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Dual-Core Processor is required for Honeycomb Tablet. End of Dell Streak?

Guest Hothan Dao

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Guest anthscorner

Not the end of dellstreak but limited to lite versions and it questions Google's reasoning. I got my streak because I wanted an open OS, if new OS are being developed with min specs then that sounds like another software vendor's trick aka Microsoft.

Plea to Google & android devlopement don't go down that route unless ofcourse you do want to take over world like the aforementioned company.


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Guest zeiger

Didn't we heard before froyo came out that it needed at least 1 ghz, now look how many mid end phone with less than that have froyo running and google just released nexus s so does it mean that when they released honeycomb that will be the end of the line for nexus s. These rumour just come out of nowhere. I guess the only reliable source is from google themself

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Guest yosemite-sam

Im not so sure about that as they could be confusing video requirements with os requirements, meaning any tablet running honeycomb thats dual core will be able to handle 1080p video recording and playback and any tablet running honeycomb that is single core won't.

these tablets should be able to run the same os just with differing technical abilities. at least thats what i hope lol

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Guest jayjayn1

I hear that there is a dual core replacement for the streak being worked on. Its apparently coming out in may so ill keep up to date on whats happening with it.

Its called the dell opus one

When they release it ill definitely be investing in one.

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Guest Truenash

It's not the end of the Streak at all.

Even if that is the minimum requirement for 3.0, you're forgetting that Android is diverging at 3.0. The tablet branch will start with 3.0, whilst the phone branch is continuing with 2.3. Phones, even dual core, will not use Honeycomb, as it is for tablets. Likewise, Google have discouraged the use of phone builds, 2.2, 2.3 etc, on tablets.

Splitting them up is the right move. Allows more differentiation in the UI and more innovation. In the long run it'll cut down on phone bloat being in tablets, and tablet bloat being in phones. The builds being more seperate and differentiated will also remove android tablets from the "It's a big iPhone" thing that the iPad has been victim too.

If there is no minimum requirement, I'd still prefer 2.3 and the phone branch, as the Streak is more phone sized and based on the Honeycomb footage shown today, I don't think it is big enough for that tablet UI.

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Guest madd_dog

Sometimes I think -

May be in the near future when Tablets are advanced (Hopefully we have a UBUNTU Tablet) I might just switch to my good old Razr and carry that tablet!

Plus considering the amount of time Google took to release 2.3 and even the number of phones that actually have implemented 2.2 (not even 2.3), by the time we will get to 3.0 (actually on the phones), I hope its not 12/20/2012! Ha!

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All speculation as usual until release.


Yup, one thing I've noticed with most of the android blogs is that one picks up a rumor (often started on a forum) then runs with it, others pick it up and soon its being trumpeted as gospel...

I think it says lots about the age of the writers on said blogs

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Guest popetodd



Regardless if it is rumor or not, that is 2 versions out from Froyo.

That means end of the year or later for official release.

Exactly how long do you expect this phone to be updated?

It's a phone and by the time Honeycomb comes out for Streak (if ever) it will be a phone that has been released for over a year and you all will probably have decided to upgrade to a better handset anyway.

FUD about something that counts is stupid, but FUD about something that means absolutely nothing is mind numbingly stupid.

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Guest Hothan Dao
I wish I could pre-order one now if it would make it happen any quicker! a worthy update to the Dell Streak hardware would be perfect for 2011,

Thanks for the link... Off to google Dell Opus One ( lame name, what's wrong with Dell Streak II ? )



Rumor again ^^. Actually, I hope so. Love any 5 inches tablet phone device with high res + Dual Processor, what ever which company make it!

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Guest Pceasar
It's not the end of the Streak at all.

Even if that is the minimum requirement for 3.0, you're forgetting that Android is diverging at 3.0. The tablet branch will start with 3.0, whilst the phone branch is continuing with 2.3. Phones, even dual core, will not use Honeycomb, as it is for tablets. Likewise, Google have discouraged the use of phone builds, 2.2, 2.3 etc, on tablets.

Splitting them up is the right move. Allows more differentiation in the UI and more innovation. In the long run it'll cut down on phone bloat being in tablets, and tablet bloat being in phones. The builds being more seperate and differentiated will also remove android tablets from the "It's a big iPhone" thing that the iPad has been victim too.

If there is no minimum requirement, I'd still prefer 2.3 and the phone branch, as the Streak is more phone sized and based on the Honeycomb footage shown today, I don't think it is big enough for that tablet UI.

I just had to say 10+ .......... nothing to see here

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Guest Pceasar
Thanks for the link... Off to google Dell Opus One ( lame name, what's wrong with Dell Streak II ? )

Ever heard of the Dell Thunder or Lightning? They don't always keep these names guy, besides who cares as long as its a good phone, personally I dont like streak, what is a streak? a butt streak a window streak? a huge device called a streak some be something more telling.

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Guest popetodd

No, it's not.

It is the end of updates for your current device, you will have to buy the new one to get the new goodies.

It's called consumer capitalism and you are the consumer part of that equation.

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Guest AndroidClone

I'm sure someone will hack the resources out of honeycomb, patch the dual core setup or something to that effect.

(on second thought it's all up to dell)

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