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Guest Cristian Menghi

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Guest skandigraun

8pen is a paid app, unfortunately without a free trial. According to the flag on your profile you are from Uruguay, where paid apps are not available. Like in a lot of other countries too :)

You may try Market Enabler (just use google, it is easy to find) to enable these paid apps to be seen in Market also. 8pen costs 1.14 € now. I do not know if Market Enabler can be used to purchase these aps also, i think that it may work.

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Guest kristijan_mk
No warez.

he didn't post any to be honest :)

I tried it and it's strange... Personally I don't see any use since I use Macedonian keyboard mostly, but the biggest remarks are

-when you put the finger on the black spot you can't see the letters, and since it's nothing alike any other keyboards we've seen, you don't know what do you type

-releasing the finger is space, and since you can't see the letters (see above) you must release it. Then you have a lot of spaces...

-there is no trial, for something this different there has to be trial

-I don't see any point in paying for keyboard when there are really nice free keyboards (but that's just me)

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Guest spanner44

I can't see this taking off personally. Especially without a free trial to see exactly how it works.

I have big fingers, yet don't have a problem typing on the screen in either orientation, in actual fact I normally type too fast and have to wait for the pulmse to catch up.

I think that this is just a gimmick, which is why the no free trial.

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Guest sparky71a
I can't see this taking off personally. Especially without a free trial to see exactly how it works.

I have big fingers, yet don't have a problem typing on the screen in either orientation, in actual fact I normally type too fast and have to wait for the pulmse to catch up.

I think that this is just a gimmick, which is why the no free trial.

Yep I've tried and failed with this one, maybe it's better at a larger res on an amoled screen?

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Guest Spook Tooth

It looked interesting so I got it myself just to play about with and have to say it seems a pretty laborious way to input text. You have to dial it in, the idea is each coloured line you swipe across with your finger the higher up the line you go for your chosen letter but as kristijan_mk says you can't see the letters when your finger is in the way and you also end up with loads of annoying spaces everywhere (as you naturally take your finger off the screen once you've successfully inputted a character to look for the next one). Trick is to leave your finger on the screen. Using a predictive keyboard is a million times faster and easier - that has to be the future for this kind of phone, not this quirky dial pad thing.

I think it might only really appeal to the type of person it was developed by, that the mathematical type as it requires a different approach, using your memory to remember where the letters are and also count how many lines you've crossed to get them. It seems totally unintuitive for ordinary people who think in language terms when expressing themselves not how many letters make a word.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I haven't gotten it to predict or autocorrect a commonly misspelled word yet, which surely is far more valuable for assisting typing than some silly dial pad that takes up half the screen? Mind you this thing will probably take off in a big way for certain sectors of society and not just people with single digits. Reckon it'll be big in the playground one day maybe? All these kids speed texting with their phones hidden under the desk - guess you could learn it that way and then use without needing to see what you were inputting (if your memory is good).

The gesture thing is good though. You can put into memory phrases you've created like "Ok, I'll see you later." etc and come up with a gesture though, with the sliding your finger round and round to choose a particular letter you mustn't take your finger off the screen so your gestures will be limited to how creative you can be forming letters, symbols etc all in one go. I could swipe M on the open pad and it would type something in for me. Try inputting an F without taking your finger off the phone though and you can see it has limitations to overcome.

99p and it's just about tryable if you want to play around with it. If you could use ordinary winter gloves with capacitive screens (well you can get some special ones with capacitive bits on the fingers) then it might be more useful as a blunt input method for cold days. I prefer the Swype-like Slide IT though. Now that's much better! A proper usable keyboard that actually makes life a lot lot easier. Problem is it's very expensive if you buy the full version but I'm trying the demo and that's free and I haven't seen where the limitations are yet (time limited? language support? voice input?). I will cry when it stops working!

It also has a very professional typing tutorial built in but at the moment that's about the most valuable part of it. It'll be a while before 8Pen gets to grow into something truly useful however.

Edited by Spook Tooth
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