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Toshiba Folio 100, rooted

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Guest SilentMobius
Posted (edited)

Hi all,

I was posting my findings in the Advent Vega thread so I though I'd transplant the info here and stop cluttering it up:

Well just got home with my folio 100

First thoughts:

1. Wow the display is _terrible_ the viewing angles are like 10deg vertical making portrait viewing really tough (like bad polarized 3d)

2. The supplied launcher is awful, installed ADWlauncher and it was smooth as butter

3. There is a _huge_ delay between pressing power and waking up the device, sometimes as long as 5 sec... weird

4. Google maps installed from the apk , I didn't expect that to work.

5. Every 3d app I've tried so far has flickered or crashed, not good at all.

6. Too many apps are using the market "call home" API and refuse to run when sideloaded even though I paid for them fair and square, boo to DRM.

7. Quadrant scores were better than my CM6 Nexus one

8. The battery pack is completely removable.. which is nice as I've had to remove it due to lockups.

9. USB host mode does work for Storage and keyboards (most of the time, I have had problems)

10. After a short while with the screen off it goes into "hibernate mode" and quite often fails to come back out, requiring a reboot. Annoyingly this kills adb even if you have debugging set to hold a wakelock.

11. Using mini-usb-client the device does not charge, it needs its own netbook-style brick :)

12. Bluetooth on the device does _not_ do HID, so no bluetooth keyboards or mice

Take a look at the GLbenchmark results


vs the iPad


Compares well, though the iPad had much better fill rate.

Additionally I finally got ADB working. I could see "FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION" rows in logcat when it was stuttering, so I'm not sure the folio was to blame.

Whoah. Oh I think something I generally use was _really_ bad for it. not sure on the details yet, but I just uninstalled a load of stuff and suddenly its buttery smooth again. (I _think_ is was "visual task switcher")

BTW, superoneclickroot seems to work :)

Ok I've pushed GoogleServicesFramework.apk and Vending.apk to system/app I now get the market icon and once executed it takes me to the account signup. however that fails after signup. I think the Folio is mis-reporting its MAC address and thus the check-in is failing

D/NativeCrypto( 1295): Freeing OpenSSL session

V/CheckinRequestBuilder( 1295): pre-froyo android id is 0

I/CheckinTask( 1295): Sending checkin request (32167 bytes)

E/CheckinTask( 1295): Checkin failed: https://android.clients.google.com/checkin (request #0)

E/CheckinTask( 1295): java.io.IOException: Rejected response from server: HTTP/1.1 400 invalid hardware identifier: "00.24.7E.70.B3.6A" is not a valid MAC address (expect 12 hex digits)

E/CheckinTask( 1295):   at com.google.android.gsf.checkin.CheckinTask.parseResponse(CheckinTask.java:298)

E/CheckinTask( 1295):   at com.google.android.gsf.checkin.CheckinTask.sendRequest(CheckinTask.java:246)

E/CheckinTask( 1295):   at com.google.android.gsf.checkin.CheckinTask.doInBackground(CheckinTask.java:146)
I wonder what format its expecting, maybe not periods? Sideloading the current flash apk causes the browser to crash _hard_ I guess there is some hardware specific optimisation in there
Does the Folio use hdpi or mdpi graphics? (if you have adb shell access then 'getprop ro.sf.lcd_density' might be the easiest way to answer that - if it returns 240 it's hdpi, 160=mdpi). Just wondering if the pixels are so far apart on a 10inch screen does it fall under the mdpi category.
Oddly o.sf.lcd_density isnt set Here are the props:
[ro.secure]: [1]

[ro.allow.mock.location]: [0]

[ro.debuggable]: [0]

[persist.service.adb.enable]: [1]

[persist.tegra.dpy5.mode.width]: [1920]

[persist.tegra.dpy5.mode.height]: [1080]


[ro.factorytest]: [0]

[ro.serialno]: []

[ro.bootmode]: [unknown]

[ro.baseband]: [unknown]

[ro.carrier]: [unknown]

[ro.bootloader]: [unknown]

[ro.hardware]: [tegra]

[ro.revision]: [0]

[ro.build.id]: [TOSHIBA_FOLIO_AND_A]

[ro.build.display.id]: [TOSHIBA_FOLIO_AND_A.5.0026]

[ro.build.version.incremental]: [5.0026]

[ro.build.version.sdk]: [8]

[ro.build.version.codename]: [REL]

[ro.build.version.release]: [2.2]

[ro.build.date]: [Thu Sep 30 15:21:11 JST 2010]

[ro.build.date.utc]: [1285827671]

[ro.build.type]: [user]

[ro.build.user]: [android]

[ro.build.host]: [git.pc.ome.toshiba.co.jp]

[ro.build.tags]: [test-keys]

[ro.product.model]: [TOSHIBA_FOLIO_AND_A]

[ro.product.brand]: [TOSHIBA]

[ro.product.name]: [TOSHIBA_FOLIO_AND_A]

[ro.product.device]: [TOSHIBA_FOLIO_AND_A]

[ro.product.board]: []

[ro.product.cpu.abi]: [armeabi-v7a]

[ro.product.cpu.abi2]: [armeabi]

[ro.product.manufacturer]: [TOSHIBA]

[ro.product.locale.language]: [en]

[ro.product.locale.region]: [US]

[ro.wifi.channels]: []

[ro.board.platform]: [tegra]

[ro.build.product]: [TOSHIBA_FOLIO_AND_A]

[ro.build.description]: [TOSHIBA_FOLIO_AND_A-user 2.2 TOSHIBA_FOLIO_AND_A 5.0026 test-keys]

[ro.build.fingerprint]: [TOSHIBA/TOSHIBA_FOLIO_AND_A/:2.2/TOSHIBA_FOLIO_AND_A/5.0026:user/test-keys]

[ro.kernel.android.gps]: [ttyACM2]

[ro.kernel.android.gps_ctl]: [ttyACM0]

[ro.config.notification_sound]: [OnTheHunt.ogg]

[ro.config.alarm_alert]: [Alarm_Classic.ogg]

[ro.config.sync]: [no]

[ro.media.dec.vid.wmv.enabled]: [1]

[ro.media.dec.aud.wma.enabled]: [1]

[ro.media.enc.hprof.file.format]: [3gp]

[ro.media.enc.hprof.aud.hz]: [44100]

[ro.media.enc.hprof.aud.ch]: [2]

[ro.media.enc.hprof.codec.aud]: [aac]

[ro.media.enc.hprof.aud.bps]: [128000]

[ro.browser.useragent]: [1]

[persist.service.mount.umsauto]: [1]

[net.bt.name]: [Android]

[net.change]: [net.dnschange]

[dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file]: [/data/anr/traces.txt]

[persist.tegra.nvlog.level]: [4]

[persist.sys.isHdmiPluged]: [false]

[persist.sys.timezone]: [Europe/London]

[persist.sys.language]: [en]

[persist.sys.country]: [GB]

[persist.sys.localevar]: []

[persist.sys.wifi_flag]: [false]




[ro.BACKUP_APP_ADJ]: [2]

[ro.HOME_APP_ADJ]: [4]



[ro.EMPTY_APP_ADJ]: [15]


[ro.VISIBLE_APP_MEM]: [2048]


[ro.BACKUP_APP_MEM]: [4096]

[ro.HOME_APP_MEM]: [4096]

[ro.HIDDEN_APP_MEM]: [5120]


[ro.EMPTY_APP_MEM]: [6144]

[net.tcp.buffersize.default]: [4096,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208]

[net.tcp.buffersize.wifi]: [4095,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208]

[net.tcp.buffersize.umts]: [4094,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208]

[net.tcp.buffersize.edge]: [4093,26280,35040,4096,16384,35040]

[net.tcp.buffersize.gprs]: [4092,8760,11680,4096,8760,11680]

[init.svc.console]: [running]

[init.svc.mmcblk0p8]: [stopped]

[init.svc.servicemanager]: [running]

[init.svc.vold]: [running]

[init.svc.netd]: [running]

[init.svc.debuggerd]: [running]

[init.svc.zygote]: [running]

[init.svc.media]: [running]

[init.svc.dbus]: [running]

[init.svc.installd]: [running]

[init.svc.keystore]: [running]

[init.svc.tosfb]: [running]

[init.svc.tupdate]: [running]

[init.svc.nvrm_daemon]: [running]

[init.svc.wlan_tool]: [stopped]

[init.svc.postinit]: [stopped]

[init.svc.ak8975]: [running]

[init.svc.eventd]: [running]

[wifi.interface]: [wlan0]

[init.svc.adbd]: [running]

[wlan.driver.apmode]: [unloaded]

[init.svc.bootanim]: [stopped]


[hw.keyboards.65536.devname]: [qwerty]

[net.hostname]: [android_9774d56d682e549c]

[hw.keyboards.65538.devname]: [nvec cir]

[hw.keyboards.65540.devname]: [qwerty]

[wlan.driver.status]: [unloaded]

[hw.keyboards.65541.devname]: [nvec keyboard]

[hw.keyboards.65543.devname]: [tegra-kbc]

[hw.keyboards.65544.devname]: []

[dev.bootcomplete]: [1]

[init.svc.wpa_supplicant]: [stopped]

[gsm.sim.operator.numeric]: []

[gsm.sim.operator.alpha]: []

[gsm.sim.operator.iso-country]: []

[gsm.sim.state]: [UNKNOWN]

[gsm.current.phone-type]: [1]

[gsm.operator.alpha]: []

[gsm.operator.numeric]: []

[gsm.operator.iso-country]: []

[gsm.operator.isroaming]: [false]

[ro.runtime.firstboot]: [1288855778298]

[net.dnschange]: [22]

[dhcp.wlan0.result]: [failed]

[init.svc.dhcpcd]: [stopped]

[dhcp.wlan0.pid]: [5719]

[dhcp.wlan0.reason]: [STOP]

[dhcp.wlan0.dns1]: []

[net.dns1]: []

[dhcp.wlan0.dns2]: []

[net.dns2]: []

[dhcp.wlan0.dns3]: []

[net.dns3]: []

[dhcp.wlan0.dns4]: []

[net.dns4]: []

[dhcp.wlan0.ipaddress]: []

[dhcp.wlan0.gateway]: []

[dhcp.wlan0.mask]: []

[dhcp.wlan0.leasetime]: [3600]

[dhcp.wlan0.server]: []

[sys.settings_secure_version]: [7]

[hw.keyboards.65545.devname]: []

[hw.keyboards.65546.devname]: []

[hw.keyboards.131080.devname]: []

[hw.keyboards.196616.devname]: []

[hw.keyboards.262152.devname]: []

[hw.keyboards.327688.devname]: []

[hw.keyboards.393224.devname]: []

[hw.keyboards.458760.devname]: []

[init.svc.bluetoothd]: [stopped]

[init.svc.opush]: [stopped]

[init.svc.hciattach]: [stopped]

[sys.settings_system_version]: [2]

[hw.keyboards.524296.devname]: []

[hw.keyboards.589832.devname]: []

[hw.keyboards.655368.devname]: []

[hw.keyboards.720904.devname]: []

[hw.keyboards.786440.devname]: []

[hw.keyboards.851976.devname]: []

[hw.keyboards.917512.devname]: []

[hw.keyboards.983048.devname]: []

[hw.keyboards.1048584.devname]: []

[hw.keyboards.1114120.devname]: [usb_keyboard_102_en_us]
I think the failure to wake up is the same problem that sometimes causes it to fail to unlock
/wpa_supplicant( 1170): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS

/wpa_supplicant( 1170): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS

/wpa_supplicant( 1170): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS

/KeyguardViewMediator( 1026): pokeWakelock(5000)

/KeyguardViewMediator( 1026): pokeWakelock(5000)

/wpa_supplicant( 1170): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS

/WindowManager( 1026): Key dispatching timed out sending to Keyguard

/WindowManager( 1026): Previous dispatch state: null

/WindowManager( 1026): Current dispatch state: {{null to Window{4a809e50 Keyguard paused=false} @ 1288870649940 lw=Window{4a809e50 Keyguard paused=false} lb=android.view.ViewRoot$W@4a6e7150 fin

false gfw=true ed=true tts=0 wf=false fp=false mcf=Window{4a809e50 Keyguard paused=false}}}

/WindowManager( 1026): No window to dispatch pointer action 1

/wpa_supplicant( 1170): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS

/WindowManager( 1026): Key dispatching timed out sending to Keyguard

/WindowManager( 1026): Previous dispatch state: null

/WindowManager( 1026): Current dispatch state: {{null to Window{4a809e50 Keyguard paused=false} @ 1288870654944 lw=Window{4a809e50 Keyguard paused=false} lb=android.view.ViewRoot$W@4a6e7150 fin

false gfw=true ed=true tts=0 wf=false fp=false mcf=Window{4a809e50 Keyguard paused=false}}}

W/WindowManager( 1026): No window to dispatch pointer action 1

I/wpa_supplicant( 1170): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS

I/wpa_supplicant( 1170): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS

I/Process ( 1026): Sending signal. PID: 1026 SIG: 3

I/dalvikvm( 1026): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3

I/dalvikvm( 1026): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'

I/wpa_supplicant( 1170): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS

I/wpa_supplicant( 1170): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS

I/wpa_supplicant( 1170): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS

I/wpa_supplicant( 1170): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS

I/wpa_supplicant( 1170): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS

I/wpa_supplicant( 1170): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS

I/Process ( 1026): Sending signal. PID: 1026 SIG: 3

I/dalvikvm( 1026): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3

I/dalvikvm( 1026): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'

I/Process ( 1026): Sending signal. PID: 1120 SIG: 3

I/dalvikvm( 1120): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3

I/dalvikvm( 1120): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'

I/Watchdog_N( 1026): dumpKernelStacks

E/Watchdog_N( 1026): Unable to open stack of tid 1026 : 13 (Permission denied)

E/Watchdog_N( 1026): Unable to open stack of tid 1027 : 13 (Permission denied)


E/Watchdog_N( 1026): Unable to open stack of tid 1276 : 13 (Permission denied)

E/Watchdog_N( 1026): Unable to open stack of tid 1278 : 13 (Permission denied)

D/dalvikvm( 1026): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 13505 objects / 1393888 bytes in 63ms

I/dalvikvm( 1026): Jit: resizing JitTable from 4096 to 8192

I/Process ( 1026): Sending signal. PID: 1026 SIG: 9

W/Watchdog( 1026): *** WATCHDOG KILLING SYSTEM PROCESS: null

D/		(  923): NVRM_DAEMON(478): forcibly killing queue fd 31

D/		(  923): NVRM_DAEMON(478): forcibly killing queue fd 36

D/		(  923): NVRM_DAEMON(478): forcibly killing queue fd 34

D/		(  923): NVRM_DAEMON(478): forcibly killing queue fd 33

E/installd(  919): eof

E/installd(  919): failed to read size

I/installd(  919): closing connection

I/ServiceManager(  912): service 'network_management' died

Edited by SilentMobius

Flash is probably waiting ffor some NVIDIA graphics accelerator work.

Guest removed-14

Sounds like the Folio has one too many teething problems for me. Ill pass and see what the future has to offer. The LG Pad looks the most promising at the moment, price depending of course.

Guest SilentMobius

So, ADB gets killed when it goes into _deep_ sleep. But I keeep seeing the screen flicker on, then go off again, this is a really weird bug

Nothing external is going on at all when "D/RemoteCtrlManager( 1025): ACTION_SCREEN_ON" happens

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1025): wakeWhenReadyLocked(59)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1025): handleWakeWhenReady(59)

D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1025): pokeWakelock(5000)

I/power   ( 1025): *** set_screen_state 1

D/		(  923): NVRM_DAEMON(991): pm_notifier_thread: calling power_displays(true)

D/		(  923): NVRM_DAEMON(994): pm_notifier_thread: returned from power_displays(true)

W/WindowManager( 1025): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=1 code=59 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=42 mFlags=8}

W/Eventd  (  927): IN void EventdManager::handleSwitchEvent(NetlinkEvent*)------------------

W/Eventd  (  927): IN void EventdManager::handleUsbHubInterruptEvent(NetlinkEvent*)------------------

W/Eventd  (  927): IN void EventdManager::handleSwitchEvent(NetlinkEvent*)------------------

W/Eventd  (  927): IN void EventdManager::handleUsbHubInterruptEvent(NetlinkEvent*)------------------

E/Sensors ( 1025): mask[0x0]

D/RemoteCtrlManager( 1025): ACTION_SCREEN_ON

D/UpdateReceiver:( 1025): HDMI_UNPLUG

D/UpdateReceiver:( 1025): false

D/RemoteCtrlManager( 1025): initHDMIfalse

I/AKMD2   (  926): akmd2 : Compass Opened.

I/EventHub( 1025): New keyboard: device->id=0x50008 devname='USB2.0 UVC 1.3M WebCam' propName='hw.keyboards.327688.devname' keylayout='/system/usr/keylayout/usb_keyboard_102_en_us.kl'

I/EventHub( 1025): New device: path=/dev/input/event8 name=USB2.0 UVC 1.3M WebCam id=0x50008 (of 0x9) index=9 fd=129 classes=0x1

I/KeyInputQueue( 1025): Device added: id=0x50008, name=USB2.0 UVC 1.3M WebCam, classes=1

I/power   ( 1025): *** set_screen_state 0

E/Sensors ( 1025): mask[0x0]

D/RemoteCtrlManager( 1025): ACTION_SCREEN_OFF

D/UpdateReceiver:( 1025): HDMI_UNPLUG

D/UpdateReceiver:( 1025): false

D/RemoteCtrlManager( 1025): initHDMIfalse

D/		(  923): NVRM_DAEMON(985): pm_notifier_thread: calling power_displays(false)

D/		(  923): NVRM_DAEMON(988): pm_notifier_thread: returned from power_displays(false)

I/AKMD2   (  926): akmd2 : Compass Closed.

D/		(  923): NVRM_DAEMON(974): pm_notifier_thread: calling power NvddkAudioFxSuspend(true)

Guest steeevo

Any of you lucky guys out there with one of these in their hands tried :

reading PDF books - 'out of the box' app or downloaded from TOSH Marketplace or side loaded?

playing xvid divx mp4 video - 'out of the box' app or downloaded from TOSH Marketplace or side loaded?

download from the TOSH Marketplace, what's it like for choice?

Come on guys, hungry for details....

Guest Bisto321
Flash is probably waiting ffor some NVIDIA graphics accelerator work.

This really is a shame.

I suspect the Advent when released will have flash 'out of the box' because they waited for nvidia/Adobe to optimise it for the Tegra platform.

Why would such a large company put a half finished product to market? (test keys!, laggy/buggy interface and missing flash)

This all sounds like I don't really like my Folio - I still do and to be perfectly honest I am not surprised at all of the above(Google did warn them about 2.2)

I have played with mine for a few hours now and divx/xvid seems fine with mp3 audio, not working with AC3. The mail app and dolphin browser are fine for me and I think if Flash comes along and they sort the interface bugs (Gingerbread?) it will be a great tablet.

I hope Toshiba get an update out soon - it would be embarrassing for them if the Advent is launched with a superior interface and Flash.

Guest SilentMobius
This all sounds like I don't really like my Folio - I still do and to be perfectly honest I am not surprised at all of the above(Google did warn them about 2.2)

My main worries are the quality of the drivers (I have yet to find a game that will run at all), the quality of the screen (almost unusable in portrait) and wake issues.

I wasn't expecting much, but I was expecting a better screen than this, should have looked harder at PCW

Guest Bisto321
Any of you lucky guys out there with one of these in their hands tried :

reading PDF books - 'out of the box' app or downloaded from TOSH Marketplace or side loaded?

playing xvid divx mp4 video - 'out of the box' app or downloaded from TOSH Marketplace or side loaded?

download from the TOSH Marketplace, what's it like for choice?

Come on guys, hungry for details....

reading PDF books - 'out of the box' app or downloaded from TOSH Marketplace or side loaded? - one included(FBReader) is fine for the odd book. Office app included read the PDF manual

playing xvid divx mp4 video - 'out of the box' app or downloaded from TOSH Marketplace or side loaded? - Run lots of xvid/divx/mp4 with mp3 audio and they all play really well

download from the TOSH Marketplace, what's it like for choice? - This is the weak link - not great yet. I think toshiba mentioned 5000 apps. I think they mean 5000 items with about 4900 being media files! probably a bit unfair - but it ain't great. Wierdly lots of useful apps and utils appear in the game section?

I have side loaded a few apps (tried flash but browser borks out) and some of the well written ones work well - Dolphin and catch notes are good

Guest Bisto321
My main worries are the quality of the drivers (I have yet to find a game that will run at all), the quality of the screen (almost unusable in portrait) and wake issues.

I wasn't expecting much, but I was expecting a better screen than this, should have looked harder at PCW

You are right to expect a bit more from the screen, but it is fine for me. I agree the driver issue should have been sorted before launch - I bet sales pushed the tech's to get it ready for market in a flash(pardon the pun)

Do the specs of the Vega screen differ? If it is better I would think you could return it (complaining about the lag,unresponsive buttons, missing flash, etc) and swap it out for the Vega.

If the Vega is a vastly better product then I will think about doing that - I suspect it may well be the same.

I am going to keep mine and give Toshiba a go at 'fixing' it. Whether that means waiting for a new OS or not I am not sure. If they could just fix the buggy interface and get the flash out PDQ I will be happy.

Early adopter /test pilot / Mug, I think all three.

Bet this thread is putting a few of you off - I am normally the one lurking and not buying - happy to do it the other way round this time, hope it helps a few of you decide.

Guest SilentMobius
Do the specs of the Vega screen differ? If it is better I would think you could return it (complaining about the lag,unresponsive buttons, missing flash, etc) and swap it out for the Vega.

I would be very surprised if the Vega screen was better, I'm expecting netbook screen in all these cheap tablets. Which is a crying shame. Question is will there be a reasonably priced 10inch android tablet with a nice screen (I'd settle with usable in portrait) any time soon.

The Galaxy Tab has a beautiful screen (and cost to match) but it's too small

Bet this thread is putting a few of you off - I am normally the one lurking and not buying - happy to do it the other way round this time, hope it helps a few of you decide.

Made me decide to get an iPad tonight, waited long enough for a decent Android tablet, can't wait any longer. LG was right, best to wait for Gingerbread, Froyo was never meant to be a tablet OS. How can Advent/ DSG have any chance when Toshiba, one of the largest computer manufacturers in the world couldn't make something decent out of it.

I'll have another look at Android tabs in 6 months, they should be ready for prime time by then.

Thanks for your feedback its been priceless

Guest SilentMobius
Made me decide to get an iPad tonight, waited long enough for a decent Android tablet, can't wait any longer. LG was right, best to wait for Gingerbread, Froyo was never meant to be a tablet OS. How can Advent/ DSG have any chance when Toshiba, one of the largest computer manufacturers in the world couldn't make something decent out of it.

I'll have another look at Android tabs in 6 months, they should be ready for prime time by then.

Thanks for your feedback its been priceless

Just FYI, I'm happy with the way Android behaves, I think 2.2 needed only a couple of tweaks to be a kicking Tablet OS, and most of those are just the launcher. All of my problems are poor hardware choices (screen) or drivers-not-ready-yet which will effect any version of Android (And happens to phones too)

Posted (edited)

Screen looks ok to me.

Edit: well, actually not that great - better in the shop!

Just need to work out how to boot it into nvflash mode now.

Edited by tsh
Guest Bisto321
FYI, I'm happy with the way Android behaves, I think 2.2 needed only a couple of tweaks to be a kicking Tablet OS

I am not happy at the moment. I have tried ADW, Launcher pro (full screen widgets are good) and stock, all of them lag and become unresponsive at times and what is going on with the random screen wake up from sleep?

Once it is up and running and performing a task it seems to be ok, surfing, video, PDF (although I did have a couple of lock-up moments) not had to take the battery out yet - long press on power seems to provide a 'three pin reboot'

I wonder if we will get new drivers with the flash update - new drivers for a Tegra optimised flash? or am I being a little optimistic.

The 'hard' buttons seem to be very random too.


who else thinks the screen would be better rotated 180? In landscape, it seems to be biased towards viewing from above.

who else thinks the screen would be better rotated 180? In landscape, it seems to be biased towards viewing from above.

Try this:

Put the Nexus Live Wallpaper on, and touch the screen. In landscape, the point you touch on screen is where to wall paper reacts, now rotate and do the same in Portrait... On mine the wall paper reacts just slightly to the left of where I touch... Not good!

The more I play with it, the more disappointed I get!

The lack of Market place is frustrating, but not the end of the world. There are plenty of other ways to get app on the unit, there are some useful sites out there: freewarelovers.com for one.

The biggest disappointment is the screen, viewing angle is a pain, the its so unresponsive! Last night I spent more time pressing the screen waiting for it to react than I did using is. The other annoyance is the way the screen comes on when its turned off. I had it face up at the side of my bed last night, all the lights where off, when suddenly there was a bright glow as the screen turned on, and then 3 seconds later, turned off again!

I'm genuinely considering taking it back this weekend.

Has anyone seen or found any news on if and when Toshiba will be releasing an update?

Guest Bisto321

Woke this morning, started playing with the folio again. Fully charged and rebooted. Seems like a new machine? Not sure if I am just wanting to think its better or if it is. I have put launcher pro on and changed rows and columns to 6 and 8 and it all looks and feels better.

I have noticed that the toshiba app store has app brain on it, but when you use it it informs you that market is not installed, well doh!

Toshiba obviously police their market well. Found a number of apps that wont work, come on toshiba, sort yourself out

I notice some of you have used one click to root. One click cant find mine and a direct adb devices scan finds nothing? I have manually added the Tegra details to the usb driver inf, still no joy.

How have you clever chaps done it?

Guest SilentMobius
Posted (edited)
Woke this morning, started playing with the folio again. Fully charged and rebooted. Seems like a new machine? Not sure if I am just wanting to think its better or if it is. I have put launcher pro on and changed rows and columns to 6 and 8 and it all looks and feels better.

I have noticed that the toshiba app store has app brain on it, but when you use it it informs you that market is not installed, well doh!

Toshiba obviously police their market well. Found a number of apps that wont work, come on toshiba, sort yourself out

I notice some of you have used one click to root. One click cant find mine and a direct adb devices scan finds nothing? I have manually added the Tegra details to the usb driver inf, still no joy.

How have you clever chaps done it?

My rooting steps:

1. Edit the .info file adding in the tegra entries

2. Echo the extra config as mentioned in the same article

3. Plug in an android device you've already used with adb (my nexus one)

4. Fire up the device manager on windows

5. Uninstall the ADB entry and tick "remove drivers"

6. Unplug phone while this happens

7. Plug in Folio

8. Wait to be told it can't find the drivers (it it does find them, something is wrong)

9. Point at the modified .inf file

10. When installed test using "adb devices" if you don't find the folio repeat from #1

11. Once adb works, superonclickroot should work fine

Edited by SilentMobius
Guest Bisto321
My rooting steps:

1. Edit the .info file adding in the tegra entries

2. Echo the extra config as mentioned in the same article

3. Plug in an android device you've already used with adb (my nexus one)

4. Fire up the device manager on windows

5. Uninstall the ADB entry and tick "remove drivers"

6. Unplug phone while this happens

7. Plug in Folio

8. Wait to be told it can't find the drivers (it it does find them, something is wrong)

9. Point ad the modified .inf file

10. When installed test using "adb devices" if you don't find the folio repeat from #1

11. Once adb works, superonclickroot should work fine

Thanks for that will have a go later.

This is my current (strangely ok and responsive) desktop!

It still seems to be behaving well - anyone got ubuntu on yet :)


Guest removed-14
Thanks for that will have a go later.

This is my current (strangely ok and responsive) desktop!

It still seems to be behaving well - anyone got ubuntu on yet :)

That is looking pretty swish. Any chance of a video with it running? Opening apps, general use stuff?

It still seems to be behaving well - anyone got ubuntu on yet :)

No. Failed at the stage of being able to write a replacement recovery partition. I was hoping to use the nvidia flashing tool, but I can't get the device in the right mode.

Now trying to work out why my rooting wasn't persistent. (used ratc manually, now one-click seems not to work - but I am on ubuntu, and never used it before)

Guest Bisto321
That is looking pretty swish. Any chance of a video with it running? Opening apps, general use stuff?
quick video, sorry about the aspect ratio must not have had the correct flagging when uploaded to flickr so I got 4:3 squeezed! - still running quite nicely. Don't know why I was concerned :) Just put a call in to Toshiba about some of its unique 'features' - unresponsive screen, lack of flash at launch, automatic waking from sleep function, etcI made it clear that I thought Toshiba had done a bit of 'popin a cap in ya own foot' with the flash omission and that I would expect timely and suitable updates.They stated that they have only just received a production version in tech support and that as it was a new product I should expect problems and Toshiba would work hard to fix them!When I mentioned (oops, momentarily distracted as the folio bursts into life on its own) that my HTC Hero runs Froyo more smoothly than their twin engined super tab, she said yes it probably would - they have had some experience of this! When I challenged her on this she went a bit quiet, but offered that she was sorry on behalf of Toshiba but hoped that I would keep the tablet and let Toshiba fix these issues and omissionsThey can have a week and then I will be calling back to ask for an update.
Guest removed-14


Thanks for the video. It looks snappy and responsive in that video. What would you say are your top 5(?) gripes with it at the moment?

Guest andrewd1
Thanks for that will have a go later.

This is my current (strangely ok and responsive) desktop!

It still seems to be behaving well - anyone got ubuntu on yet :)


What is the calender app you have there I can't find one on mine even though the settings say to sync it.

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