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DELL STREAK Froyo Build Beta - Version 1.2.0 Released

Guest Stephen Hyde

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Guest adzman808
speed improbvements and possibly battery lifetoo

good way to promote the product :)

ok more silly q....

please bare with me...

can i remove apps (I dont want installed) from your .zip by simply deleting the apks from syste/app folder? would i need to re-sign the update.zip after*?

(assuming yes) can i also add my additional apps in the same folder, so they all install with the update.zip?

is there anyway to apply the cpu / battery updates of v1.1.1 by editing prop files on v1? (you posted something about this re the battery somewhere round p88 of this post)

cheers Steve, thank you for giving us all so much of your time & experience

*internet search says yes, i say wtf?

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Guest adzman808
Steve's froyo ROM is quite good let me tell you. The call waiting issue though is terrible though so I would advise you to wait if you get many calls. I have to hope people leave voicemails or I will have no idea they called.

call waiting doesn't work on mine...

NOT saying this applicable to all of us - but FYI (to any1 mentioning call waiting, just quoted outsidah as a point of refference) o2 PAYG doesn't support call waiting, perhaps this is true with other carriers too or perhaps you rebel sim guys can't access your cellular providers call waiting service either

just my €0.02 :)

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Guest Stephen Hyde

yep you can get the same thing by looking at the update-cpu zip linked in the changelog for 1.1.1 :) and yes you can add/remove apps as needed, zip isnt signed as clockwork does not require it

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Guest adzman808
yep you can get the same thing by looking at the update-cpu zip linked in the changelog for 1.1.1 :) and yes you can add/remove apps as needed, zip isnt signed as clockwork does not require it

i took the ___.sh file from the 1.1.1 update & pasted over the original in the etc folder

was that correct...?


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Guest freed12

super HELP HELP! ciao ,eccomi ,ho preferito fare dele foto ora che trascrivo tutto in inglese arriva natale 2011

a questo menu:http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/4927/028371839.jpg

faccio ok con fotocamera ,arriva qui:


faccio ok con tasto fotocamera ,e arrivo qui :


e qui mi fermo nel senso che capisco che c'e' un problema visto anche androidino col punto esclamativo nel triangolo ,premetto che lo stess problema lo ha fatto con rom rinominata in due modi come descritto ieri notte ,con rom messa in una sd formattata ,non so piu che santi chiamare

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Guest the_didge
Any widgets?

ummm... a few.

1x spotify widget, but usually not signed in

3x extended control widgets

1x tempcpuv2 widget

1x ramdroid widget, always off

1x google search widget

no live wallpaper as that killed the battery even quicker

i unplugged it 2 hours ago when it had about 65% charge its now at 42%

its reporting the following:

Cell Standby 47%

Phone Idle 33%

Tasker 10%

Voice calls 8%

ive only made 2 five minute calls in the last two hours so im not sure why its eaten up so much battery

Data is always on with light to medium usage.

anyone know a good battery usage monitor?

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Question about quick office

Does streak come with a full version of quick office ?

I cannot update the quick office that came with this rom. Do i have to purchase it from the market to update ?

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Question about quick office

Does streak come with a full version of quick office ?

I cannot update the quick office that came with this rom. Do i have to purchase it from the market to update ?

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Guest yosemite-sam
Question about quick office

Does streak come with a full version of quick office ?

I cannot update the quick office that came with this rom. Do i have to purchase it from the market to update ?

its 50% off at the mo, check here

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Guest Hothan Dao

Problem solved. Thanks

Please tell me how to install driver for Qualcomm in win7 64 bit. I have tried to browse all folders from Driver folder (in streakflash.zip)


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Guest jnovello
super HELP HELP! ciao ,eccomi ,ho preferito fare dele foto ora che trascrivo tutto in inglese arriva natale 2011

a questo menu:http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/4927/028371839.jpg

faccio ok con fotocamera ,arriva qui:


faccio ok con tasto fotocamera ,e arrivo qui :


e qui mi fermo nel senso che capisco che c'e' un problema visto anche androidino col punto esclamativo nel triangolo ,premetto che lo stess problema lo ha fatto con rom rinominata in due modi come descritto ieri notte ,con rom messa in una sd formattata ,non so piu che santi chiamare

SI deve essere su un 2.1 Build - baseband e cambiare il layout delle partizioni da 1,6

1. Scarica lo zip nuovo aggiornamento a partire da:


installare sulla root od update.zip sd card e rinominare

2. striscia avvio in recupero, con l'arresto e detenzione vol su e giù mentre si preme il potere

3.Wipe cache e cancellare i dati / reset di fabbrica

4.boot in vena di recupero da parte chiudendo e tenendo premuto volume su e giù mentre si preme il potere

5. selezionare l'aggiornamento da. pkg opzione e attendere il caricamento Clockwork.

6. selezionare zip flash da SD

7. scegliere selezionare zip da sd e trovare l'aggiornamento-new.zip e flash si

8. reboot e attendere un istante

Edited by jnovello
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SI deve essere su un 2.1 Build - baseband e cambiare il layout delle partizioni da 1,6

1. Scarica lo zip nuovo aggiornamento a partire da:


installare sulla root od update.zip sd card e rinominare

2. striscia avvio in recupero, con l'arresto e detenzione vol su e giù mentre si preme il potere

3.Wipe cache e cancellare i dati / reset di fabbrica

4.boot in vena di recupero da parte chiudendo e tenendo premuto volume su e giù mentre si preme il potere

5. selezionare l'aggiornamento da. pkg opzione e attendere il caricamento Clockwork.

6. selezionare zip flash da SD

7. scegliere selezionare zip da sd e trovare l'aggiornamento-new.zip e flash si

8. reboot e attendere un istante

u guys should learn to write proper english :)

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Guest ShinyBallBoy

updated to 1.1.1/reports:

- stuck at boot logo, factoy reset resolved it

- some marketplace issues (google's fault probably)

- didn't install any apps, to test stability before bogging down the phone

- battery drain about 50% in 5 hours (with lots of messing around with 3G, nexus live wallpaper and stock twitter and facebook widgets auto updating at default values)

- didn't try camera, bt, gps or youtube

- phone app force closed once

- three times had a 'sticky slide to unlock screen'

- otherwise fast and silk smooth, linpack scores of 33-34.

- Thank you Steve, really an amazing work

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hey guys i noticed something really weird . when i was running 1.1.1 and 2.1 on my streak and using the wifi with out the sim card and went to the market store all the apps showed up in the store but once i installed the sim card and used the internet connection from my cell provider some of the apps i was looking for are not in the store . so for people who are missing apps in the store and are trying to download them do not use the data connection from your provider seems like the cell provider might have blacklisted some apps that they dont want running on there network.

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Guest eswiderski

I *think* I have the latest buil 1.1.1 installed, though how do I check? Also, if I do, I still don't see market apps like Google Voice and Skype.

This is genius work by the way!!!

Thank you I'll be donating.

This is the official announcement of my Froyo ROM for dell streak.


so further to this i have named my new release version 1.0. it still has bugs but none of them are serious enough to warrant remaining beta

the update process is now very simple to do but it does require that you are using a 2.1 firmware first

please see the excellent guide made by user homeiss here : http://android.modaco.com/content/dell-str...ing-the-streak/


market has issues with apps not showing ,we are investigating this

Everything else that i know of work - may be some small issues that are being worked on - read thread as alot of issues are fixed by others here

30fps limit has been removed on all of these builds

Known Issues:

mobile data is turned off by default it can be easily enabled in settings

Accelerometer is dodgy at times but i cant pin down the issue yet - usually going into settings > display and toggling auto rotate on and off fixes

Known Bugs:

after you switch off wifi, the 3G data will not always come back on - head into mobile networks and toggle mobile data to fix

we now have a nice new website blog for streakdroid - check it out and help me populate the wiki with faqs and get in the forums :) sites @ http://www.streakdroid.com

ok enough babbling on onto the howto:

#include <std_disclaimer.h>


* Your warranty is now void.


* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,

* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please

* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM

* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if

* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.


UPDATE 27/10/2010

Version 1.1.1


VERY Minor bugfix release to fix rotation and cpu problem in 1.1 :)

No Wipe needed for this update as its pretty minor

the single updated file is also available here in update.zip form - this should simply install over current rom

UPDATE 26/10/2010

Version 1.1


No Wipe needed for this update as its pretty minor

Huge APNs list from cyanogenmod added (full wipe will be required for this to work i suspect)

Lots of speed tweaks and fixed post_boot file so cpu scales correctly

Updated ADW To 1.2.0

Added Astro file manager and Universal Androot 1.6.2Beta5 into rom

UPDATE 16/10/2010

Version 1.0



Moved from Beta to version 1 of a release version.

Think my black theme is done, this only works in mdpi (lcd_densitys below 200)

Modified build prop and some other system files to get market working properly, all 2.2 apps are now available in market including skype etc.

UPDATE 14/10/2010

Version 0.3


Heavily modified build.prop and init scripts for performance - ~of 1400 on quadrant now and upwards of 20fps on nenamark1 and 30+fps on neocore

Added WPA_Supplicant binary with ad hoc support

Now using my own nearly fully finished black theme

Thanks to everyone for help on this build

UPDATE 11/10/2010

Version 0.2


Updated boot.img with less debugging services and hopefully should fix battery issues

Updated GPS.conf with edited version provided by users andycap and fards (see page 30) - original file is in /system/etc named gps.conf.backup

Removed couple of other apps that dont work (calibrator and packagechecker)

added my newest version of build.prop

links below have been updated as needed

ok folks new howto for users:


YOU MUST BE ON A 2.1 Build - baseband and partition layout change from 1.6

1. download the new update zip:

http://build2.streakdroid.com/update-release-1.1.1.zip can users please give me download speed reports from this server

2. install clockworkMod recovery : http://android.modaco.com/content/dell-str...rboot-recovery/ - the koush's recovery option

3. place the update-new.zip onto your sd card

4. boot streak into recovery by shutting down and holding vol up and down as you press power

5. select update from .pkg option and wait for Clockwork to load.

6. select flash zip from sd

7. choose select zip from sd and find the update-new.zip and flash it smile.gif

8. reboot and wait a while

this can be rooted using universal androot but could take 2 attempted

Thanks to:

Vinokirk for helping diagnose and sort out 2.1 baseband ril support and gps

Andycap & fards for providing modified Gps.conf

homeiss forthe excellent upgrade/downgrade guide

everyone else for just jumping in and helping each other, thats the true community sprit that makes me do this sort of dev for android and not some other mobile os.

everyone else who helped/is helping

hopefully thats everything :(

any issues theirs me and a few of my tech head irc helpers keeping an eye on the posts. or just jump in the irc channel #dellstreak on freenode for help.

also please feel free to donate to my work if you find it useful :( - links are in my sig

GBP Donate | USD Donate

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Guest jnovello
u guys should learn to write proper english :)

I do write in English, but it is obvious that he does not. If I am able to help in any language I am happy to try.

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ok folks need an opinion. who would want to use a build (most likely test build ) of froyo which has working wifi hotspot support BUT has the flashing leds problem ?

i am def down tell me when and where i would love to load it and give you feed back on any issues

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Noticed that screen responsiveness is much improved in new build. Super awesome. That's the main edge iphone had over Android in my opinion, and it's being eaten away. Muahahaha!!

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Guest adzman808
I was hoping 1.1.1 might magically fix whatever the hidden issue is with call waiting but no go :)

not all carriers support CW, for example o2 PAYG doesn't (but o2 contract does)

have you confirmed with your provider?

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