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Guest hucqim80
Posted (edited)

Clockwork Recovery For MI700/N700/Viewpad 7/..

Flashing ClockworkMod Recovery


Make sure your devices is rooted.. if not get SuperOneClickv1.5.5 and follow this guide


Clockwork recovery

copy it to the root of your sdcard..( /sdcard/cwrecovery.img )



unzip it and copy it to the root of your sdcard..( /sdcard/flash_image )

Run Terminal Emulator (make sure you hold it in portrait position)



press "enter"

then type the following to copy the flash_image to system/bin

cp /sdcard/flash_image /system/bin

press "enter"

Install flash_image

Run Terminal Emulator



press "enter"

then type:

chmod 755 /system/bin/flash_image

press "enter"

Backup your stock recovery:

First check your recovery partition..


cat /proc/mtd

From there you'll see the recovery partition..

To backup the recovery..

cat /dev/mtd/mtd3 > /sdcard/orirecovery.img

Flashing the Clockwork recovery

Run Terminal Emulator



press "enter"

then type:

flash_image recovery /sdcard/cwrecovery.img

press "enter"

In case you want to restore your recovery..

flash_image recovery /sdcard/orirecovery.img

Backing up your rom image

Turn off your devices..when its finally switch off..hold down both vol+ and vol- and at the same time press the power button..you will be booting in Clockwork recovery mode..

Choose Backup/Restore from the option..this will take some time..once finish making backup..choose Reboot..check your backup in /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/<date-and-time>/


Busybox 1.17.2 included with script to install..unzip it and copy the busybox and the install script to root of sdcard..

Install Using ADB:Working on windows only with adb inside the cdrom..

Run adb shell


cd /sdcard

sh ./installbusybox.sh

Install using Terminal Emulator:


the run the command inside the script, manually, line by line..


Changes: Fix Power Button to always enabled

: Home button toggle display

:Back button go back

Bug : Double key input still there (Volume - & +)remedy.. hold it to highlight a line,release it to highlight next line..

Edited by hucqim80
Guest FatherD

Excellent quick guide ... I did this after a bit of research over at XDA when I first got the N700, nice to see it posted up!

Guest fresh87

Pardon my "noobishness" but can I just use z4root to root it then apply the clockworkmod and then apply Paul's custom rom?

Guest hucqim80
Excellent quick guide ... I did this after a bit of research over at XDA when I first got the N700, nice to see it posted up!

Thanks FatherD..hope this would help people backup their stock rom before flashing custom rom..

Guest hucqim80
Excellent quick guide ... I did this after a bit of research over at XDA when I first got the N700, nice to see it posted up!

Thanks FatherD..hope this would help people backup their stock rom before flashing custom rom..

Pardon my "noobishness" but can I just use z4root to root it then apply the clockworkmod and then apply Paul's custom rom?

Haven't tried z4root..not sure how it works..but your step was right..backup with clockworkmod first then apply Paul's MCR..so that you have option to revert back to stock rom..

Guest steviesteve

So I did the clockwork mod install, backed up the original partitions to the SD card and then flashed the custom MCR i made. Everythings fine thanks to Pauls good work but how do I recover the original OS on my commtiva if I have any warranty issues? ADB doesnt seem to see the device anymore!!! Panic!

Guest Xybirium
Clockwork Recovery For MI700/N700/Viewpad 7/..

Flashing ClockworkMod Recovery


Make sure your devices is rooted.. if not get SuperOneClickv1.5.5 and follow this guide


Clockwork recovery

copy it to the root of your sdcard..( /sdcard/cwrecovery.img )



unzip it and copy it to the root of your sdcard..( /sdcard/flash_image )

Run Terminal Emulator (make sure you hold it in portrait position)



press "enter"

then type the following to copy the flash_image to system/bin

cp /sdcard/flash_image /system/bin

press "enter"

Install flash_image

Run Terminal Emulator



press "enter"

then type:

chmod 4755 /system/bin/flash_image

press "enter"

Flashing the Clockwork recovery

Run Terminal Emulator



press "enter"

then type:

flash_image recovery /sdcard/cwrecovery.img

press "enter"

Backing up your rom image

Turn off your devices..when its finally switch off..hold down both vol+ and vol- and at the same time press the power button..you will be booting in Clockwork recovery mode..

"To move around in this mode you will be using Vol+ and Vol-...to move to a single line press and hold the Vol- or +..release it..it will move to another line..to select it press the Power button(if you get blank screen, press the Power button again and move around with Vol-and+ until you see back menu button disabled/enabled and select it again with Power button)

Choose Backup/Restore from the option..this will take some time..once finish making backup..choose Reboot..check your backup in /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/<date-and-time>/


Changes: Fix Power Button to always enabled

Home button toggle display

Bug : Double key input still there (Volume - & +)

Could you also just mention that BusyBox needs to be installed. I realised that I hadn't installed it after browsing the internet.

Guest hucqim80
I'm gonna post the stock ROM on Monday.


Hi Paul,

I've build my own custom rom from my nandroid backup..I could get the phone to on but not registering to any network and the wifi tether still got error when I turn it on..then I've found out that inside the hidden partition there is full apns-conf.xml and some other interesting thing..there is also init.cust.sh..could you look into it?

Guest hucqim80
Posted (edited)
I took a dump of the stock 'hidden' partition.


I've give the MCR with full apps from online kitchen to another mi700 user who have upgrade to build_id 5012_3_16I..he could install it without any problem..mine is 5012_3_140 maybe this is the problem..how to fix this?

ROMManager support available now..

Edited by hucqim80
Guest steviesteve
I'm gonna post the stock ROM on Monday.


Any news on that stock ROM Paul?

Any news on that stock ROM Paul?

after upgrade rom 5012_3_16, no network " error while searching for networks"

what should i need to do PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! ;) :P

Guest steviesteve

Hi all - I did the backup of the original partitions using the cat /dev/mtd commands and I have 10 assorted .img files on my sdcard caled mtd0 to mtd10. I didnt do a ROM backup using clockwork though :P

How do I write these files back to the device to restore to original setup? furthermore, without making a note of the original partition table, how do I know which file belongs to which partition? Is one of these files like a standard rom? Can I just rename and restore using clockwork?

any help you can give is greatfully appreciated ;)

Guest hucqim80
Hi all - I did the backup of the original partitions using the cat /dev/mtd commands and I have 10 assorted .img files on my sdcard caled mtd0 to mtd10. I didnt do a ROM backup using clockwork though :P

How do I write these files back to the device to restore to original setup? furthermore, without making a note of the original partition table, how do I know which file belongs to which partition? Is one of these files like a standard rom? Can I just rename and restore using clockwork?

any help you can give is greatfully appreciated ;)

replied your PM

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest GrandMstrBud
Posted (edited)

Busybox will not install. I am rooted and have clockwork recovery installed but can not get busybox to install.

EDIT: I got it to install by doing it line by line. Now are their any other custom ROMs for this and is there a way to OC this? I have the N700 WiFi 3G model.

Edited by GrandMstrBud
  • 5 weeks later...
Guest lamination


I saw there post about porting Clockwork recovery on FIH-FM6 clone(Commtiva N700 / Spice Mi700 / ViewSonic ViewPad 7 / Camangi FM600) and try follow all the instructions.

I have noname brand device(same as mention above) with Android 1.6 onboard and try to upgrade it to 2.2.

First problem was with rooting device - SuperOneClickv(1.4 and 1.5.5) didn't work - when process finish and try su, it says that library 'libbinder.so' not found.

I solve it by rooting device with universalandroot - su now worked.

Second problem, which stopped me - installing Clockwork recovery.

I wrote image with flash_image - and when rebooting in recovery mode it write

"Booting Recovery From Flash" and hangs.

As I think - this because of I havn't additional mtd8 partition "misc2"

# cat /proc/mtd

cat /proc/mtd

dev: size erasesize name

mtd0: 00500000 00020000 "boot"

mtd1: 00200000 00020000 "misc"

mtd2: 00080000 00020000 "splash"

mtd3: 00500000 00020000 "recovery"

mtd4: 00500000 00020000 "ftm"

mtd5: 01000000 00020000 "hidden"

mtd6: 00060000 00020000 "dbgmsk"

mtd7: 0a000000 00020000 "system"

mtd8: 06400000 00020000 "cache"

mtd9: 0ab80000 00020000 "userdata"

Anybody know workaround to correct install this new recovery?

May be need some changes in recovery or reformatting nand flash partiotions?

Additional issues, that a mention with this device:

1) Native recovery, shipped with device, suggest only reboot and install update.zip, but no keys are working.

Also it prints

E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command

2) When trying install recovery from ROMManager, pressing "Flash ClockworkMod Recovery" -

it cheking smth about 5 seconds and then nothing happend.

  • 1 month later...
Guest maljay48

Hi all. Can anybody provide another link to the flash image.zip file. I've been trying to download it from that rotten uploading.com site for 3 days now, but get the messages either the server holding the file is busy or I have exceeded my download limit even when I haven't downloaded any thing and it's driving me nuts. It's taken me 3 days to download Clockwork recovery and at this rate it's going to take me 3 years to download the rest!!

Guest FatherD
Hi all. Can anybody provide another link to the flash image.zip file. I've been trying to download it from that rotten uploading.com site for 3 days now, but get the messages either the server holding the file is busy or I have exceeded my download limit even when I haven't downloaded any thing and it's driving me nuts. It's taken me 3 days to download Clockwork recovery and at this rate it's going to take me 3 years to download the rest!!

Here you go!


  • 3 weeks later...
Guest msiviter

Any chance of a mirror for the Clockwork recovery too, the server in the first post is down or not giving up its files.


Guest FatherD
Any chance of a mirror for the Clockwork recovery too, the server in the first post is down or not giving up its files.


Got your PM ... I do believe this is it :D


Guest sonny_wong
Posted (edited)

please upload Clockwork recovery here, i can't download from uploading.com,


thanks FatherD, for the answer :D

Edited by sonny_wong
Guest James Kei
Posted (edited)

Hi 'hucqim80'

I got it working finally, but the UP/DOWN key keep jumping twice per click.....


Edited by James Kei
Guest david710903
Posted (edited)

why I can not

cp /sdcard/flash_image /system/bin

it SAY not find sdcard??



cd /sdcard

sh ./installbusybox.sh

the SAME say not find sdcard

anyway I can not use sdcard with the syntax

mY phone is Camangi FM600 IN taiwan is VPAD

Edited by david710903

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