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Latest Firmware I9000XXJPM is out

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Just remember you have to flash JPC or JM8 before you flash JPM.

Guest AndyCr15

I'm on JM9 (2.1) Can I flash straight to JPM using Odin just flashing the PDA, no repartition?

Guest Need_A_Username
Posted (edited)
I'm on JM9 (2.1) Can I flash straight to JPM using Odin just flashing the PDA, no repartition?

I honestly wouldn't try it, on xda they say this:

First Flash I9000XWJM8 with RE-Partition and 512.pit.

Then flash the JPM with 803. pit and NO RE-Partition :)

Edited by Need_A_Username
Guest AndyCr15

That's why I figure JM9 would work. Surely they aren't very different?

Mind you, I think I have JM8 still, so I can go that route. Just seems odd to me to flash a 2.1 to prepare for a 2.2...

Guest Need_A_Username
That's why I figure JM9 would work. Surely they aren't very different?

Mind you, I think I have JM8 still, so I can go that route. Just seems odd to me to flash a 2.1 to prepare for a 2.2...

Yeah they probably aren't very different.

But it would kinda suck taking the risk and doing something wrong like that of course :)

Guest darychia

I had tested on JPM, really nice... one word - fast... but it is quite troublesome while upgrading the rom... :)

Guest SpruceyB
I had tested on JPM, really nice... one word - fast... but it is quite troublesome while upgrading the rom... :)

I'm using Tayutama v.1.0.0 from XDA http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=808763

It's really nice and installation wasn't hard, the only part that could have been a bit tricky was downgraded Recovery from 3e to 2e but that was pretty easy with Step by Step instructions.

I think there's still a little bit of lag there but it doesn't seem too bad, probably 1 of the best firmwares I've used yet.


I flashed from JPK to JP6/JPM - DocsMod (using ClockWork recovery) 2 days ago and everything is working fine. GPS feels a little better for me too, but overall the ROM still lags quite a bit without lagfix. OCLF works fine luckily!

I wonder what JPA does compared to this ROM!

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