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[ROM]CDTeam FroYoMetal V3.1--SUPERFAST FROYO 06/07/2011

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Guest Nando77

Hi, Thanks for your excellente job... I'm Colombian and my english is very very poor but i try write it.... see you later and thanks again!

Guest Dario93
Hi, Thanks for your excellente job... I'm Colombian and my english is very very poor but i try write it.... see you later and thanks again!

Good to see satisfied users :P

Guest Ramdanih
So, while italian guys enjoy their time with girls I've made a patch to fix WiFi, Browser and CamCoder. All the credits go to Vache - he provided working Camera.apk and he told me how to fix WiFi, so the only thing I did was fixing Browser.apk and packing it all into update.zip.

Browser.apk is taken from last leak - most of the work is done by libwebcore anyway. So I thought it would not really matter. FCs in settings and XT9 are not fixed, because I'm lazy (they just don't matter to me, actually).

Now you can go and download update.zip (: Put it onto your SD card, run Malez Recovery and flash it.

If WiFi won't work, then install Root Explorer, go to folder /data/misc/wifi, delete file called wifi_supplicant.conf and folder called sockets if any of those exist. Now try to start WiFi again - it should work.

Once again - thanks Vache! And thanks Dario and Andrea! You all made it happen!

P.S. Mirror #1, Mirror #2.

for Dario93

can you update page one..

This is fix some bug in this ROM.. :P



i have some force close on XT9 app and android.com :P

reflash rom (three times) same thing

reflash .bin and rom again :'(

Do you have ideas? please

Guest Ramdanih
Posted (edited)

i have some force close on XT9 app and android.com :D

reflash rom (three times) same thing

reflash .bin and rom again :'(

Do you have ideas? please

you can switch to android keyboard.. :P

Edited by Ramdanih
Guest Dario93

@Radmanih: Ok,thanks for the suggestion,first post updated!

@barni: A fix for corrupted XT9 Input Method is coming :P

@barni: A fix for corrupted XT9 Input Method is coming :P



Guest Dario93

Now CDTeam has a logo!! Check first post and give your opinions! :P

Guest vinicio1979

i' v installed fix but don't work ( ACER A1)

i'v installed with malez with update.zip

Guest Dario93
i' v installed fix but don't work ( ACER A1)

i'v installed with malez with update.zip

For all the people who didn't manage to install the fix,i'm uploading the V2 of the ROM,with ALL bugs fixed :P

Guest vinicio1979
For all the people who didn't manage to install the fix,i'm uploading the V2 of the ROM,with ALL bugs fixed :P

thx :D

Guest Vlad Pisarev
Posted (edited)
FCs in settings and XT9 are not fixed

This reply stops me!

When will be this bugs fix?

Edited by Vlad Pisarev
Now CDTeam has a logo!! Check first post and give your opinions! :D

Bello. Too bad that the flag colors are reversed :P !!!

Guest Dario93
This reply stops me!

When will be this bugs fix?

With V2,upload in progress (ETA:23 minutes)

Guest Vlad Pisarev
With V2,upload in progress (ETA:23 minutes)

You are THE MAN! I like you work! Thx :P

Guest Dario93
Bello. Too bad that the flag colors are reversed :P !!!


Cavolo,me ne sono accorto solo ora! :D Appena il grafico ha un attimo di tempo glielo faccio rifare :D


Guest Vlad Pisarev
Posted (edited)

Cavolo,me ne sono accorto solo ora! :D Appena il grafico ha un attimo di tempo glielo faccio rifare :P


Моя твоя не понимать... :D

About the logo: I think, it's very boring and very dark...

Edited by Vlad Pisarev
Guest Ramdanih
With V2,upload in progress (ETA:23 minutes)

waiting.. :P

btw, if using usb storage why the word is format sd???

Guest Dario93
waiting.. :P

btw, if using usb storage why the word is format sd???

Sorry,but i didn't understand your problem. Can you explain it better? :D

Guest Andrea1Liquid
Sorry,but i didn't understand your problem. Can you explain it better? :P

Dario, he's saying that the first time you connect the phone to the PC as USB Mass storage device the phone will prompt you to format your SD. Simply ignore it and it won't come again :D

Guest Ramdanih
Dario, he's saying that the first time you connect the phone to the PC as USB Mass storage device the phone will prompt you to format your SD. Simply ignore it and it won't come again :P

Yes.. by the way, sry for my english.. my english is very bad.. :D

Guest starnav
Dario, he's saying that the first time you connect the phone to the PC as USB Mass storage device the phone will prompt you to format your SD. Simply ignore it and it won't come again :P

I press ok or cancel?

if I press cancel and I reconnect the phone as USB Mass storage, the phone asks me again to format my SD...

Guest Andrea1Liquid
I press ok or cancel?

if I press cancel and I reconnect the phone as USB Mass storage, the phone asks me again to format my SD...

Have you an ext2 partition on SD?

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