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[SOLVED] wifi problem with 4.002.14 stock rom and liquid s100

Guest Riekr

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hi all,

frustrated by all the small bugs found in many custom roms i decided to switch to a stock rom, root and customize as needed.

by now i'm on 4.002.14.EMEA.GEN1_A22F_A_256_bin rooted with malez recovery 0.6.1 method 2, removed all acer apps and updated/restored all packages with titanium backup. i'm happy right now but i can't get wifi to work:

if enable wifi it stays on few seconds then turns off automatically saying (in italian) unable to scan networks.

dmesg output when turning wifi on (and waiting for it to auto off) says:

<6>[ 1865.050363] wifi_set_carddetect: 1
<6>[ 1865.050416] <6>Wifi Power ON
<6>[ 1865.050433] wifi_power_param_set: current wifi_power_state=1
<6>[ 1865.093457] mmc1: new SDIO card at address 0001
<4>[ 1865.265980] F1 signature read @0x18000000=0x5264325
<4>[ 1865.281893] DHD: dongle ram size is set to 393216(orig 393216)
<7>[ 1865.286487] SDIO: Enabling IRQ for mmc1:0001:2...
<6>[ 1865.308726] mmc1: create sdio_irq_thread successfully
<7>[ 1865.308762] SDIO: Enabling IRQ for mmc1:0001:1...
<7>[ 1865.310396] mmc1: IRQ thread started (poll period = 2147483647 jiffies)
<6>[ 1865.810399] eth0 (): not using net_device_ops yet
<0>[ 1865.811368] eth0: hold. Usage count = 1 (net\core\dev.c 4439)
<0>[ 1865.811469] eth0: hold. Usage count = 2 (net\core\neighbour.c 1349)
<0>[ 1865.811492] eth0: hold. Usage count = 3 (net\core\ipv4\devinet.c 172)
<0>[ 1865.811669] eth0: hold. Usage count = 4 (net\core\neighbour.c 1349)
<0>[ 1865.811692] eth0: hold. Usage count = 5 (net\core\ipv6\addrconf.c 365)
<4>[ 1865.811966] eth0: Broadcom Dongle Host Driver mac=1c:4b:d6:40:56:9a
<4>[ 1865.812173]
<4>[ 1865.812178] Dongle Host Driver, version
<4>[ 1865.812186] Compiled in drivers/net/wireless/bcm4325 on Sep 29 2010 at 03:26:05
<0>[ 1867.483019] eth0: hold. Usage count = 6 (net\sched\sch_generic.c 492)
<4>[ 1884.090973] dhd_module_cleanup: (0, 1)
<0>[ 1884.091127] eth0: put. Usage count = 5 (net\sched\sch_generic.c 559)
<0>[ 1884.091293] eth0: put. Usage count = 4 (net\core\neighbour.c 1387)
<0>[ 1884.091685] eth0: put. Usage count = 3 (net\core\neighbour.c 1387)
<0>[ 1884.091709] eth0: put. Usage count = 2 (net\core\ipv6\addrconf.c 323)
<0>[ 1884.102380] eth0: put. Usage count = 1 (net\core\dev.c 4223)
<0>[ 1884.130318] eth0: put. Usage count = 0 (net\core\ipv4\devinet.c 142)
<6>[ 1884.363815] mmc1: host->sdio_irq_thread should be invalid now....
<7>[ 1884.371403] SDIO: Disabling IRQ for mmc1:0001:1...
<7>[ 1884.371517] SDIO: Disabling IRQ for mmc1:0001:2...
<7>[ 1884.371564] mmc1: IRQ thread exiting with code 2
<6>[ 1884.371694] mmc1: sdio_irq_thread was stopped
<6>[ 1884.480298] wifi_set_carddetect: 0
<6>[ 1884.480350] Wifi Power OFF
<6>[ 1884.480364] wifi_power_param_set: current wifi_power_state=0
<6>[ 1884.509934] mmc1: card 0001 removed[/codebox]

i already tried uninstalling all wifi related apps and replace contents of /system/etc/wifi with the contents (for example) of lcr-f 1.0 taking care of file permissions withouth any change.

since keeping the same bin with roggin cm6.1 and lcr-f 1.1.2 wifi was working, does anyone have a clue on how to fix it? may be i uninstalled some acer app needed to be kept?

Thanks in advance and happy new year :(

Edited by Riekr
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here it is, i've seen some complaint about wpa supplicant.. don't know how to fix it (or if it is actually the problem) :(

I/ActivityManager(  130): Start proc com.android.settings for broadcast com.android.settings/.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider: pid=4170 uid=1000 gids={3003, 3002, 3001, 1015}
D/WifiService( 130): [updateWifiWakelock] Wifi(On), Connection(no AP), Sleep Policy(0), Idle(not idle) Reason:Wi-Fi enable
D/WifiService( 130): [updateWifiWakelock] Lock
E/WifiHW ( 130): set_wifi_power = 1
I/ActivityManager( 130): Start proc com.schwimmer.android.togglewifi for broadcast com.schwimmer.android.togglewifi/.WifiStatusReceiver: pid=4182 uid=10087 gids={1015}
I/ActivityManager( 130): No longer want com.threebanana.notes:cacheHandler (pid 553): hidden #16
I/com.schwimmer.android.togglewifi.WifiStatusReceiver( 4182): Intent Received
I/com.schwimmer.android.togglewifi.WifiStatusReceiver( 4182): state == idle | scanning | failed
D/Tethering( 130): eth0 is not a tetherable iface, ignoring
I/ActivityManager( 130): No longer want pl.polidea.y5 (pid 559): hidden #16
D/StatusBarPolicy( 130): updateDataIcon mDataState:2
D/GpsXtraDownloader( 130): error org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to / timed out
D/GpsXtraDownloader( 130): Downloading XTRA data from [url="http://xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin"]http://xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin[/url]
D/WifiService( 130): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED pluggedType: 2
E/WifiHW ( 130): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "/data/misc/wifi/sockets/eth0": No such file or directory
D/WifiService( 130): [updateWifiWakelock] Wifi(On), Connection(no AP), Sleep Policy(0), Idle(not idle) Reason:MESSAGE_START_WIFI
D/WifiService( 130): [updateWifiWakelock] Lock
D/WifiService( 130): acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NetworkLocationProvider type=2 binder=android.os.Binder@304c6320}
D/WifiService( 130): [updateWifiWakelock] Wifi(On), Connection(no AP), Sleep Policy(0), Idle(not idle) Reason:MESSAGE_START_WIFI
D/WifiService( 130): [updateWifiWakelock] Lock
I/com.schwimmer.android.togglewifi.WifiStatusReceiver( 4182): Intent Received
I/com.schwimmer.android.togglewifi.WifiStatusReceiver( 4182): state == idle | scanning | failed
D/LocationMasfClient( 130): getNetworkLocation(): Returning cache location with accuracy 796.0
E/wpa_supplicant( 4192): Failed to initialize control interface 'eth0'.
E/wpa_supplicant( 4192): You may have another wpa_supplicant process already running or the file was
E/wpa_supplicant( 4192): left by an unclean termination of wpa_supplicant in which case you will need
E/wpa_supplicant( 4192): to manually remove this file before starting wpa_supplicant again.
I/wpa_supplicant( 4192): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=0
D/StatusBarPolicy( 130): updateDataIcon mDataState:2
D/StatusBarPolicy( 130): updateDataIcon mDataState:2
D/StatusBarPolicy( 130): updateDataIcon mDataState:2
E/WifiHW ( 130): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
D/WifiService( 130): releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NetworkLocationProvider type=2 binder=android.os.Binder@304c6320}
D/StatusBarPolicy( 130): updateDataIcon mDataState:2
E/WifiHW ( 130): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
D/StatusBarPolicy( 130): updateDataIcon mDataState:2
E/WifiHW ( 130): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
V/WifiStateTracker( 130): Supplicant died unexpectedly
D/WifiStateTracker( 130): Reset connections and stopping DHCP
D/WifiStateTracker( 130): Disabling interface
D/NetworkStateTracker( 130): setDetailed state, old =IDLE and new state=DISCONNECTED
D/WifiStateTracker( 130): Reset connections and stopping DHCP
D/ConnectivityService( 130): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
D/WifiService( 130): [updateWifiWakelock] Wifi(Off), Connection(no AP), Sleep Policy(0), Idle(not idle) Reason:Wi-Fi disable
D/WifiService( 130): [updateWifiWakelock] Unlock
D/ConnectivityService( 130): getMobileDataEnabled returning true
V/ConnectivityService( 130): Switching to already connected mobile
D/ConnectivityService( 130): adding dns for mobile
D/ConnectivityService( 130): adding dns for mobile
D/Tethering( 130): Tethering got CONNECTIVITY_ACTION
D/Tethering( 130): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
E/HierarchicalStateMachine( 130): TetherMaster - unhandledMessage: msg.what=3
I/com.schwimmer.android.togglewifi.WifiStatusReceiver( 4182): Intent Received
I/com.schwimmer.android.togglewifi.WifiStatusReceiver( 4182): removing disconnected wifi notification
I/MediaUploader( 3783): No need to wake up
D/Smack ( 384): [XMPPConn] close connection, notifyClosed=false
W/Smack/Packet( 384): notify conn break (IOEx), close connection
I/GTalkService( 384): [ServiceAutoStarter] --- connectivity changed
I/GTalkService( 384): [ServiceAutoStarter] --- start GTalk service ---
D/ReaderProvider( 4152): Performing query: SELECT DISTINCT account_name FROM pending_actions WHERE (committed IS NULL) ORDER BY account_name ASC
D/StatusBarPolicy( 130): updateDataIcon mDataState:2
D/WifiStateTracker( 130): Disabling interface
E/Tethering( 130): attempting to remove unknown iface (eth0), ignoring
D/StatusBarPolicy( 130): updateDataIcon mDataState:2
E/WifiHW ( 130): set_wifi_power = 0
D/StatusBarPolicy( 130): updateDataIcon mDataState:2
D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 130): handleCarrierInfoUpdate: plmn = vodafone IT, spn = null
D/PhoneApp( 314): - state: CONNECTED
D/PhoneApp( 314): - reason: null
D/NotificationMgr( 314): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
D/NetworkLocationProvider( 130): onDataConnectionStateChanged 3
D/StatusBarPolicy( 130): updateDataIcon mDataState:2
D/MobileDataStateTracker-mobile_hipri( 130): replacing old mInterfaceName (rmnet0) with rmnet0 for hipri
D/MobileDataStateTracker-mobile( 130): default Received state= CONNECTED, old= CONNECTED, reason= (unspecified), apnTypeList= default
I/com.schwimmer.android.togglewifi.WifiStatusReceiver( 4182): Intent Received
I/com.schwimmer.android.togglewifi.WifiStatusReceiver( 4182): removing disconnected wifi notification
D/LocationMasfClient( 130): getNetworkLocation(): Returning cache location with accuracy 796.0
D/StatusBarPolicy( 130): updateDataIcon mDataState:2
D/GpsXtraDownloader( 130): error org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to / timed out
D/GpsXtraDownloader( 130): Downloading XTRA data from [url="http://xtra2.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin"]http://xtra2.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin[/url]
D/StatusBarPolicy( 130): updateDataIcon mDataState:2
D/StatusBarPolicy( 130): updateDataIcon mDataState:2
D/StatusBarPolicy( 130): updateDataIcon mDataState:2
D/StatusBarPolicy( 130): updateDataIcon mDataState:2[/codebox]

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