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08 Aug Gr15 GRJ22: MoDaCo Custom ROM for the Samsung Nexus S with Online Kitchen

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The reboot app will be in the r7 prebakes. i.e. it's in the kitchen already, i'm not doing new prebakes just for the reboot app.


OPS sorry I see the app now in my SNS...


Guest sonnysekhon

Hi Paul,

I have posted this on your xda thread as well.

I have ported all my themes to work with r5.


Uploading right now, links will be up in a few minutes :D.

I have a couple of issues that I'm hoping you can provide some insight on.

1. I can't flash anything besides the entire ROM, so my themes are basically the entire ROM, but themed. That makes the file size very big and a pain to manage/update.

2. I can't restore a nand of a themed ROM (boots for a second and then reboots). Unthemed ROM works fine. It's probably a bug in CWM but maybe you know something about this?




1. Why? What happens?

2. That's very weird, not seen that... any logcat?


Guest sonnysekhon
1. Why? What happens?

2. That's very weird, not seen that... any logcat?


Thanks for the quick reply.

1. The file fails to flash. It try's to flash but upon boot, nothing changes. There might be a problem with the META-INF folder, but unfortunately, I am not acquainted with update scripts to look into it further.

2. I will try to get a logcat for you.



There is an issue with AdFree in this (and other GB) ROMs it seems.

To fix...

  • Uninstall your current installed version of AdFree
  • Download this APK file
  • Push / copy the file to /system/app/ (you may need to 'adb remount', it will NOT install in the usual way due to a broken signature - which is deliberately left as such to allow future market upgrades)

This is an interim fix that is working for me, I am trying to liaise with the developer and diagnose further. Note that if in the future you apply updates from the Market, they may 'undo' the fix if the issue isn't resolved.


PS This should also work on CM7 which has the same problem!



r6 12/Jan

  • Reboot option on power menu with reboot utility app
  • Spare Parts crash on battery history fixed
  • Removed zoom buttons from Browser
  • Optional fixed bigtincan AdFree app

Guest spuniun

APK is not able to be parsed downloading from stock AOSP GB ROM. Do I have to try from computer or alternate browser or can we get another mirror?


If 'APK cannot be parsed' you're trying to install it the normal way, not copying or pushing it.

A mirror is here...



Guest spuniun
Posted (edited)

Thanks, I downloaded the first link from computer and pushed to device to install. Stock browser was only downloading a 672byte file from that first link. Second link works fine.

Oh and I was already working with the dev to debug this issue but he's in .au without power due to major storms and flooding right now.

Edited by PaulOBrien
Guest gandalf444

r6 12/Jan

  • Reboot option on power menu with reboot utility app
  • Spare Parts crash on battery history fixed
  • Removed zoom buttons from Browser
  • Optional fixed bigtincan AdFree app

Noticing that the reboot functionality is not working. I select reboot, then standard reboot, and I get the spinning green circle, and it never reboots. Does not lock up my Nexus S, I can hit the home button and go to other applications and what not. But the Reboot app/task is forever running on the phone, and it never reboots.

I flashed r6 from the r5 refresh ROM, with no wipe...


Guest oaldawe

thanks alot alot for add Arabic its work great i tried it

Could you try a redownload? I tweaked something. :D


Hi Paul, I re downloaded and reinstalled, but the reboot app still does not work.

Guest ThornInMySide

Easier Adfree fix:

Open adfree, hit the "revert" button, then hit the "Download & Install hosts" button, and finally restart the phone.

Worked for me on LG GT540 and has been stable for 24 hours now.


Easier Adfree fix:

Open adfree, hit the "revert" button, then hit the "Download & Install hosts" button, and finally restart the phone.

Worked for me on LG GT540 and has been stable for 24 hours now.


This method does not work on Nexus S. :D

Guest gammadeltasigma

r6 12/Jan

  • Reboot option on power menu with reboot utility app
  • Spare Parts crash on battery history fixed
  • Removed zoom buttons from Browser
  • Optional fixed bigtincan AdFree app

Hi Paul, i have R5 (..like stock!);for the transition to R6 wipe are required?



Guest jlevy73
Hi Paul, i have R5 (..like stock!);for the transition to R6 wipe are required?



No not required

Guest jlevy73
Could you try a redownload? I tweaked something. :P


I redownloaded and still didn't work. No biggie, the Rom is rock solid. Can't wait for you to start hammering away at kernel optimizations :D

Guest objecttothis

Hey everyone. I'm new to Android and I'm having trouble flashing r6. I'm not new to custom ROM's as I just sold my HTC HD2 that ran WM 6.5.x custom ROMS. I am new to flashing custom ROMs with Android.

Here's the situation:

- I purchased a used Nexus S that had been rooted and r3 installed.

- I downloaded a custom version of r6 created from the online kitchen

- I then renamed the zip file to update.zip and copied it to the root of the SD Card

- Using ROM Manager I rebooted into Clockwork Recovery

- I chose the option to update from SD Card and selected the update.zip file

It said that it completed but only took about 40 seconds and didn't erase any of my apps. Is it supposed to be that short? I'm seeing in System info that it says it's running r6 and I see some of the new features (like Reboot), but I'm just used to WM Custom ROM's that completely wipe data when I flash a new ROM. Did I do it wrong?

Guest Brodie Berlin

Hi Paul,

after playing with the teamwhisky rom a while I switched back to yours (way more reliable ...). BUT after flashing r6 (clean, with wipe etc.) I cannot reboot into my recovery rom. Just to make sure I started the ROM manager and installed the lates recovery ( and used the option start from there into recovery I always get the "Google" and the unlocked padlock - then the only way to boot it up is taking out the battery. Any hints what went wrong? Thanks in advance!


Guest bemymonkey

Has anyone got the SIP on all data connections option working properly with this ROM? I'm having trouble with it on my Desire (early CyanogenMod 7 builds), and I'm wondering if it's a CM7-specific problem or the SIP stack in Gingerbread just doesn't play nice with mobile data... does it work properly (i.e. no insane power drain) with this ROM on the Nexus S?

Hi Paul,

after playing with the teamwhisky rom a while I switched back to yours (way more reliable ...). BUT after flashing r6 (clean, with wipe etc.) I cannot reboot into my recovery rom. Just to make sure I started the ROM manager and installed the lates recovery ( and used the option start from there into recovery I always get the "Google" and the unlocked padlock - then the only way to boot it up is taking out the battery. Any hints what went wrong? Thanks in advance!


That sounds like the recovery hasn't flashed properly...!


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