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does 2 x 0.5 = 1

Guest amccox

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Guest amccox

hi guys,

i have two streaks, one has a dodgy lcd (it only displays half the screen) and another with cracked glass - but working screen (my 1yo daughter just chucked it off the table B) )

i have had the dodgy lcd screen completely apart and made sure it wasnt the connection so my question is can i replace the broken glass with the good glass from my other one, or replace the screen in the non working one from the streak with the broken glass if that all makes sense. I just seem to remember the glass is attached to the lcd so i have a bad feeling I now have two working streaks with buggered screens.

any suggestions would be appreciated.. :unsure:

Edited by amccox
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Guest adzman808

(aparently) the lcd is bonded to the 'gorillla' glass

it MIGHT be possible to detatch the 2 of them by the application of heat, MIGHT be...

heat wont damage the glass, so i'd test this on the broken lcd one...

i've NO IDEA how much heat the lcd can take...

it sounds like you haven't got a lot to lose...

try using a hair dryer to GENTLY apply heat

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Guest gilrad

Sell them both for parts and buy a new one? They're only what, $400 unlocked now, right? You should be able to get pretty close to that price on Craigslist or eBay or XDA.

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Guest ulfses

I had 2 screens that i replaced. There is no way you will seperate the glass from the lcd with some cosmetic damage. They are glued all the way. :S

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