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03/Mar Gr26 - MoDaCo Custom ROM for Nexus One with Online Kitchen (2.3.3 / GRI54)

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You MUST WIPE YOUR DEVICE before flashing this ROM. This is due to the resigning of key components with the AOSP platform key, to facilitate skinning / customising etc.

Features at this time:

  • Based on the GRI54 (2.3.3) release (crespo merge)
  • Packaged for ClockworkMod
  • Rebuilt using the MoDaCo MCR optimisation scripts
  • MoDaCo Custom Kernel r3 (based on excellent work by Kali / Defer)
  • Full up to date Google experience + additional apps (including new look Market)
  • HSPA icon differentiation ('H' icon when transferring data via HSPA)
  • Insecure boot image
  • su / Superuser.apk root
  • Support for running scripts from /etc/init.d at startup
  • Terminfo support (for nano etc)
  • Busybox 1.18.1
  • Semi-transparent notification pull-down
  • STK from Gingerbread AOSP
  • Optional 'Spare Parts' app
  • Optional radio updates (latest update recommended!)
  • Removed Browser zoom buttons
  • framework-res and core libraries / apks are signed with the 'platform' certificate from AOSP, aiding those who wish to edit the framework-res / SystemUI.apk to theme. Simply extract, edit, resign with the platform certificate and push the file. Tidy.
  • Optional 'allow SIP over non-WiFi connections' in the kitchen
  • Reboot app and reboot option on power menu
  • Pre-patched for lilHermit's Trackball Alert application
  • Added 'Microbes' wallpaper
  • A bunch of other stuff that i've forgotten


    Prebake download
    • r26 (default options, with MoDaCo additions, Tweetdeck appearance pack, Internet Calling on non-wifi connections) - DOWNLOAD (Mediafire Pro) - MD5: 6e13adc1abe7a3dae5e91b42415a0f69
    • r26 (default options, with MoDaCo additions) - DOWNLOAD (Mediafire Pro) - MD5: 33f2a1c2142a4967b6aa4d37d75de50e
    • r26 (default options, without MoDaCo additions) - DOWNLOAD (Mediafire Pro) - MD5: 91155a262d83dc6b7e8582e7d8e18cb7

    Kitchen download

      [*]A online kitchen is also available below for you to bake a Custom Custom ROM. B)

      Future Updates - READ THIS!

      By providing this ROM I am not implying in any way that future updates will follow. Due to limits on my time and the fact that I have a large number of devices for short periods of time, it isn't possible for me to continue providing ROM updates indefinitely. Please do not donate / sign up on the assumption that future releases will be available (I don't want you to be disappointed!).

      And finally

      If you would like to show your appreciation for the ROM, please consider supporting MoDaCo by signing up for a MoDaCo Ad Free or MoDaCo Plus account, both of which also give you early access to Beta releases and access to the the online kitchens.



There may be a short wait while the load balancing software determines the best kitchen to serve your ROM. The kitchen should appear below within 20 seconds.




  • Added Custom Kernel
  • Work to add Desire support
  • Added Microbes wallpaper
  • Updated radio images
  • Other minor optimisations
    • Completely rebuilt and updated to Gingerbread 2.3.3 (GRI54)


      [*]Initial Release

Guest smith151
Posted (edited)
I'm pleased to present my Froyo based MoDaCo Custom ROM for the Google Nexus One! 23/Nov r24 - MoDaCo Custom ROM for Nexus One with Online Kitchen (2.2 / FRG83D)

There are r24 MCR already - Desire Port for Nexus One. May be r25 is the number of this release?

Edited by smith151

That's version 24 of the Desire port, this is version 24 of the stock ROM.


Guest smith151
Posted (edited)
That's version 24 of the Desire port, this is version 24 of the stock ROM.


Oh, thanks B)

Can't install radio image and delete "data/app/Development.apk":

----------- cut -----------

-- Installing: SDCARD:/ROMs/MCR/231110-1322-r24-update-nexusone-modacocustomcustomrom-unsigned-MD5-281d4d787d76a78d373fda9fc7c1112c.zip

I:Set boot command "boot-recovery"

Finding update package...

I:Update location: SDCARD:/ROMs/MCR/231110-1322-r24-update-nexusone-modacocustomcustomrom-unsigned-MD5-281d4d787d76a78d373fda9fc7c1112c.zip

Opening update package...

I:Update file path: /sdcard/ROMs/MCR/231110-1322-r24-update-nexusone-modacocustomcustomrom-unsigned-MD5-281d4d787d76a78d373fda9fc7c1112c.zip

Installing update...

I:Trying update-binary.

created by @paulobrien - http://www.MoDaCo.com

minzip: Can't create containing directory for "/data/app/Development.apk": File exists

set_perm: chown of /data/app to 1000 1000 failed: No such file or directory

set_perm: chmod of /data/app to 771 failed: No such file or directory

Writing Data

Writing System

----------- cut -----------

minzip: Extracted file "/system/xbin/busybox"

minzip: Extracted file "/system/xbin/su"

Writing BootE:emmc_open(): cannot find eMMC partition [boot]!

wrote boot partition from /tmp/boot.img

Writing Radio

will write radio firmware from /tmp/radio.img

Finishing Up

script result was [/system]

E:Error stat'ing /tmp/radio.img: No such file or directory

Installation aborted.

Failure at line 3:

install_zip SDCARD:/ROMs/MCR/231110-1322-r24-update-nexusone-modacocustomcustomrom-unsigned-MD5-281d4d787d76a78d373fda9fc7c1112c.zip

Edited by smith151
Guest smith151
Can't delete "data/app/Development.apk":

I has previous A2SD installation, so /data/app is the symlink to /system/sd/app. Maybe it is the reason of this error.

Guest groetting

Installation of new r24 rom with radio included fails with message E:Error stat`ing /tmp/radio.img: no such file or directory

Installation aborted


Radio flash image should be resolved, likewise the /data/app A2SD problem.


Guest smith151
Posted (edited)
Radio flash image should be resolved, likewise the /data/app A2SD problem.

New ROM was flashed successfully but some apps like Dev. Tools crashes. I'll try full wipe some times later.

Edited by smith151

Signed kitchen build is missing boot.img - I've removed some options that I don't need and am downloading a new version... and still no "boot.img" - is this intentional? Or should I add the boot.img from the unsigned version to the signed one ?


Works fine from r22 with radio and A2SD to r24 without radio and A2SD+

no wipe needed

Thanks Paul !

Guest superwario

Hey guys, I love this modaco custom ROM but i would love it if i could see the percentage on the status bar. Is there a hack that i can flash in order to achieve this? I know there is a hack for the desire ROM as well as cyanogen ROM but have yet to find one for pauls custom ROM. Thanks for any info!

Signed kitchen build is missing boot.img - I've removed some options that I don't need and am downloading a new version... and still no "boot.img" - is this intentional? Or should I add the boot.img from the unsigned version to the signed one ?

Huh, that's weird, lemme check that out!



I just did a signed build and boot image is present and correct?


Posted (edited)
I just did a signed build and boot image is present and correct?


I've got two here that don't have it. Let me try again!

Just spotted a difference between the page I was seeing and the page as it exists... When I downloaded the two signed builds originally there was no "Nexus One Core Files" option...

Alright - third times the charm, evidently. This one has boot.img in it.

Edited by d.haz

I am on a R21 FRF91, is it safe to flash this R24 without wipe?

Anyone already did it?




Trackball Alert is working, confirmed ?

I can test colors, flashing OK, but no notifications when screen is off

My Trackball Alert is installed from the Market

Guest smith151
New ROM was flashed successfully but some apps like Dev. Tools crashes. I'll try full wipe some times later.

Those apps crashes that require root permissions. Like AdFree or Dev. Tools. Tried to remount root and /system to RW but apps also crashes. Fixing permissions by Rom Manager and reinstalling su does not fix the problem.

Guest smith151
Posted (edited)

Another strange thing:

>adb shell

# su


# mount


mount: no /etc/mtab

# df -h

df -h

Filesystem				Size	  Used Available Use% Mounted on

df: /etc/mtab: No such file or directory

# ls /etc/fstab

ls /etc/fstab

ls: /etc/fstab: No such file or directory

Edited by smith151
Trackball Alert is working, confirmed ?

I can test colors, flashing OK, but no notifications when screen is off

My Trackball Alert is installed from the Market

Doesn't appear to be working. I can't patch the ROM (only lists r21 and when you try and patch manually it fails crc). Paul, maybe you could poke the TrackBall Alert dev to update support for r24?

Guest Regunus

Nice work! I'm currently on r23 but I'll wait a few days until I flash r24 to get the feedback!

btw any chance we'll see any 720p Camera - love on this one? B)

I am on a R21 FRF91, is it safe to flash this R24 without wipe?

Anyone already did it?



Yes, should be fine!


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