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Guest offthahorse

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Guest offthahorse

Hey guys quick question. This may be the HTC Sense everyone is talking about if so i apologize, and please disregard.

Anyway, the htc aria has a weather widget, that takes up almost the whole screen, and when you flick over to that screen if animates for a second or two. For example, if its raining it will animate raindrops on the screen and a wiper will come by and clean it off. if its sunny the sun will glare for a bit etc etc. Is this portable to the streak or is this an HTC Sense widget that we wont see

edit: heres a slo-mo video of what im talking about

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Guest Dogmann55

Hi offthahorse,

As said by the previous posters Beautiful Widgets does all that you want plus offers lots of skins for both Weather and clocks plus quite a few other Widgets to been using it since i started using Android devices and wouldn't be without it now is for me a must have app.


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Guest Terrigno

Yup. I definitely think Beautiful Widgets is the way to go. Real nice interface. Although when you put the HTC Style skin on there, its a little stretched on the Streaks massive screen.

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