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Unable to use StreakMod :(

Guest somebody9

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Guest somebody9

Hi everyone. I've been using Steve's 1.5.1 for a while now and I've had no problems - it's absolutely fantastic. I've had one small issue that seems to be exhibited by my device only ( from what I've asked around ):

When I use a toggle widget to change my screen brightness - the changes are very unreliable, especially when I switch to Auto-Brightness.. nothing happens until I actually go into Settings > Display > Brightness. At this point whatever change I made with the toggle suddenly takes effect, as though it just realized what I had ordered it to do.

I've asked around and it seems like I am the only one having this problem, so I wondered maybe it's from an unclean install. I used QDL Tool to go to Stock 2.2 and then flashed 1.5.1 using StreakMod Recovery. Now here is where my real problem is : in order to 'clean' everything up, whenever I do a 'Factory Reset' and Clear Cache via StreakMod and then flash Steve's 1.5.1 Zip the Streak gets stuck in the Dell Boot Animation, on occasion it even boots onto my homescreen for about a split second and then quickly goes back to the Boot Screen.

Strangely, after using QDL Tool, I can flash 1.5.1 for the first time using StreakMod, but when I try to use StreakMod to do a factory Reset and Re-install Steve's 1.5.1 - it doesn't work and gets me stuck in boot.

Has anyone else flashed 1.5.1 using StreakMod? I'm using StreakMod Beta version

It's driving me nuts. Help please?

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