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08 Aug Gr15 GRJ22: MoDaCo Custom ROM for the Samsung Nexus S with Online Kitchen

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Guest KenAnthony
Paul, this is great thanks!

Has anyone noticed that the google maps app has become unstable? The first issue I noticed was that when I went from portrait to lanscape, the top bar disappeared and/or turned black. The next issue, is that the little blue arrow (compass) seems to be swirling back and forth.

I just checked my maps and all seems to work perfect.. maybe try to uninstall the maps.apk with root explorer or root manager.. then download again from the market... or try to go into setting applications and manage and clear your data on the maps application.. hope this helps..and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!!!..:(

Guest RinTinTigger

Nice Rom so far! Loving it.

Can you please integrate the reboot options?

Guest IntoTheVoid
Paul, this is great thanks!

Has anyone noticed that the google maps app has become unstable? The first issue I noticed was that when I went from portrait to lanscape, the top bar disappeared and/or turned black. The next issue, is that the little blue arrow (compass) seems to be swirling back and forth.

Did you do a full wipe before flashing MCR?



r3 29/Dec

  • Further enhancements to removing the OTA nag
  • Optional 'allow SIP over non-WiFi connections' in the kitchen


Thanks, Don't really use SIP or have problems with the market, just hoping to get a few more tweaks on the upgrade.

Guest monkeydrufy

sorry guys,

The system ask for an update (for google maps) I click on "yes and reboot" but it shutdown and it is stuck with an esclamation point near an android


Guest monkeydrufy
sorry guys,

The system ask for an update (for google maps) I click on "yes and reboot" but it shutdown and then it is stuck with an esclamation point near an android


Can I update from r2 to r3 without wiping?

OOps nevermind, I just read my answer, sorry for being a noob,lol.

Guest KenAnthony
sorry guys,

The system ask for an update (for google maps) I click on "yes and reboot" but it shutdown and it is stuck with an esclamation point near an android


I think you are talking about the update for 2.3.1 it says system update availible that fixes bugs and updates google maps right? that is a upgrade which is why you are getting taking to the exclmation point in triangle.. no biggie it wont update while running this rom because paul already has the 2.3.1 update applied.. you can just accept it and when it gets to that exclamation point just pull the battery and then put back in and power on and you will be good to go.. in r3 i think he fixed it to where you wont be promted for the update anymore...

Guest monkeydrufy
That shouldn't happen in r3.


I'm on r3 and I have that issue

I'm on r3 and I have that issue

Me too, gonna try the pull the battery thing, unless it is not recommended for some reason? By the way, Thanks Paul for this rom.

Guest ryan562
Posted (edited)

i'm was also getting the ota request and currently on r3. i accepted the ota, got to the excalamation point screen but some how it automatically went straight to clockwork mod 3.0 screen and said it couldn't update. i then selected the reboot option under cwm 3.0 and as it rebooted successfully and i no longer get the ota request. maps seems to work fine.

at any rate, thanks paul. this is my first time using your rom and now i don't think i can go with anybody else's. by far the most stable i have used, coming from some body who's used a g1, vibrant, mt3g and mt4g. excellent battery life on the r2 and i hope it's the same on the r3. thanks again.

Edited by ryan562
Guest soulashell

Google Earth force closes, it seems it's not properly installed.

Guest americancrew

[sPECIAL REQUEST] Is it possible to include the removal of mobile ads as a bake option? My previous phone, the original droid, used lithium mod rom and it didn't show any mobile ad's, especially in games like angry birds.

The phone has been running great so far!!!

Guest Dope M.S.R.
sorry guys,

The system ask for an update (for google maps) I click on "yes and reboot" but it shutdown and it is stuck with an esclamation point near an android


If you have SDK installed... open up command line and either go to where the adb file is located or if you made a path to have the system see it already type this in:

adb reboot

this will reboot your phone from that point...

Guest Dope M.S.R.

Hey Paul you think you could add this version of the market to your rom?


Guest RinTinTigger
Hey Paul you think you could add this version of the market to your rom?


Its already in o0

Guest Dope M.S.R.
Its already in o0

no the updated market is in not this one with the fixed icons :-P

atleast since i installed r3 it was in and i installed it right before i posted that post lol...


Hello Paul,

The r3 ROM is great. thank you for your work.

There is however a problem with Hebrew Lang, rtl, and Bidi. :unsure:

Current status at this rom is:

No Hebrew Lang at the 2.3.1 Keyboard. (can't add Hebrew as an "Input languages") B)

No Rtl - almost impossible to combine Hebrew and English/numbers at a text composition. :o

Scrambled/backwards message titles at the Gmail 2.3.2 app :angry:

At previous Roms you added a "Fix" and it worked great on my N1 with 2.1-2.2.

Can we expect a fix for 2.3.1 as well ?

i hope your answer will be "yes..." :D

Again, thank you for what you do.

Guest cwhong13

My nexus s is hanging at the 'X' screen if i updated the ROM with GRH55 fingerprint and Internet Calling on non-WiFi connections. But it working great without both of the optional addons. I am using ClockworkMod recovery Anyone facing the same issues??

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