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Android 2.1 Update From LG

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Guest m4k4ve1iCRO
Don't know if anyone's noticed but there is a difference with this balkan 2.1 rom- telephone numbers are all displayed with hyphens, in the format: xxx-xxx-xxxxx. It's not a problem, but in some countries, such as UK, we don't write hyphens in our phone numbers.

Or.. maybe all the roms do this and i just didn't notice?

Did u meant to say baltic ROM or is there a balkans ROM out? Cuz i want to update with ROM for my region (im from Croatia), and from what i have read here, there is only baltic one out so far.


Guest spark001uk
Posted (edited)

Thanks for the tip, fox. Oh, love your forum manners by the way! :)

Lets keep this a friendly place please, cheers.
Edited by spark001uk
Guest ilovelg
Did u meant to say baltic ROM or is there a balkans ROM out? Cuz i want to update with ROM for my region (im from Croatia), and from what i have read here, there is only baltic one out so far.


Only Russian and Baltic ROMs are out, theres no Balkan ROM out.

Guest spark001uk
PLS i what Android 1.6 , 2.1 its kill my battery.

As far as i know, i believe you cannot downgrade back to 1.6, apparently it bricks the phone. Unless someone has found a way round it of course.

Guest AerospaceMango
Do you have to be so pompous?

That's a little harsh dont ya think?

RottenFoxBreath has helped out countless numbers of people to upgrade to 2.1.

Plus he has been a mine of information for most people on here, and on GSMArena.

Pompous? No!

Unstintingly helpful? Yes!

Once again, thanks for your help, RFB!

Guest m4k4ve1iCRO
Only Russian and Baltic ROMs are out, theres no Balkan ROM out.

Ok, i thought so. ;)

Btw, did u ppl try to send email to your lg customer service asking them when the update will be available?

I asked them 3 weeks ago, and they replied me that update is coming at the midle of this month.

I have send one more few days ago, and the response was: “Dear mr. X, update for your device will be available sometime at the end of the year.”


Guest spark001uk
That's a little harsh dont ya think?

I think what qwerta was trying to point out, was that post #148 was a little harsh itself.

Guest AerospaceMango
I think what qwerta was trying to point out, was that post #148 was a little harsh itself.

I read through post #148, and I still see nothing pompous about it!

RFB was pointing out where to find the info.....That's all!

I cannot see how anyone can be offended by it!

Guest spark001uk
Posted (edited)

Ok well perhaps pompous could have been substituted by sarcastic. It was probably the way it was worded, could've been translated as being suggestive of the solution being old news, which could in turn be construed as slightly patronising.

My own opinion? Don't really care, i'm not going to marry the guy!!!

Anyway, back to the solution briefly, it did work for me, however the removal of hyphens only actioned itself on the first entry in my phonebook; i had to manually change the rest. Was it meant to correct all existing contacts? Or has it worked as it should have?


Edited by spark001uk

1. Download, save and extract the following to the desktop:

KDZ File: http://csmg.lgmobile.com:9002/swdata/WEBSW..._00/V20B_00.kdz

KDZ FW UPdater: http://files.gameworld.kz/5p8mpt3f1n.html

LG Android Driver: http://files.gameworld.kz/c5z46n1ukk.html

2. Install LG Android Driver.

3. On your phone, go to Settings > Applications > Development and set phone into debugging.

4. Connect phone via USB Cable.

5. Run Windows Enabler from the file you extracted above, and when it appears in the Task Bar (Bottom right) click the icon in the task bar ONCE, and it will display as 'On.'

6. Run KDZ_FW_UPD.exe. Select 3GQCT in the drop-down menu, which is greyed out. Then Browse to where the KDZ 2.1 file is. (Desktop? V20B_00.kdz) Press the long button just above the information screen, and leave it for a good five to ten minutes. Your phone will enter Emergency Mode two or three times, however you need not do anything. Do not unplug it, do not power your computer down and don't interrupt the process. Your phone will start up completely formatted, and when the KDZ updater has finished, you can unplug your phone and use it again, with 2.1 installed.

Once done, you can delete all files off your desktop and uninstall whatever you don't need to use again.

dude i like ..tryed this ..got two emergency modes ...and here the LOG if it helps


[R&D Test Tools Log File]

22:37:12 : Çàïóñê îáíîâëåíèÿ ÏÎ

22:37:12 : Ðàñïàêîâêà KDZ

22:37:27 : KDZ ôàéë ðàñïàêîâàí

22:37:43 : Ôàéëû èçâëå÷åíû .

22:37:43 : LGMobileDL Load.

22:37:43 : Ïîðò = -1

22:37:43 : Ñîåäèíåíèå ñ òåëåôîíîì

22:37:50 : Check Phone mode = 1

22:38:00 : Phone type check.......

22:38:00 : LGMobileDL.DLL Loading....

22:38:01 : _SetAuthMark Fail

22:38:01 : _SetAuthMark Ok : wAuthMark(32140)

22:38:01 : _DetachDLL Call

22:38:01 : _DetachDLL Call End

22:38:01 : Param : Path = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\LGMOBILEAX\Phone\DZ_GT540AT-00-V20b-BAL-XXX-SEP-13-2010.dz

22:38:01 : Param : moduleDir =

22:38:01 : Param : waitTime = 0

22:38:01 : Param : UsbHighSpeed = 1

22:38:01 : Param : PhoneMode = 1

22:38:01 : Param : BinVersion = V20B_00

22:38:01 : Param : AuthMark = 32140

22:38:01 : Call fn_StartUpgrade

22:40:08 : 3GQCT : wParam = 4, lParam = 0

22:40:08 : Step Complete : DLOAD Change

22:40:48 : 3GQCT : wParam = 3, lParam = 0

22:40:48 : Step Complete : C Drive Erase

22:40:48 : 3GQCT : wParam = 205, lParam = 0

22:41:31 : 3GQCT : wParam = 4, lParam = 0

22:41:31 : Step Complete : DLOAD Change


after this ..the time was 22:49:00 ..and the blue screen was still on ..closed the program ..restarted the phone ..and everything worked just like before ..and the version was still 1.6.. any ideas maybe? im totaly out :)

Guest he6rt6gr6m

The above was the exact way I did it on an XP machine, and I wrote it as I did it.

It's basically a translated version of the Russian one, only a little more 'n00b friendly,' because I was a n00b at it. :)

Make sure you're doing every step correctly, is all I can say. And make sure all the files are on the desktop, unzipped.

Posted (edited)
The above was the exact way I did it on an XP machine, and I wrote it as I did it.

It's basically a translated version of the Russian one, only a little more 'n00b friendly,' because I was a n00b at it. ;)

Make sure you're doing every step correctly, is all I can say. And make sure all the files are on the desktop, unzipped.

wait ..on the desktop? u mean ..not in a folder ?

but anyway ye ill try it again and throw everything on the desktop and go step by step ..there isnt anything much to it anyway ..at least by this tutorial

EDIT : nevermind it works ^^ love it :)

EDIT 2 : -.- but my internet doesnt want to work now ..it says i have to connect to a network ..and when i do ..at least i think ..it still says the same QQ

Edited by zH.
Guest joestone
wait ..on the desktop? u mean ..not in a folder ?

but anyway ye ill try it again and throw everything on the desktop and go step by step ..there isnt anything much to it anyway ..at least by this tutorial

EDIT : nevermind it works ^^ love it :)

EDIT 2 : -.- but my internet doesnt want to work now ..it says i have to connect to a network ..and when i do ..at least i think ..it still says the same QQ

There no internet APN set in the new 2.1 . You have three choices.

1. set up manually according to your provider.

2. Get the setting from your provider via sms.

3. Try the apn restore script .

Guest GixxerMKD
Posted (edited)
Sweet im now on 2.1! :)

How did you solve the upgrade error?

I'm trying to update for fifth time now, i always get the WParam:100 LParam:6 :S

[00:07:18:544]  : =============================================

[00:07:18:545]  : Log is started on 05.10.2010, at 00:07:18:544, 

executable: C:\Users\Baze\Desktop\kdz2\KDZ_FW_UPD.exe (ProcID: 0x00001494), 

compile time : Sep  1 2010 21:09:05

[00:07:18:545]  : Version : 

[00:07:18:548]  : strFilename1 = V20

[00:07:18:549]  : m_DlMode = 4, m_strBinaryPath = C:\ProgramData\LGMOBILEAX\Phone\DZ_GT540AT-00-V20b-BAL-XXX-SEP-13-2010.dz, m_nSelectedImages= 70787108

[00:07:26:867]  : Start Web Downloading

[00:07:26:867]  : Get Usb Port

[00:07:26:883]  : rsi.strFriendlyName=Standard Modem over Bluetooth link #2

[00:07:26:883]  : Remove Standard Modem over Bluetooth link #2

[00:07:26:883]  : rsi.strFriendlyName=LGE Bluetooth TransPort (COM7)

[00:07:26:883]  : Remove LGE Bluetooth TransPort (COM7)

[00:07:26:883]  : rsi.strFriendlyName=LGE Android USB Serial Port (COM9)

[00:07:26:883]  : FriendlyNameList[iii].szFriendlyName=LGE Android USB Serial Port

[00:07:26:883]  : rsi.strFriendlyName=LGE Android USB GPS NMEA Port (COM15)

[00:07:26:883]  : Remove LGE Android USB GPS NMEA Port (COM15)

[00:07:26:883]  : WM_COPYDATA ёЮЅГБц єёії 1 - COM9

[00:07:26:883]  :	Port = COM9

[00:07:26:883]  : Clear

[00:07:26:883]  : Clear

[00:07:26:898]  : >> DIAG_STATUS_F FAILED

[00:07:26:914]  : >>Get Model Name [DIAG_VERNO_F]

[00:07:26:914]  : Clear

[00:07:26:930]  :  strModel = GT540

[00:07:26:930]  : Read NV item:  71	NV ITEM 71 [71]

[00:07:26:930]  : Clear

[00:07:26:945]  :   CSW

[00:07:26:945]  : Banner : CSW

[00:07:26:945]  : WM_COPYDATA ёЮЅГБц єёії 0 - GT540

[00:07:26:945]  : >>Get Mobile SW [DIAG_EXT_BUILD_ID_F]

[00:07:26:945]  : Clear

[00:07:26:961]  :   GT540-M76XX-V10c-MAY-12-2010-XX

[00:07:26:961]  : strFilename = GT540-M76XX-V10c-MAY-12-2010-XX

[00:07:26:961]  : strFilename = V10

[00:07:26:961]  : Flag_Phone_BIN_Donut = TRUE

[00:07:26:961]  : Clear

[00:07:26:976]  : Write NV item:9028	NV ITEM 9028

[00:07:26:976]  : 9028 - NV_DONE_S Item

[00:07:27:086]  : _DloadMode()

[00:07:27:086]  : ёЮЅГБц єёії TYPE_WPARAM_CHANGE_DLOAD 4

[00:07:27:086]  : >>Change Offline Mode [DIAG_CONTROL_F/Mode = 1]

[00:07:27:086]  : Clear

[00:07:27:101]  : >>Change Dload Mode [DIAG_DLOAD_F]

[00:07:27:101]  : WM_COPYDATA ёЮЅГБц єёії 3 - DLOAD

[00:07:27:101]  : Clear

[00:07:27:101]  : 2_DIAG_DLOAD_F DLOAD_RESET_F do not wait for response

[00:07:27:101]  : #ifdef FEATURE_L4

[00:07:27:101]  : Clear

[00:07:27:101]  : WM_COPYDATA ёЮЅГБц єёії 3 - Close Port

[00:07:27:101]  : Close Port<<

[00:14:07:110]  : OPEN_PORT_FAIL


[00:14:07:110]  : ёЮЅГБц єёії - TYPE_WPARAM_UPGRADE_ERROR Error Code = 6

[00:14:07:181]  : Log finished

EDIT: Solved it by dismounting the SD card, got 2.1 now ;)

Edited by GixxerMKD
Guest spark001uk

Just as a help to anyone who might be experiencing this problem:

If the updater unpacks the firmware file (around 3-4 min), and ends without flashing, try going to the sd card menu on the phone, and untick the 'mass storage only' option, then reconnect phone. Basically this allows the pc to install the phone's modem drivers. Worked for me!

Guest strelleymagpie

I've tried every suggestion that I could find, have tried at least 10 times to upgrade, but every attempt ends with :

[20:40:25:007] : >> DIAG_STATUS_F FAILED

[20:40:25:023] : >>Get Model Name [DIAG_VERNO_F]

[20:40:25:023] : Clear

[20:40:25:038] : strModel = GT540

[20:40:25:038] : Read NV item: 71 NV ITEM 71 [71]

[20:40:25:038] : Clear

[20:40:25:054] : CSW

[20:40:25:054] : Banner : CSW

[20:40:25:054] : WM_COPYDATA ¸Þ½ÃÁö º¸³¿ 0 - GT540

[20:40:25:054] : >>Get Mobile SW [DIAG_EXT_BUILD_ID_F]

[20:40:25:054] : Clear

[20:40:25:070] : GT540-M76XX-V10a-JUN-24-2010-XX

[20:40:25:070] : strFilename = GT540-M76XX-V10a-JUN-24-2010-XX

[20:40:25:070] : strFilename = V10

[20:40:25:070] : Flag_Phone_BIN_Donut = TRUE

[20:40:25:070] : Clear

[20:40:25:085] : Write NV item:9028 NV ITEM 9028

[20:40:25:085] : 9028 - NV_DONE_S Item

[20:40:25:194] : _DloadMode()

[20:40:25:194] : ¸Þ½ÃÁö º¸³¿ TYPE_WPARAM_CHANGE_DLOAD 4

[20:40:25:194] : >>Change Offline Mode [DIAG_CONTROL_F/Mode = 1]

[20:40:25:194] : Clear

[20:40:25:210] : >>Change Dload Mode [DIAG_DLOAD_F]

[20:40:25:210] : WM_COPYDATA ¸Þ½ÃÁö º¸³¿ 3 - DLOAD

[20:40:25:210] : Clear

[20:40:25:210] : 2_DIAG_DLOAD_F DLOAD_RESET_F do not wait for response

[20:40:25:210] : #ifdef FEATURE_L4

[20:40:25:210] : Clear

[20:40:25:210] : WM_COPYDATA ¸Þ½ÃÁö º¸³¿ 3 - Close Port

[20:40:25:210] : Close Port<<

[20:47:05:340] : OPEN_PORT_FAIL


[20:47:05:340] : ¸Þ½ÃÁö º¸³¿ - TYPE_WPARAM_UPGRADE_ERROR Error Code = 6

[20:47:05:355] : Log finished

I really am losing patience, I guess I'll just wait for the official update :)


Guest brqueiros

Hello people. Excellent forum and thanks for the tutorial. My LG GT540 is now running Android 2.1

Guest androidmog
Posted (edited)
1. Download, save and extract the following to the desktop:

KDZ File: http://csmg.lgmobile.com:9002/swdata/WEBSW..._00/V20B_00.kdz

KDZ FW UPdater: http://files.gameworld.kz/5p8mpt3f1n.html

LG Android Driver: http://files.gameworld.kz/c5z46n1ukk.html

The first file is not found... I found it somewhere but if i post it here, the forum changes the link and thatwhy it's not found...

just like this:


Edited by androidmog
Guest GixxerMKD
I've tried every suggestion that I could find, have tried at least 10 times to upgrade, but every attempt ends with :

I really am losing patience, I guess I'll just wait for the official update :)


I had the same problem, solved it by going to settings/sd card and clicking the "unmount sd card". Worked like a charm afterward. Try it and let me know if it works for you.


Guest strelleymagpie
I had the same problem, solved it by going to settings/sd card and clicking the "unmount sd card". Worked like a charm afterward. Try it and let me know if it works for you.


No, tried this already along with EVERY different tip off this site, still doesn't work :-(

Guest kaiserex
Posted (edited)

Cant go trough the update process ( the original one and the only one I know ), Im getting this from KDZ flasher:

 [R&D Test Tools Log File]

17:44:57 : Çŕďóńę îáíîâëĺíč˙ ĎÎ 

17:44:57 : Đŕńďŕęîâęŕ KDZ  

17:45:02 : KDZ ôŕéë đŕńďŕęîâŕí

17:45:03 : Ôŕéëű čçâëĺ÷ĺíű	 .

17:45:03 : LGMobileDL Load.

17:45:03 : Ďîđň = -1

17:45:03 : Ńîĺäčíĺíčĺ ń ňĺëĺôîíîě 

17:45:03 : ŇĹËĹÔÎÍ ÍĹ ÍŔÉÄĹÍ!		

17:45:05 : ===ÇŔÂĹĐŘĹÍÎ===

Anybody knows whats seems to be the problem?

Drivers installed fine,debug mode on, SD unmounted, nothing happens at all, its just stuck right there. Thx in advance!

Edited by kaiserex

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