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16/Nov r1 - Stock Froyo ROM for the HTC Legend with Online Kitchen

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Guest lostunsunghero


fairly new to the subject of custom roms.

just a quick question. is installing this rom the same as debranding the phone? i.e. will installing this rom free me from vodafone handcufsf?

Guest Dr.Romca

fairly new to the subject of custom roms.

just a quick question. is installing this rom the same as debranding the phone? i.e. will installing this rom free me from vodafone handcufsf?

This works as an update, but you have to have your phone roted an it should de-brand your Legend. I personally didn't wipe and my all data are intact.

I used clockwork recovery...it's childsplay :-)

Go for it :-)

Guest Dr.Romca
Posted (edited)

Hi! Is anyone experiencing a certain slowdown in GPS syncronization? It feels as if the A-GPS didn't work....It took me around 15 minutes for the first time and now it takes around 4 minutes to GPS synced.

I am using Igo

Is it a bug or am I the only one?

Thanks! B)

edit: I upgraded Igo to version, I'll give it a roll tomorrow morning.

edit: The new version of iGo didn't help. Also google maps take for about 2 minutes before GPS sync, A-GPS knows immediately where I am with the low accuracy, but it seems that the information doesnt't get to GPS.

Edited by Dr.Romca
Guest lostunsunghero
This works as an update, but you have to have your phone roted an it should de-brand your Legend. I personally didn't wipe and my all data are intact.

I used clockwork recovery...it's childsplay :-)

Go for it :-)


thanks for the reply, im rooting my phone as we speak. ive already wiped my phone after backing up data and im going for a clean install on my phone. so just to clarify this ROM will remove vodafone branding? also whata re the benefits of installing a custom ROM without htc sense, im not a fan. anybody have any screenshots of what the legend is like without senseUI? and finally 1 more question, will i still be able to recieve OTA updates if i install a custom ROM, and if sodo i just install as normal or is there a special process required?

Guest Dr.Romca

thanks for the reply, im rooting my phone as we speak. ive already wiped my phone after backing up data and im going for a clean install on my phone...

Frankly, I like Sense, to me, it just makes sense :-) But seriously, if you root by the guide Paul provided here, your phone should already be de-branded. Now you might wanna check the XDA forum for sense-less ROMs - it requires registration to see screenshots, but it's well worth it, there are lots of people who do understand Android very well. And for the OTA updates, I believe all custom ROMs (if rooted or pre-rooted) have OTA upgrades disabled, so you will just have to wait for the developers to come up with the upgrade...(Please correct me someone if I'm wrong)

Hope your root went fine...

Guest lostunsunghero
Posted (edited)
Hope your root went fine...

hmm i thought i had bricked my phone for a second i cant get the step2-windows.bat file to load onto the phone, i get the warning triangle on the screen (which u are supposed to get) but then windows says the device is offline and stops the script from running. dunno what im doing wrong, phone still boots fine even though ive already run step1-windows.bat.

im annoyed somebody help me please.

EDIT: i think its cos when im in the hboot screen, and plug my phone in. Windows tries to reinstall drivers for my phone even though i already have, although thistime they come up as failed. it tries to install "android 1.0" driver and "my htc" driver. any ideas as to why its doing this? runnign windows 7 ultimate 64bit

EDIT: found the hboot fasloader driver i needed, do a google search if your stuck i cant remember the url

Edited by lostunsunghero
Guest StripLV
Did you select it in the kitchen? Was it the prebake or a custom bake?


I did not use kitchen. I just used stock rom and installed it via recovery manager and it was no more there.


After a REBOOT it was back. Strange....

Thanks anyway for your reply

Guest Dr.Romca

Hi Paul,

Do you know anything about the GPS syncronization issue? It takes a long time to sync up with the pre-bake. It took much less time with the 2.1 ROM I had before.

Anyone else experiencing this?

Thank you! :-)

Guest Dr.Romca
Posted (edited)
GPS Sync issue...

For those having the same issue, I created a patch zip file, it is signed, so install via clockwork or ROM Manager like a ROM. It deletes the original vodafone files, so don't be surprised ;-)

here it is:


Edited by Dr.Romca
Posted (edited)

Sorry guys but being a total retard I must have the dumbest question ever.

I got a 2.1 Legend right now that I debranded when I got it. But as you might know the 2.2 OTA that got released today doesn't want to install on debranded Legends.

If I want to flash this rom, all I have to do I download the free clockwork mod from the market, install it, download the rom from this topic and put it onto my sd card, reboot the phone with clockwork and install the rom?

No need for rooting, creating goldcards etc? but I DO need to do a full whipe as I come from a sense rom?

Edited by sj44k
  • 1 year later...
Guest Voryzen

Cheers Paul

Testing your kitchen here for the first time.

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