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Please somebody help me :( Can somebody check if what I have done so far is right?

Guest dwattsy21

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Guest dwattsy21

Hi All,

I'm sorry to beg for help, but I've been trying to do this for ages. I think all the guides are assuming a bit more knowledge about using command modules and stuff. SO rather than keep asking for help on each detail, I am going to explain exactly what I have done so far. To somehow "repay the community" if I get enough help to enable me to do this, I plan to modify this into a "complete step by step guide for dummies". So here goes, below is exactly what I have done so far. Please read it, and if you can see where I have gone wrong, let me know.

Firstly I downloaded the top md5sum peice of software from http://www.md5summer.org/download.html, which saved into my downloads.

I then downloaded r3 Superboot for ZTE Blade - DOWNLOAD (ROMraid Load Balancing) from http://loadbalancing.modaco.com/download.p...oot.mcri.r3.img

I then downloaded fastboot (ROMraid Load Balancing) from fastboot.zip

Then, in "My downloads", i right clicked the "Fastboot" zip file, clicked "extract all". I then copied this new fastboot folder to my desktop.

I then copied the boot.blade.superboot.mcri.r3.img file from my downloads into this new fastboot folder on my desktop.

Next, I opened "command prompt", by clicking start and typing in "cmd" into the search box, before clicking the returned result.

I was then presented with a command window with the text C:\Users\Dave>

I typed into this "cd Desktop/fastboot" and was left with the screen saying C:\Users\Dave\Desktop\Fastboot>

The next stage from the guide I have seen says that I should type "md5sum boot.blade.superboot.mcri.r3.img"


When i type in the above and hit enter, it says this: 'md5sum' is not recognized as an internal or external xommand, operable program or batch file.

I have tried several things but cannot get past this problem.

I tried to skip this step...

I turned my phone off, took out the battery, put it back, and turned it on again with the volume up button pressed. I then connected it to my pc via usb, and into the command prompt typed "fastboot-windows flash boot boot.blade.superboot.mcri.r3.img"

However, nothing happened, it just said "waiting for device"

I am seriously seriosuly stuck and know that it's probably a simple solution I need.

If anybody can tell me where I have gone wrong I would really appreciatte it, and like I said i will turn this into a real simple step by step guid, to prevent more people like me constantly asking questions.

I really appreciatte any help,


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Guest StevenHarperUK

I have seen suggestions that if it doesn't work you should try tuning on USB Debugging on the Phone


Other people have struggled on VISTA

Suggestions have been to get the latest ADT


Or the latest Driver


I however suggest that you make an Ubuntu Boot CD


And do it all in there, then you can simply copy and paste the commands from the other post.

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