Guest pbando Posted November 26, 2010 Report Posted November 26, 2010 (edited) I've already posted the modules a month ago in the openvpn topic but good to separate. I managed to complie the cifs.ko kernel module which can be used for connecting SAMBA/CIFS shares e.g Windows Shares. Tested wth R4 2.1 Eclair. Compilation was according to this guide, unfortunalty I dont remember the exact compling options but tried to be as compatible as possible: Usage (phone should be rooted): 1) Copy the cifs.ko to /system/lib/modules/ using Root Explorer or by adb + R+W remounting ( 2) use Cifsmanager from market: - Menu -> Add New Share --- Share Point: windowsnetbiosnameOrIPaddress/sharename, examples: ( or mycomputername/music etc) --- mount point : I've created a "mnt" forder on the SDCARD with Filer/ASTRO filemanager and I'm using that: /sdcard/mnt --- Username/password your windows (or samba) username and password for the share - Settings: --- load CIFS module: YES --- load via insmod: yes --- path to cifs.ko: /system/lib/modules/cifs.ko Ive tried only with my NMT mediaplayer and Asus router (e.g linux based devices) and not tried with windows XP or 7. From terminal you can use the standard linux command: su insmod /system/lib/modules/cifs.ko mount -t cifs //netbiosname/sharename /media/sharename -o username=winusername, Edited November 27, 2010 by pbando
Guest hergetintin Posted November 26, 2010 Report Posted November 26, 2010 Should this work across all 2.1 / 2.2 ROMs?
Guest factro Posted November 26, 2010 Report Posted November 26, 2010 i think there is easier way to access Windows share/SAMBA, just use ES File Explore where we can access LAN. But good effort, :P..can you do other way share folder from Blade??..
Guest hergetintin Posted November 26, 2010 Report Posted November 26, 2010 i think there is easier way to access Windows share/SAMBA, just use ES File Explore where we can access LAN. But good effort, :P..can you do other way share folder from Blade??.. The issue with doing it that way is that you are unable to work with a lot of video file types etc. as the es file explorer player cannot play them and an alternative cannot be specified for LAN shares. Additionally having the shares actually mounted locally will allow any media software etc. to see them as if they were simply on the SD card itself - which opens up many more possibilities for use.
Guest factro Posted November 26, 2010 Report Posted November 26, 2010 (edited) The issue with doing it that way is that you are unable to work with a lot of video file types etc. as the es file explorer player cannot play them and an alternative cannot be specified for LAN shares. Additionally having the shares actually mounted locally will allow any media software etc. to see them as if they were simply on the SD card itself - which opens up many more possibilities for use. oo I get it..ya i really wanted that..:P..when ever i try to play video it first copy to SD card and then play it..and its not fun..:D..let me try your way then.. cheers mate. Edited November 26, 2010 by factro
Guest factro Posted November 26, 2010 Report Posted November 26, 2010 (edited) double post..:P Edited November 26, 2010 by factro
Guest XmichaelX Posted November 26, 2010 Report Posted November 26, 2010 Good stuff! Saves copying files to sdcard. Is there a decent video player that doesnt stutter or have audio lag? Or are my videos too intensive?
Guest hergetintin Posted November 26, 2010 Report Posted November 26, 2010 oo I get it..ya i really wanted that..:P..when ever i try to play video it first copy to SD card and then play it..and its not fun..:D..let me try your way then.. cheers mate. Yep that's pretty much exactly what you gain here, you can genuinely stream the data rather than waiting to copy it all before you start using. Good stuff! Saves copying files to sdcard. Is there a decent video player that doesnt stutter or have audio lag? Or are my videos too intensive? Rockplayer is pretty good, what sort of resolutions / formats are we talking here?
Guest factro Posted November 26, 2010 Report Posted November 26, 2010 (edited) I am having problem with terminal. See the snapshot and help me..plzz and also other thing,,command are incomplete at first post..we need to do su to get root permission. Edited November 26, 2010 by factro
Guest pbando Posted November 27, 2010 Report Posted November 27, 2010 I am having problem with terminal. See the snapshot and help me..plzz and also other thing,,command are incomplete at first post..we need to do su to get root permission. OK, so we need to do su first and execute the commans without sudo. For me it works, just tried, which ROM you are using?
Guest hergetintin Posted November 27, 2010 Report Posted November 27, 2010 Should this work across all 2.1 / 2.2 ROMs? ?
Guest factro Posted November 27, 2010 Report Posted November 27, 2010 ? I am using FLB-Froyo G2 for ZTE Blade (Beta).
Guest factro Posted November 27, 2010 Report Posted November 27, 2010 (edited) I am still having same problem, its says failed to (Exec format error).. Can someone verify the attachment post at first post..?? I think its cropped. Edited November 27, 2010 by factro
Guest factro Posted November 27, 2010 Report Posted November 27, 2010 I think it will not run in 2.2. :P
Guest pbando Posted November 27, 2010 Report Posted November 27, 2010 (edited) Ive redownloaded from this post,extracted and works fine. Note that Ive complied it from 2.1 kernel from ZTE side, most probably it works only under 2.1 ROMS. I dont know where is the 2.2 leaked kernel used for froyo. Edited November 27, 2010 by pbando
Guest factro Posted November 27, 2010 Report Posted November 27, 2010 Ive redownloaded from this post,extracted and works fine. Note that Ive complied it from 2.1 kernel from ZTE side, most probably it works only under 2.1 ROMS. I dont know where is the 2.2 leaked kernel used for froyo. ok thanks you for your effort. I dont want to use 2.1 i will wait for 2.2. cheers :P
Guest balchy Posted November 29, 2010 Report Posted November 29, 2010 I've already posted the modules a month ago in the openvpn topic but good to separate. I managed to complie the cifs.ko kernel module which can be used for connecting SAMBA/CIFS shares e.g Windows Shares. Tested wth R4 2.1 Eclair. Compilation was according to this guide, unfortunalty I dont remember the exact compling options but tried to be as compatible as possible: Usage (phone should be rooted): 1) Copy the cifs.ko to /system/lib/modules/ using Root Explorer or by adb + R+W remounting ( 2) use Cifsmanager from market: - Menu -> Add New Share --- Share Point: windowsnetbiosnameOrIPaddress/sharename, examples: ( or mycomputername/music etc) --- mount point : I've created a "mnt" forder on the SDCARD with Filer/ASTRO filemanager and I'm using that: /sdcard/mnt --- Username/password your windows (or samba) username and password for the share - Settings: --- load CIFS module: YES --- load via insmod: yes --- path to cifs.ko: /system/lib/modules/cifs.ko Ive tried only with my NMT mediaplayer and Asus router (e.g linux based devices) and not tried with windows XP or 7. From terminal you can use the standard linux command: su insmod /system/lib/modules/cifs.ko mount -t cifs //netbiosname/sharename /media/sharename -o username=winusername,password=winpassword I can confirm it works with XP Pro shares, ... however, the directory names are weird the first time the share is accessed - the mount name is prepended to the directory name, but leaving then re-entering the shared directory resolves it.
Guest ZTE_Blade Posted October 10, 2011 Report Posted October 10, 2011 Dear author! I know that there are some blade 2.2 kernels in internet. Maybe, you can make cifs.ko for 2.2? I have stock ROM and don't want to change it to custom before my warranty end. Or please, if you can't make cifs.ko for 2.2, maybe you can show some "how to" for doing it yourself?
Guest t0mm13b Posted October 11, 2011 Report Posted October 11, 2011 Dear author! I know that there are some blade 2.2 kernels in internet. Maybe, you can make cifs.ko for 2.2? I have stock ROM and don't want to change it to custom before my warranty end. Or please, if you can't make cifs.ko for 2.2, maybe you can show some "how to" for doing it yourself? You will need to extract the kernel configuration from your Froyo ROM by decompressing /proc/config.gz, zcat /proc/config.gz > /sdcard/current_froyo_config.txt Pull down the kernel sources that matches the configuration, not sure what kernel was used in Froyo, been ages, and anyway am on CM7, think it was .32 - cannot remember, anyway, look in for TomG's Kernel sources. Via make ARCH=arm menuconfig, look in Filesystems > Network Filesystems, and in there you can select CIFS. Then proceed to recompile the kernel by way of make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$CCOMPILE. If this does not make sense, you can easily and simply use 'ES File Explorer' application that has that built in. :)
Guest sej7278 Posted October 13, 2011 Report Posted October 13, 2011 Dear author! I know that there are some blade 2.2 kernels in internet. Maybe, you can make cifs.ko for 2.2? I have stock ROM and don't want to change it to custom before my warranty end. Or please, if you can't make cifs.ko for 2.2, maybe you can show some "how to" for doing it yourself? how are you going to replace the kernel, or a kernel module on a stock rom - you're going to need to root it at least, which probably invalidates your warranty anyway.
Guest daviddesevilla Posted June 14, 2016 Report Posted June 14, 2016 Please, could you upload again the module?? Thanks daid
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