6 rom with KDZ_FW_UPD, and if so was it sucessfull and you could easily flash from say a v10a to v10c for example?

Edited by new123

it's working great,now the only thing i just need is app2sd :lol:

Guest HGeorgiev


Hi Didko :lol:

There are a couple of guys on 4pda.ru, who reported they have installed Baltic version first, then Russian version over the Baltic one. They have used the instructions, published on 4pda forums both times. So I believe, it’s possible what you ask. But you can’t be completely sure, however … If you update now with Baltic or Russian or some other ROM you will need re-flash then, when Balkan version release …

Another problem – what about if you need then (in some reason) have your phone updated in the LG crevice centre B)


Also know that you can have any writing language you need.

Just write in market "language" ime .Example Greek ime

it downloads a new keyboard that contains the language you need+english

Guest max-greece

Yup. Installed here too. Bit tricky with buttons containing just ?????? on the russian(?) installation window. All seems good and it runs all my software (backed up with Astro and then reinstalled once I downloaded and installed it again from the market.

One thing - the screen appears to be behaving rather differently to touch. Things need to be pressed harder or longer (joke there - ignore it) than before.

Certainly quicker and there are some nice animations kicking around the main screens.

For those having difficulty I simply followed the instructions given in the first post TO THE LETTER and it worked. Took about 5 minutes from start of upgrade to completion.

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