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[ROM] Liquid Community ROM Froyo 2.0

Guest LCR_Team

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Hi malez

I have solved the tethering problem but now I have a question for you.

I have setup dropbear, the ssh pub key auth and dyndns but now I would like the service starts automatically at boot.

I am trying to use your autostart script in /system/xbin appending a row like this one remounting /system in rw.

/system/xbin/dropbear -s -g

but it does not append.

where i could place a command like the previous one?

or could you set a entry point for custom scripts in /data?

many thanks.

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Guest Dave_DE
I have finished setting all strings in LcrSettings as variables, so now the entire application will be translated.

If you want to help, don't hesitate

I can help to translate from english into german if I do not have to know anything about programming, just PM me.

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great :) how to help you with translations?

To help in translation, send me an email with subjet "LCR Settings translation <your language> <you locale>"

Thank you very much

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Hi malez

I have solved the tethering problem but now I have a question for you.

I have setup dropbear, the ssh pub key auth and dyndns but now I would like the service starts automatically at boot.

I am trying to use your autostart script in /system/xbin appending a row like this one remounting /system in rw.

/system/xbin/dropbear -s -g

but it does not append.

where i could place a command like the previous one?

or could you set a entry point for custom scripts in /data?

many thanks.

You dont have to modify any script in LCR. Everything is made to be easy :

just use this command

ins_run ALIAS command

FILE is an absolute path to the script to lauch

ALIAS is the name script will be called it permit to control order of execution

for exemple

ins_run dropbear /system/xbin/dropbear -s -g

use ls_run to see script ran at boot

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Guest MisfitGeek

Bad thing appends to me today : I delete LauncherPro in LCR Settings. Stupid idea... After this my Liquid was "homeless" : homescreen black except notification bar.

Tried even factory wipe. But Liquid can't fully boot.

Guess what I did this without backup (stop laughting please).

So I reflash 1.0 with LCR and restart from zero.

But a good thing comes : Now Tweaks in LCR Setting is OK and also no issue when removing an apps (don't ask me to test on LaucherPro).

Before my big mistake I used the Liquid with proximity sensor disabled. I don't notice a big difference in battery life.

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Bad thing appends to me today : I delete LauncherPro in LCR Settings. Stupid idea... After this my Liquid was "homeless" : homescreen black except notification bar.

Tried even factory wipe. But Liquid can't fully boot.

Guess what I did this without backup (stop laughting please).

So I reflash 1.0 with LCR and restart from zero.

But a good thing comes : Now Tweaks in LCR Setting is OK and also no issue when removing an apps (don't ask me to test on LaucherPro).

Before my big mistake I used the Liquid with proximity sensor disabled. I don't notice a big difference in battery life.

shame on you.. :)

you could just reinstall launcherpro with adb, without reinstall everything and lose all you data and settings..

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Compass is messed up. Everything else seems okay.

That is strange because my compass as never be so accurated that now.

For gps in map, position in found in about 5 seconds and precision is about 1 meter.

(I have reflash to 002 bin recently for test, and i don't remember if i have tested on 504)

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Guest MisfitGeek
shame on you.. :)

You're welcome :)

I'll use this way next time I'll try such stupid thing.

But... strange thing appends now... guess what...

Last days, after 1 hour or a bit more playing with my favorite toy (yes my liquid) in my morning train left only 60% to 70% of battery life.

Today I don't feel having used it less than other mornings and right now battery is a 80% !!!!

Before reflashing I wipe all (as I did last time)

I install quite the sames apps (32Mo of download this night).

I put almost the same widgets (only difference : no weather widget, this one had an update cycle each 3h), same "home" :)

I disable light sensor (was already the case before)

I didn't disable prox. sensor (was disabled yesterday)

But I disabled haptic feedback on bottom keys (wasn't the case before).

Could our power issue comes from haptic?

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I like this ROM, but i have a question. With android 2.1 there was a sound profile vibrate only and silent.

Now you can only choose one of these by setting vibrate for silent mode on or off.

Is it possible to make it back like 2.1? So i can have silent mode and also vibrate only mode?

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Guest fear_factory84
I have setup dropbear, the ssh pub key auth and dyndns but now I would like the service starts automatically at boot.

Could you please point me where I can find informations about configuration of dropbear on android? :)

I didn't disable prox. sensor (was disabled yesterday)?

proximity sensor seems to be the highest battery drain source... I'm not sure about the light sensor, but it seems that if you enable it drain it's not too much higher (if the displays run at 100% brightness if light conditions set it, it's normal that you use more battery of course).

haptic feedback is known to drain battery.. don't know if it is enough tough

Yes but not too much...

I've seen that when the prox sensor drains battery you can see on the battery usage an high percentage of drain in "android system".

In my last charge cycle, I had prox sensor disabled, 20 hours of duration (10% left), many hours of bluetooth ad2p music listening some internet navigation, some photos, not a light workload at all :). "android system" was only 3%..... so it's definitely the proximity sensor!


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Guest fear_factory84

It's normal that I have 190mb of ram usable on my liquid?

bash-3.2# free

total used free shared buffers

Mem: 189716 186120 3596 0 3384

Swap: 0 0 0

Total: 189716 186120 3596

I remember that I had more memory when running on eclair..

Edit: I was wrong.. it's normal.... http://forum.xda-developers.com/archive/in...p/t-724960.html

there is a part of ram reserved to the system...

Edited by fear_factory84
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Guest fear_factory84


why you have enabled in your tweaks:

sysctl -w vm.oom_kill_allocating_task=1

I found that often when I use dolphin hd it gets killed by oom, and that is bad for me, because I'm trying to use it! It's better that other background apps are killed.

sysctl -w vm.vfs_cache_pressure=10

is also too expensive in free ram for an a1 device with 256mb of ram..

I have also another question.. where is the script /system/sbin/autostartMZ called on boot?

I don't want to criticize your beautiful work, but I would like only to discuss about these things :)

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Guest captainh

Just tried that rom, I followed the instructions, and can't get past the red bootscreen... I have a liquid e with stock 2.1.

[edit] it worked with 4.504b.00_EMEA-GEN1_05.01.05 bin, so it seems it does not work with stock 2.1 bin.

Edited by captainh
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Guest fear_factory84
[edit] it worked with 4.504b.00_EMEA-GEN1_05.01.05 bin, so it seems it does not work with stock 2.1 bin.

It can't work on an eclair bin.. lcr-f it's for froyo..

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Guest Ximo F. Verde

Ok im in a bit of a situation at the mo.. Tried to restore factory state from the android menu, the phone restarted on malez recovery and the screen is stuck at ´Formating CACHE....´ I can still browse thru the menus but im not sure wether i should reboot or leave it finishing formating the cache (that should have done by now, its been a few minutes). Is it just a visual bug, or is it still formating cache even though i can browse thru the menus? Any help would be welcome

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Guest gateaublaster

This ROM is exactly what Iv been looking for .. Froyo .. good battery life .. all I need now is one of these super batteries from mugen for nice long sessions of playing skies of glory =D .. good job guys

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