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08 Aug Gr15 GRJ22: MoDaCo Custom ROM for the Samsung Nexus S with Online Kitchen

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You MUST WIPE YOUR DEVICE before flashing this ROM UNLESS you are upgrading from an earlier release. This is due to the resigning of key components with the AOSP platform key, to facilitate skinning / customising etc.

Features at this time:

  • Based on the GRJ22 (2.3.4) release
  • Packaged for ClockworkMod
  • Rebuilt using the MoDaCo MCR optimisation scripts
  • Includes MCK custom kernel with TUN and CIFS modules
  • Incorporates supercurio's EXT4 performance tweak
  • Full up to date Google experience + additional apps (including new look Market)
  • HSPA icon differentiation ('H' icon when transferring data via HSPA)
  • Insecure boot image
  • su / Superuser.apk root
  • Support for running scripts from /etc/init.d at startup
  • Terminfo support (for nano etc)
  • Busybox
  • Optional 'allow SIP over non-WiFi connections' in the kitchen
  • Semi-transparent notification pull-down
  • Optional 'Spare Parts' app
  • Optional radio updates (latest update recommended!)
  • Removed Browser zoom buttons
  • framework-res and core libraries / apks are signed with the 'platform' certificate from AOSP, aiding those who wish to edit the framework-res / SystemUI.apk to theme. Simply extract, edit, resign with the platform certificate and push the file.
  • A bunch of other stuff that i've forgotten

    Installation is recommended via ClockworkMod recovery, which MUST be version or above. ENSURE YOU HAVE A NANDROID BACKUP BEFORE FLASHING!


    Prebake download

    • Gr15 (default kitchen options below) - DOWNLOAD (Mediafire Pro) - MD5: ba527ad6b4956e14951c1f0eb70b0ac3

    Kitchen download

      [*]A online kitchen is also available below for you to bake a Custom Custom ROM. :)

      Future Updates - READ THIS!

      By providing this ROM I am not implying in any way that future updates will follow. Due to limits on my time and the fact that I have a large number of devices for short periods of time, it isn't possible for me to continue providing ROM updates indefinitely. Please do not donate / sign up on the assumption that future releases will be available (I don't want you to be disappointed!).

      And finally

      If you would like to show your appreciation for the ROM, please consider supporting MoDaCo by signing up for a MoDaCo Ad Free or MoDaCo Plus account, both of which also give you early access to Beta releases and access to the the online kitchens.



There may be a short wait while the load balancing software determines the best kitchen to serve your ROM. The kitchen should appear below within 20 seconds.



Gr15 08/Aug

  • Updated to latest 2.3.4 release
  • Updated all components
  • Fully rebuilt with latest MCR build process

    Gr14 08/Mar

    • Fixed UK english localisation text for USB mount
    • Made power button reboot menu optional in kitchen
    • Fixed Arabic pack with RTL
    • Added kitchen option for Honeycomb streaming music player

      r13 01/Mar

      • Updated to GRI54 (2.3.3) update

        r12 01/Mar

        • Rebuilt on GRI40 (2.3.3) OTA update
        • Updated all components
        • Added optional radio updates (including GRI54 version)

          r11 08/Feb

          • Re-optimised with improved MCRprocess
          • Updated Maps
          • Restored version information in 'about' screen

            r10 24/Jan

            • Updated to GRH78C
            • Updated Arabic pack to 23/Jan release
            • Re-added 'internet calling without wifi' prebake

              r9 19/Jan

              • Updated to prevent RIL writing bin files to /sdcard
              • Fixed Thinkfree Office crash
              • AdFree removed from the kitchen (Market version now fixed for Gingerbread)

                r8 14/Jan

                • Fix for corrupt images on unlock sliders
                • Performance / size optimised framework-res

                  r7 14/Jan

                  • Reboot option on power menu fixes
                  • Updated Android Market (more 'gingerbready' icons)

                    r6 12/Jan

                    • Reboot option on power menu with reboot utility app
                    • Spare Parts crash on battery history fixed
                    • Removed zoom buttons from Browser
                    • Optional fixed bigtincan AdFree app
                    • r5 refresh (kitchen builds only until r6) 11/Jan

                        [*]Added MoDaCo reboot utility

                        r5 11/Jan

                          [*]Semi-transparent notification pull-down

                          [*]STK from Gingerbread AOSP

                          [*]Updated Gingerbread Spare Parts

                          r4 10/Jan

                            [*]MCK (MoDaCo Custom Kernel) 1.0

                            [*]TUN and CIFS modules

                            [*]The ROM now uses seperate fingerprints for checkin and market

                            r3 refresh 30/Dec

                              [*]Fixed Google Earth crash

                              r3 29/Dec

                                [*]Further enhancements to removing the OTA nag

                                [*]Optional 'allow SIP over non-WiFi connections' in the kitchen

                                r2 24/Dec

                                  [*]Online Kitchen now available with optional GRH55 fingerprint (without update nag)

                                  r2 WIP 23/Dec

                                    [*]Updated to incorporate the GRH78 OTA

                                    [*]Added supercurio's EXT4 performance tweak

                                    r1 WIP 22/Dec

                                      [*]Initial Release


Just to re-iterate what i've said in the intial topic, a wipe before install is MANDATORY, the ONLY exception to this is if you are upgrading from my r1 release.



I see GRH78 is rolling - i'll merge that into this when I have the OTA URL.


Guest KenAnthony
I see GRH78 is rolling - i'll merge that into this when I have the OTA URL.


sweet.. ill be waiting on the update to be included... thanks for this!!

Guest GodDriven
Posted (edited)

Hello Paul! Nice To Be Home Again!

First I would like to say Thank You for Your work and contribution! ;)

Quick question about the HSPA Signal: When you mention HSPA you mean HSPDA for Your U.S. Counterpart Friends Like me right? Or is there any Differnce from UK versions to US Versions? Since The device is Tech not HSPA Ready :)


Once Again, hat tip goes to Paul, First Rom on The Nexus S just Like the Nexus One.

Edited by GodDriven

The device is HSPA ready, but not HSPA+ ready.



Guest GodDriven
Posted (edited)
The device is HSPA ready, but not HSPA+ ready.



D'Oh :)

I forgot about HSPA+... Thats The Difference!

You always come through P.. Thanks!

Edited by GodDriven
Guest jollerbarn

Sorry for the off-topic here, but what weather widget is that on the screen shot?

Guest jollerbarn
Sorry for the off-topic here, but what weather widget is that on the screen shot?

Nevermind me, I'm an idiot.. hadn't noticed the stock android widget had a "weather only" option.



r2 WIP 23/Dec

  • Updated to incorporate the GRH78 OTA
  • Added supercurio's EXT4 performance tweak

Guest monkeydrufy

thanks, I'm waiting for the nexus and for the kitchen :)

Guest MistaJae
Posted (edited)

Thanks Paul! I'm looking to try this r2 ROM, but I have a noobish issue.

I rooted using your superboot method (which worked perfectly - I now get the open padlock when I boot the phone & have FULL root :) ). I installed Clockwork recovery 3 via ROM manager & it says current installed version is 3.0.0.

How do I actually access Clockwork recovery to do a nandroid backup? (Vol up + Power brings me to fastboot, but then I get the standard Android recovery)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance!

EDIT: I just re-flashed the recovery via fastboot now Clockwork is working... time to try this ROM...

Edited by MistaJae
Guest AndiTails

Hi Paul,

Flashing from ClockworkMod, I wipe Dalvik, then Factory Reset, and Cache again, just to make sure. Flash - seems to go fine (but only takes about 6 seconds?). Seems to be no errors, but the "Writing system.." is pretty quick?



Been hung on that for 10 mins now...

WIP r2 from above. Have checked MD5 - perfect match.

Yay for nandroid :)

Sorry - can't do more checks, etc, I need the phone back up and running!


That's weird, i've flashed it to my device and it all seems to be running well. That does seem a bit quick tho!


Guest MistaJae
Hi Paul,

Flashing from ClockworkMod, I wipe Dalvik, then Factory Reset, and Cache again, just to make sure. Flash - seems to go fine (but only takes about 6 seconds?). Seems to be no errors, but the "Writing system.." is pretty quick?



Been hung on that for 10 mins now...

WIP r2 from above. Have checked MD5 - perfect match.

Yay for nandroid :)

Sorry - can't do more checks, etc, I need the phone back up and running!

I'm having the same issue.... full wipe, install r2 but then get stuck at 'Google' screen (with open padlock beneath it).


OK, so i've wiped, re-downloaded, re-flashed and it's all working (and it didn't flash super-fast).

The only thing I can think of is that the version of clockworkmod recovery you're using isn't the latest? I'm using


Guest Brian L
Posted (edited)

Hrm when I try to download from my phone the file size is like 650kb. Am I doing something wrong because I know that's not right on my end.

Edit: maybe that is what people are flashing?

Edited by Brian L
Guest jdmsirek4

does anyone have a mirror to paul's r2 wip rom......i cant seem to download it. errrrrrrrr!!!!

Guest AndiTails
OK, so i've wiped, re-downloaded, re-flashed and it's all working (and it didn't flash super-fast).

The only thing I can think of is that the version of clockworkmod recovery you're using isn't the latest? I'm using


Ah, possibly...

Think the original rooting guides linked to an older 2.3.something version?

*flashes latest* Ah yes, very different!

Ok, let's try again...

Right, yes, it's taking a lot longer to flash now!


Yup! Look's good.

So - anyone else - make sure you update your Recovery to I did mine via ROM Manager (since the phone was already root'd) so took 10 secs. Nice and easy.

Guest RickyG3188
Hi Paul,

Flashing from ClockworkMod, I wipe Dalvik, then Factory Reset, and Cache again, just to make sure. Flash - seems to go fine (but only takes about 6 seconds?). Seems to be no errors, but the "Writing system.." is pretty quick?



Been hung on that for 10 mins now...

WIP r2 from above. Have checked MD5 - perfect match.

Yay for nandroid :)

Sorry - can't do more checks, etc, I need the phone back up and running!

I'm also having the same issue, "Writing system.." takes about 2-3 seconds. I'm running ClockworkMod Recovery v2.5.1.8 and it stayed stuck on the "Google" for about 10 seconds when I took the battery and went to the bootloader screen and flashed superboot for GRH78. The device rebooted automatically and booted up just fine but did not flash the ROM whatsoever.

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