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Extracting Kernels from Boot.img

Guest Harness

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Guest Harness

I'm having a really tough time with this. Maybe some of the experts can suggest something, but I can't figure it out.

I've used every tool I've got (out of avabox v2) extract-kernel, unpack-bootimg, split-bootimg, etc.. It always results in either a boot.img-kernel file (no extension) or boot.img-kernel.gz file, that when I try to extract I get "Not in gzip format".

Is there something I'm doing wrong or a step I'm skipping somewhere?


Edit: Ubuntu 10.10 32bit (upgrading to 64bit today)

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u do all right. any boot extact tool only split img file at kernel and ramdisk. kernel after compiling usually gzipped, but gzip signature start at 0x800 offset, so gzip cant extract it. what u want to do with binary kernel?

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Guest Harness
u do all right. any boot extact tool only split img file at kernel and ramdisk. kernel after compiling usually gzipped, but gzip signature start at 0x800 offset, so gzip cant extract it. what u want to do with binary kernel?

Poke around a bit. Familiarize myself, for now anyhow.

How do I make it extractable?

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Guest Harness
Just rename the file by removing the extention. You have now your kernel.

The unpack script add the gzip but it's useless.

It's supposed to be 1 big file? It's not comprised of various files/folders?

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Guest Harness

So I'm confused then.. what do I do with my one big file...

Edit: Or are you saying I can't use it because I lack kernel sources?

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So I'm confused then.. what do I do with my one big file...

Edit: Or are you saying I can't use it because I lack kernel sources?

Right, you can't do anything with a compiled kernel. It's not "unpackable" or something like that.

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Guest Harness
Right, you can't do anything with a compiled kernel. It's not "unpackable" or something like that.

Okay. So if I were to put a new kernel in something, I'd have to compile phh kernel or Cyanogens,I couldn't mod what's already there then, right?


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