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Guide for those having issues permrooting with Visionary+ (i.e. phone already rooted)...includes HBOOT swap...

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Posted (edited)

This guide is primarily for those that tried to use Visionary, but had issues with notification that the phone is already rooted...also I do not take any responsibility for any damages you might do to your phone doing all this....

I can verify that all this worked 100% for me...I have been Android user for only one week, even though I do have a decent knowledge of modding things, so if I made an extra step you can understand...better extra than 1 less! :rolleyes:

I have first used Visionary+ R12, the whole permroot went through great, no errors and it worked from the bat...

I had to do a factory restore (over some Facebook integration crap), and since then I was never able to get root back with Visionary+...it just kept saying phone already rooted, etc...pressing permroot didn't do anything...

Here's what I did to get permroot and also I did HBOOT swap (confirmed S-OFF)...

I particurarly like sfjuocekr's HBOOT swap because it has checks integrated so if something went wrong before you pull the final trigger you will know it for sure!

You will need the following software in order to do this:

•Android Terminal Emulator app




•Root Files.zip

All guides/files I found on XDA.

Also I presume you know how to use/setup adb.

Step 1. - Temp root via rage (thanks to trigeek for the guide)

Since you will not need Visionary+ anyway after this, you might as well just uninstall Visionary+ and reboot NOW before doing anything.

Download G2temproot - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?46tnpjj2t0dkjdu


Unzip the G2TempRoot files to a folder. From a cmd window or terminal, navigate to that folder and execute these commands from command prompt:

adb push su /sdcard/su

adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk

adb push rage /data/local/tmp/rage

adb push busybox /data/local/tmp/busybox

adb push root /data/local/tmp/root

adb shell chmod 0755 /data/local/tmp/*


1.Launch Terminal Emulator


3.Wait for the message: "Forked #### childs."

4.Menu > Reset Term - Terminal Emulator will exit.

5.Launch Terminal Emulator, it Force Closes. Launch a second time, and you'll have a root shell

Step 2. - Insert .ko file (I believe this is an extra not needed step for permroot (maybe it's not), for HBOOT is required, but I did it anyway here also, it didn't do any harm), then get permroot

Download .ko files - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?fffffcllc2pi6zi

From Root Files copy appropriate (it should match your Kernel Version, check folder names) wpx.ko file in /sdcard/ root directory.

In the terminal type:

insmod /sdcard/wpx.ko

You should see this message if everything is succssful (if you see any other you chose wrong .ko file):

init_module 'wpx.ko' failed (Function not implemented)

After that type:


Next type:


Now wait at least a minute, just to be safe. After waiting, reboot your phone using the power button. After it finishes starting up, launch the terminal emulator, and type 'su'. You should get the prompt asking you to grant permissions. If you got the prompt, congratulations! You have permanent root!

So now that you have that part done you can move to doing HBOOT swap.

Step 3 - HBOOT S-off swap (thanks to sfjuocekr for guide)

Download DHD-v0.4.zip - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?4zlkmldn5nz7bk6

This particular version of HBOOT swap assumes you have used Visionary+ R12, so that's why this step is needed.

First open up the terminal and cd to /sdcard/.

Then type the following:

cp wpx.ko /data/local/wpthis-lovinglymadeforyoubymodaco.ko

In the terminal type:

insmod /sdcard/wpx.ko

You should see this message if everything is succssful (if you see any other you chose wrong .ko file):

init_module 'wpx.ko' failed (Function not implemented)

After you have done this please follow everything after STEP 4 in RTFM.txt of DHD-v0.4.zip archive.

Process is pretty self explanatory and has 2 checks before it writes HBOOT, so you will know for sure if everything is going as planned.

PLEASE make sure you check the checksums before each next step, as this will save your phone from being permanently bricked.

If the first and second MD5 sums match, HBOOT is flashed correctly.

At that point you can reboot and enjoy your permrooted phone with S-OFF. :huh:

Edited by BrAb

Had the same problem! did a factory reset after I had deleted loads of crap out of the rom, ended up I could not get busybox installed but would report "phone already rooted"

I managed to sort this out with uninstalling visionary then reinstalling "visionaryplus.r12" which does not check to see if you are rooted ;-) then go Temp root > perm root...


I tried Visionary+ R12 and it did have the root check...

That's why I was forced to do alternative method...


Well I already did everything in this guide and it worked perfectly...to this day! :rolleyes:

Plus Visionary doesn't do HBOOT swap...


Thanks for this great guide B)

I was finally able to root my DHD and install the MCR.

Thumbs up mate!

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Learnincurve
Posted (edited)

Thanks so much for visionary+. I now have a rooted and upgraded DHD which flies!

One thing I noticed though:

With the old visionary temp rooting fix, I could log in through adb shell and be a normal user, then su to root. Now I'm logged in as root by default and have to su to be a "safe" user.

Is there anywhere I can control this behaviour?

In some cases adb as root is great, in others the old Linux user in me gets nervous :-)


Edited by Learnincurve
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest KingOfKings

I used the first 2 steps of this guide to re-root my DHD. I had rooted with VISIONary r14, but wanted /system to be r/w, so unrooted, but then I couldn't re-root. After running the first 2 steps, half of my apps kept forceclosing and I got an error saying "UID's on the system are inconsistent, you need to wipe your data partition or your device will be unstable."

Only way I could sort it, was a factory reset, which luckily worked.

Not trying to bash your guide or anything, just thought I'd add my experience to the mix, if some people were to try the same. Reset the phone to factory settings and re-rooted with VISIONary was the solution, although I'm now stuck with an old SuperUser in /system/app...


Hi there,

I've done the below from your doco and the wiki. Now I have something called "Superuser Permissions" in my apps list but it's not the "Superuser" from the market. I can't uninstall "Superuser Permissions" or install "Superuser" from the market.

Is all as I should expect?



Gaining Temporary Root Access

Before you begin, if VISIONary is installed on the HTC Desire HD, uninstall it before continuing.

1. You will need ADB on the computer to root the HTC Desire HD and to flash the necessary files for radio S-OFF. Follow the Android SDK guide, to get the ADB shell on the computer.

2. Download the Temporary Root package: Download

3. Unzip the Temporary Root package to the same folder as adb (the /package-tools folder with the Android SDK folder).

4. Connect the HTC Desire HD to the computer via USB.

5. On the computer, open terminal and run the following commands:

adb push su /sdcard/su

adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk

adb push rage /data/local/tmp/rage

adb push busybox /data/local/tmp/busybox

adb push root /data/local/tmp/root

adb shell chmod 0755 /data/local/tmp/*

6. On the HTC Desire HD, install the Terminal Emulator from the Android Market.

7. Launch the Terminal Emulator, and run the following command:


8. After a minute or so, you will see the following message on the phone Forked #### childs. Press the Menu button & select Reset Term. The Terminal Emulator will exit out.

9. Launch Terminal Emulator. It will force close. Launch it a second time, and you'll have a root shell.

Gaining Permanent Root Access & More

This portion of the process will grant permanent root access, turn S-Off, SIM-unlock the HTC Desire HD & setup the SuperCID.

1. Download gfree 0.02: Download

2. Unzip gfree to the same folder as adb (the /package-tools folder with the Android SDK folder).

3. Connect the HTC Desire HD to the computer via USB.

4. On the computer, open terminal and type the following commands:

adb push gfree /data/local

adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/gfree

5. Launch the Terminal Emulator & run the following command:

/data/local/gfree -f




6. Wait for this to finish. Once done, restart the HTC Desire HD & continue to the next sections.

  • 2 weeks later...
I used the first 2 steps of this guide to re-root my DHD. I had rooted with VISIONary r14, but wanted /system to be r/w, so unrooted, but then I couldn't re-root. After running the first 2 steps, half of my apps kept forceclosing and I got an error saying "UID's on the system are inconsistent, you need to wipe your data partition or your device will be unstable."

Only way I could sort it, was a factory reset, which luckily worked.

Not trying to bash your guide or anything, just thought I'd add my experience to the mix, if some people were to try the same. Reset the phone to factory settings and re-rooted with VISIONary was the solution, although I'm now stuck with an old SuperUser in /system/app...

Don't worry about hurting my feelings, I didn't make the tools in my guide! ;)

When I compiled this guide, there weren't that many ways of doing all this possible (there was either VISIONary or this G2temproot (that my guide uses))...now options are greater, bunch of one click tools available...

I used all these tools in my guide on a factory reset phone (as I have mentioned I had issues with VISIONary, so I did factory reset two times), so I could only assume that it works well in such case...

Hi there,

I've done the below from your doco and the wiki. Now I have something called "Superuser Permissions" in my apps list but it's not the "Superuser" from the market. I can't uninstall "Superuser Permissions" or install "Superuser" from the market.

Is all as I should expect?


As long as you open up a terminal and type su and you get # at the beginning of the prompt, that's all you need, as this means you have successfully gained root access.

Likewise if any app requiring root access works well you are ok also (Titanium Backup, ShootMe, etc...).

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