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Fix for wifi issues on R3 rom solved

Guest philmein

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Guest philmein

to solve wifi issues on R3 rom

go to /wifi and network settings/wifi settings/press menu/advanced/wifi sleep policy/never/save/

presto solved

Edited by philmein
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I suggested the same as a fix when this problem was first being reported but it turned out to be incorrect. From what I can tell, it may help the situation, but if you let your phone sleep (not sure how long 15-30mins+?) it will still lose the connection, requiring wi-fi to be turned off and then back on again.

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Guest mattjjh

if you keep a continuous ping going to your phone, with "ping -t ..." you can see that it will still drop the wireless connection when sleeping, despite the setting. on waking, the AP is listed as "Connection unsuccessful, select to try again." in settings/wi-fi and you need to disable/enable again to get a proper connection.

from playing about, it seems some apps - skype for example, will still keep the wifi connection alive even when sleeping (presumably because they stay logged in and are still using the wifi connection when asleep?) also, some routers are better than others - an openwrt linksys with no password seems to hold it much better (still not perfect) than my netgear DGN2000 or airport extreme with WPA2.

reading on the net - this appears to be an inherent problem with 2.1 and 2.2 on every phone - eg http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=1698 - and nothing to do with the san francisco/blade. the wi-fi fixer apps that force a disable/enable on waking seem to work OK, and as mentioned some routers seem better than others - but havent identified a pattern behind it yet.

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if you keep a continuous ping going to your phone, with "ping -t ..." you can see that it will still drop the wireless connection when sleeping, despite the setting. on waking, the AP is listed as "Connection unsuccessful, select to try again." in settings/wi-fi and you need to disable/enable again to get a proper connection.

from playing about, it seems some apps - skype for example, will still keep the wifi connection alive even when sleeping (presumably because they stay logged in and are still using the wifi connection when asleep?) also, some routers are better than others - an openwrt linksys with no password seems to hold it much better (still not perfect) than my netgear DGN2000 or airport extreme with WPA2.

reading on the net - this appears to be an inherent problem with 2.1 and 2.2 on every phone - eg http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=1698 - and nothing to do with the san francisco/blade. the wi-fi fixer apps that force a disable/enable on waking seem to work OK, and as mentioned some routers seem better than others - but havent identified a pattern behind it yet.

so if i log into skype and leave it running, you reckon it will keep the wifi/gprs connection even after it goes into sleep mode ?

Interesting, I'll try that since i have a good data plan and don't mind the ocassional ping to skype..

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