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[ROM]CDTeam FroYoMetal V3.1--SUPERFAST FROYO 06/07/2011

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Guest Dario93
Posted (edited)


Hi everyone!

Since the Acer Liquid Metal dump have been released by paugustine (A BIG BIG THANK TO YOU XD) CDTeam made a Metal-based ROM in a very short time ;) After collecting feedbacks from users and thanks to the great help of Auxx and Vache who collaborated to make the the FIX1 now the 3.1 version is ready!!

Here it's the changelog of latest version!

-Dolby Mobile (still working on it)

-Liquid Metal's Camera,with great photo and video quality ;)

-Fast modded Breeze launcher (thanks t&l team)

-Updated launcher,settings and other system apps

-Based on 4.002.14 (Official Froyo release)+ Metal 1.000.23

-Improved speed even with Acer UI

-Rooted and Busyboxed

-New "Android scribble" bootanimation

-Flashing process speed up,due to update-script shrinking


-FULL apps2sd support + Apps2sd gui

-Removed unuseful libraries


-Modded HTC IME themed by me

-No more Force closes in settings

-MASSIVE volume boost

-Liquid Settings 1.3 added (thanks gnufabio & enrix)

-Fixed build.prop in order to allow screen sensitivity changes

-3 Launchers: Breeze Launcher (acer),Stock 2.2 launcher,LauncherPro 0.8.5


-Swap & Compcache

-Removed XT9 and all related files

-Added "Skip song with camera button function" (thanks LCR team)

-Added Gingerbread keyboard

-Updated QuickBoot

-Tun/Tap modules

-Fixed icons layout in Acer Launcher

-Cifs.ko support

-Added RootExplorer from latest MIUI


-Fast as hell :P

-Great battery life

Our BUGTRACKER--REPORT BUGS HERE: http://code.google.com/p/liquid-cdteam/

Some suggestions and observations:

Acer UI is quite fast,but if you want to experience the best performances and battery drain,I suggest two options:

-Using LauncherPro *with* Acer UI (but because of the notification bar on bottom this could be unconfortable)

-Using Android UI with your favorite launcher


First boot will be quite long,just be patient. Also,after first boot,system won't be very stable,so I suggest to reboot 2/3 times to get the best stability :)


-Dolby still not integrated,due to some incompatibilities with frameworks (But there's DSP manager of course)

Known bugs:

nothing to report,contact me if you find one or use CDTeam bugtracker

Remember that a donation is always appreciated! B)

DOWNLOAD LINK V3.1: http://www.mediafire.com/?614cvn2cd8m924t


If you have problems with the "next song with camera" function, flash this: http://www.multiupload.com/MDF0WVZS12

Older versions:

So here's the DOWNLOAD LINK V1: [url="http://www.multiupload.com/8NGC6HN4CT"]http://www.multiupload.com/8NGC6HN4CT[/url]

And here the fix1 for V1 from Auxx & Vache: [url="http://hexmode.org/acer-liquid/cdt_fm_patch_01.zip"]http://hexmode.org/acer-liquid/cdt_fm_patch_01.zip[/url]

[b]AND HERE DOWNLOAD V2---> [url="http://www.multiupload.com/UU8VON2E25"]http://www.multiupload.com/UU8VON2E25[/url][/b]

[b]DOWNLOAD LINK V2.5---> [url="http://www.multiupload.com/LK6RUXS967"]http://www.multiupload.com/LK6RUXS967[/url][/b]

DOWNLOAD LINK V2.75 :[list]
[*]FULL: [url="http://www.multiupload.com/Y1VVM00O35"]http://www.multiupload.com/Y1VVM00O35[/url]
[*]LITE: [url="http://www.multiupload.com/RZUT45F9YF"]http://www.multiupload.com/RZUT45F9YF[/url] [/b]
[/list][size=3][b]DOWNLOAD LINK V3 : [url="http://www.mediafire.com/?o363686xlwq8wd6"]http://www.mediafire.com/?o363686xlwq8wd6[/url][/b][/size]


[size=3][b]News on next releases: [/b][/size]

Next release V4 will be based on latest metal dump,and the stream dump will be merged to have Dolby working ;)

In the meanwhile,a new project started: We're porting Liquid Metal's GingerBread 2.3.4 . Stay tuned for updates!! :P

[u][b]Credits to[/b][/u]: [b]Vache[/b] and[b] Auxx[/b],who collaborated to make the FIX1 for the major issues of the ROM, so a[b] BIG BIG[/b] thank to you! Also thanks to [b]joos [/b],in fact I used the bootimg from his 0.4 ROM in earlier Froyometal releases. Thanks also to lgcmn and t&l team,that helped me with some fixes. Also,thanks to gnufabio,who helped me to integrate LiquidSettings in this ROM and provided me a new amazing kernel with updated modules. Moreover a special thank to [b]Harness[/b],my team mate,and last but not least,all the users who provided feedback helping a lot to focusize the work on specific bugs! [b]Thanks also to all my team mates! :P[/b]

Enjoy this [b]community[/b] ROM then,

Dario from CDTeam

Edited by Dario93
Guest Dario93
Nice! Just a question: What works and what doesn't?

Testing is almost finished! B) ATM i can say that all runs smooth! :)

Guest Piter1225

Cool to see you so active guys. Wish you luck with your further development. Will test your ROM as soon it will be out.

Guest masstony

Sorry for the question, but this rom win run only on liquid E or also on liquid with 256 megs?

Guest Dario93
Sorry for the question, but this rom win run only on liquid E or also on liquid with 256 megs?

Also on 256 MB Liquid B)

Guest masstony
Also on 256 MB Liquid B)

Great man.....I will try, take all the time you need....Thank you! :)

Guest Dario93
You mean all hardware working?

Anyway looking forward to it.

Yes,all hardware fully working :) The only thing that is giving me problems is Dolby..working on it B)

Guest Dario93
Cool to see you so active guys. Wish you luck with your further development. Will test your ROM as soon it will be out.

Thanks piter, a comment by a good dev is always appreciated B)

Guest HustlinDaily

Awesome!! You are sick!

Can't wait to see this out.

Guest HustlinDaily

Does the camera do 720p? I am guessing no, but just wondering



waiting your good news. i will be test.

good luck. B)

Guest arkoudigr

Does it have fm radio support? Thank you for your time B)

Guest umair9001
Does it have fm radio support? Thank you for your time B)

FM Radio support is only in custom kernels..this is the stock rom of acer metal plus the customization by CDTeam..

Nice work guys..can't wait to try something new.. :)

Guest Dario93

Finished testing,now i'm at school and i'm writing from my Liquid "Metal" B)

Guest Dario93
Will ths rom be oc able?

You can flash the Froyo OC kernel but you will lose some hardware features,as always B)

Posted (edited)
Finished testing,now i'm at school and i'm writing from my Liquid "Metal" B)

hi Dario i'm italian too, i cant wait to test your room his include root bb? thanks and god school

Edited by devkon
Guest menomen

Great, but how is batterylife, and does it run on 800mhz by default?

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