Guest StevenHarperUK Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 (edited) Common Problems / Questions / FAQ This is a guide to cover most of the common problems. It contains some words like ROM and Build.props and RECOVERY To get a better understanding of what these mean see the post This is a big post; you can use the "search this thread" facility near the bottom left of the page. You can also use your Browsers find on page feature to help you navigate around (CTRL + F). Please try not to start new Threads - look and search for existing ones along your subject and reply to them Also if you can't find what you need here - use the forum search and also be sure to Restrict the search to the ZTE Blade Forum and try the Show results as posts and Search titles only. Also changing the sort order to Most Repiles will help. Finally you can always resort to google with a search like Blue Tint example Thanks I want to install a Custom ROM but don't know what to do There is a Comprehensive guide here I want to know whet generation of phone I have [GEN1] or [GEN2] There are now 2 Generations of the ZTE-BLADE device. Each have a different style memory layout. [GEN1] BLADES use the baseband of 0x02A00000 and can use all of the ROMS made [GEN2] BLADES use the baseband of 0x02600000 Trying to install a GEN1 ROM onto a GEN2 device will brick it. GEN1 devices can be recovered with a TPT - we don't have a TPT for a GEN2 device (yet) How to find out what BLADE you have (GEN1 or GEN2) You need tom install this app Ask Mr Pigfish When you run the APP the first line will be Mr.Pigfish says you have a Gen1 model The Custom ROM wont Boot Properly Gets Stuck at the Animated/non-animated boot screen. This can be because of a few things You have installed a new ROM and need to clear you cache and factory reset You installed a Theme or patch without letting the new Custom ROM boot first The ROM you flashed was damaged when downloading - check with md4sum - re-download and re-flash Your SD card is in a very bad state Your SIM has a pin card (effects some of the early 2.2) I Want to send my Phone back to the Operator - how do I make it back to stock?The best way to do this is to run a TPT which has been made for your operator's original ROM. A TPT that is built to do this restores the phone to exactly as it comes out of the factory This includes BOOT, RECOVERY and SYSTEM partitions. The DATA and CACHE are also wiped. Here is a Link to a TPT designed for Orange UK Phones Here is a Link to a TPT for Hungarian Phones I Installed Superboot on a Non OLED device and now my screen is Tinted BLUE and I cannot wake the screen after it sleeps Install a Boot and ROM that supports TFT If this doesnt work try the TPT method of install Here is a good example of it fixing a user that ran superboot I can not get into Recovery (clockwork)Make sure you are pressing (and holding) the Volume Down button (-) If you Just see some large text of FTM then you have not installed a Custom Recovery Image yet Phone cannot READ/Mount SD Card SD Card is Damaged Card is not formatted correctly Free Download - MiniTool Partition Wizard Card not Seated correctly in Holder The Card needs cleaning : take it out and carefully clean it with alcohol (and a cotton bud?) Fastboot can not Install Clockwork (or RA_Recovery) If you get waiting for device Check USB debugging is on On windows check drivers On others, check your running as root and try other USB ports/ cables Try using ADB Wireless from the market If you get "writing 'recovery': FAILED (status read failed (Protocol error)) android" change the usb cable, and try another USB port. I want to get rid of the Orange apps but don't feel comfortable installing a ROM This is possible, you gain root on the device, then use tools to remove the apps My Device only has 256MB of RAM Some device can be Unlocked to 512MB, this will mean a full reset of the Phone Have I got TFT or OLED? Well if you have a UK device you may have OLED If you purcashed it in 2011 you almost certainly have TFT Both are good- but having a TFT device means that you must avoid non-TFT compatibe ROMS - All new ROMs are TFT friendly On some ROMS you can use the Dialer to find out Dial *983*24474636# in the dialer. Then read here On the Stock Orange ROM Devices that have TFT Screens have the build Number OUK_P729BV1.0.0B08 (OLED can have this buid also - but rarely) Devices that have OLED Screens have the build Number OUK_P729BV1.0.0B05 The build Number can be found in - Settings | About Phone | Build Number How can I keep my apps and settings when I install a new ROM? Before installing a new ROM you can use Titanium Backup to backup all apps you have installed. After the new ROM has been installed you can restore the apps plus their data (to keep your Angry Birds progress and scores, for example). The paid-for version of Titanium Backup allows you backup and then restore many/all apps with the batch command to save time reinstalling each app individually. In general, system settings should not be restored on a new ROM. Restoring them can undo the effect of wiping data/restoring to factory settings before you flashed the new ROM and you run the risk of incompatible settings causing forced closure of system apps or, even worse, random reboots of the phone. Contacts can be restored automatically (and safely) by syncing with your gmail account (settings->accounts & sync and turn on both sync options) - you need to do this in your old ROM so the data is in place before you install the new ROM. Many people have reported that SMSs can be restored safely between most ROMs with Titanium Backup, but other system settings, e.g. wireless access points, may cause problems that may require the ROM to be reflashed. In all cases you should always use Nandroid backup in Clockwork to save the state and settings of your previous ROM which will easily allow you to return to a working state of your previous ROM in case things go wrong. How do I remove a custom theme I installed on any ROM, without factory reset? Simply Re-flash the original ROM over the top in Clockwork. I want to install a ROM, but remove some of the included APPs Simply open the ZIP file you downloaded and browse to /system/app Then remove the APPS you don't want - be careful. Orange SIM card will not make calls, other networks SIM cards work The phone, as delivered by Courier is barred from OrangeUK's own network until "activated" If you buy your phone from an Orange shop they are activated (unbarred from the Orange network) and handed to the purchaser." Phone won't boot - only vibrates when I press power When you try to turn the phone on with the power button you just feeling a quick succession of vibrations. This means there is not enough power in the battery to boot. Make sure your phone is plugged into the Adapter and is using the supplied USB cable. Wifi Keeps dropping On 2.1 and leaked 2.2 ROMS - wifi is a real problem. There are many different work-rounds; however now the kernel source for 2.2 is released - new ROMS do not have this problem. Look in the guide for ROMS that have a source kernel. Lots of threads Phone wont turn on It just Buzzes and red light on back button Try charging with another cable - your phone is out of battery My Battery isn't performing well - how can I recalibrate it There is a good post on this Not connecting to 3G/ Cant get Data/ Cant send MMS If you cannot get data over 2g/3g then your APN setting may be wrong - see You edit the APN's in Setting / Wireless & Network Settings / Mobile Network settings / GSM/UMTS Options / Access Point Names / then click the phones MENU button (hard button) then choose Add APN. Also check your SIM is 3G See the Error SIM Network unlock PIN / I Want to Unlock the Phone Then the ROM you have flashed was not made for your SIM and you need to generate an unlock code so the phone can be used with ANY SIM I am trying to unlock the phone, how do I get to the enter code screen You can only see this screen by putting in a SIM that is not the same as the ROM you have expects So if you have a Orange TFT device that is on the standard (stock) ROM, you will need a SIM that is not Orange (Virgin/TMobile) Once you insert a SIM that is not unlocked you get the ENTER code screen Wont Read Any SIM Cards Thickening the SIM with layers of tape (on the non useful side) has proven to work Cant make outgoing calls when Wifi is ON The icon on the the top bar shows 4 reception bars gets a small x on it, the red led flashes and outgoing calls cannot be made. Switched to airplane mode and back returns the signal - it only ever does it when wifi is on. This is probably because you are running one of the leaked Chinese beta kernels. Running a ROM that has a new 2.2 source Kernel will fix this. What is an MD5 MD5sum is a way of checking that the file you have downloaded has not been corrupted in any way. when you run the MD5sum command against a files the response is the files "fingerprint". If this differs from the expected MD5, then you need to re-download the file. MD5 can be checked directly on the device by using a file manager like astro - if you look at the details of a file an MD5 is generated Windows Get your md5sum utility from: (COMMAND LINE VERSION) Extract this Zip file contents and put them into the folder you want to run the command in. I need to use a Proxy server On Froyo 2.2 you can use Transproxy Sound goes off on the FM Radio A Far better app has been developed Lost access to some operator services Your opertaor may provide services and filter them by the useragent in your browser this is adjusted in the build.props I want to change the files in the system partition To do this you can use ADB to modify files I Used Factory Reset now my Phone wont boot Custom ROM resets are best done in clockwork - however you may have problems with Unsigned Themes If you have a theme Installed, you may need to re-install the Original ROM over the top to get it to boot. I don't know which ROM is for me There is a section in the Guide that details all the current ROMS Help I have forgotton my android password. You can use ADB to reset it. I want to change how my phone's screen looks like / Theme my phone In any ROM you can change your background (click the MENU hard button when in the home screen). However some custom ROMs have themes made for them. There is a whole section on themes for the ZTE Blade - However the most themes are specifically matched to a single or a few ROM's. The Theme section in the Current Known ROMs is usually up-to date - however the sub forum will be always up-to date. Some themes are simply applied to launchers that support them - i.e. launcher pro. Other need to be installed via Clockwork just like a normal ROM - for these you should always boot the ROM before applying the theme. Also you should always do a clockwork (nandroid) backup before applying a theme. I dont like the keyboard I have Keyboards on Android can be swapped Here is one that I like To change a keyboard - Activate it in Settings > Language and Keboard Then in ANY app do a long hold in any text areas wich wold normall show the keybaord - then choose Input Method Flash content wont play on my phone If you have a 2.1 Device then you can install Flash Player Lite If your on 2.2 then Flash player lite does not work Adobe do not support the ARM6 processor in the ZTE Blade - until they do Adobe Flash player will not work. Bluetooth file Transfer doesn't work properly Plain vanilla Android has seemingly limited general file transfer capabilities. You can download market APPS that are far superior. Bluetooth File Transfer (free) Astro File Manager (free) add the Astro Bluetooth module (free). I want to buy a Screen Protector or a Silicon Case Many Topics exists for this I want to buy a Car Mount / Kit Here is a good thread - with photo's I want to buy a 16GB/32GB SD Card - which ones work Here is the thread for you I want to use A2SD but what do I do Firstly you need a ROM that supports A2SD, next you need to know if it support EXT2/3/4 Now you need to change the way your SDCard is Partitioned. In Ubuntu use GParted - in Windows get the home version of Partition Wizard Now Copy EVERYTHING off the SD Card. Make the FIRST partition the FAT32 one (primary partition) - leave 512MB or more for the EXT2/3/4 (where apps will be installed) Now Make Another partition (must be the SECOND) as EXT2/3/4 - also make this primary. Now mount the Card and copy all your data back to the FAT32 Part - assuming it fits. When you install/next boot you ROM, the EXT2/3/4 partition will be mounted as DATA / this is where your apps go from now on. I have bought a bigger SD Card and want to swap it into my Phone If your just using FAT32 (no app2sd) this will be easy Right Simple - mount the current one over USB on your Computer (you can do this in Android - or in Clockwork) Copy everything off onto your computer. Unmount Swap new card into phone Remount over USB Copy everything back on I am upgrading my ROM and don't want to lose my contacts If you sync your contacts via Google (gmail account), then the contact will be re-downloaded when you re-enter your Google Account after flashing. You can see your accounts in Menu > Settings > Account & Sync Otherwise you can go into the Contacts App and choose Menu > Import Export. The Export will made a new large file with all your contacts in. This will be written to the root of your SD Card. Import will scan your SD Card and look for any files that are contact backups. I want to use ADB on Ubuntu - how do I set this up There is a Guide for this I have changed my partition sizes to have a 128MB system, I want to change it back Use the TPT method to install this image Standard Partition Size C8010D841AF463F3CB1FDEDFFAFA3B1ENo ROM, Just 2 Clockwork partitions, sets all partitions back to stock, you will need ti use the Mounts/USB Mount in clockwork to put a ROM back on [*] I want to change the MAC Address on my Blade If you have made a nandroid backup and used it to restore on more than one blade, then the MAC address will be identical on both. This means that you will have problems when you try to make them join the Same Wifi Network. Ideally you should backup and restore the data/misc/wifi/athSavedEeprom.bin file - so that you keep a unique MAC. However if its already too late, this thread shows you how to change it /data/misc/wifi folder you have a file called athSavedEeprom.bin pull it out, use a hex editor to change one bit of the MAC written there, push it back, and restart the phone. I set a BAD SSID in the Wifi Hotspot - now I cannot start Tethering If you set a SSID on your hotspot to be too long (over 32 characters) or with non valid characters - then you make it impossible to start the Hotspot. You MUST use ADB to edit the hotspot name manually sqlite3 /data/data/ 'update secure set value="Fish" where name="wifi_ap_ssid"'adb -d shell if sqlite3 is not installed on your ROM you can download titanium backup from the market then use the alternate command /data/data/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/files/sqlite3 /data/data/ 'update secure set value="Fish" where name="wifi_ap_ssid"'adb -d shell I want to import all my contacts into Gmail - so they can sync with my phone Google dont tell you anywhere what the Magic format is of their CSV - it took me a while to work it out. Make a new file with a .csv extension. Copy the first line from below, then simply add all the contacts you need into the format of the 2nd line Most Spreadsheet programs will let you open the CSV and edit it. Then just import the file into Google Contacts (selecting a group when you do it) - I suggest a new group. Steven,Harper,Steven Harper,* ,[email protected],Home,010000000,Mobile,+44799999999,Work,010000000Given Name,Family Name,Nickname,E-mail 1 - Type,E-mail 1 - Value,Phone 1 - Type,Phone 1 - Value,Phone 2 - Type,Phone 2 - Value,Phone 3 - Type,Phone 3 - Value Edited April 7, 2011 by StevenHarperUK
Guest StevenHarperUK Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 Reserved : Please give suggestions & links
Guest swordtail Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 This needs to be made a sticky or it will just disappear into the ether with the rest of the "My blade won't ????"
Guest StevenHarperUK Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 This needs to be made a sticky or it will just disappear into the ether with the rest of the "My blade won't ????" Yes thats the plan - but A bit of work on it first will tidy it up a bit. Then I will ask a MOD to sticky it.
Guest Kthulhu Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 This needs to be made a sticky or it will just disappear into the ether with the rest of the "My blade won't ????" +1 Great idea, StevenHarperUK! :D
Guest lixcab Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 Great idea, StevenHarperUK! I thought it might be a good idea to maintain a dedicated buglist too for the different ROMs? People can reply with bugs that they find and perhaps topic starter could updated first post. This should make it easier for Devs and Users to report-fix bugs? I would do it but I'm not reliable and not always online during the working week.
Guest Arr Too Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 Brilliant! You're a star for taking the time to put this together, while the rest of us just sit around and moan. :D How about making the questions a slightly larger font size so they stand out a bit more?
Guest UncleFista Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 (edited) I "look after" 2 san frans, mine and my sister-in-laws. Since installing Paul's alpha 2.2 (first a4 then a5) I get random signal dropping on both. The icon on the the top bar showing 4 reception bars gets a small x on it, the red led flashes and I can't make outgoing calls. Strangely I can receive incoming calls when this happens. When it first started doing it I just switched to airplane mode and back and the signal came back, I now switch the display off with the power button and when I switch it back on it's fine. It does this a couple/few times a day, usually when I (well juice defender) switch wifi on (it only ever does it when wifi is on). Normally I'd put it down to a hardware fault, but, it does it on both phones... I've searched the forum a few times and not found any mention of this problem by anyone else. Anyone else having a problem ? It's annoying rather than worrying :D Edited January 9, 2011 by UncleFista
Guest StevenHarperUK Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 I "look after" 2 san frans, mine and my sister-in-laws. Since installing Paul's alpha 2.2 (first a4 then a5) I get random signal dropping on both. The icon on the the top bar showing 4 reception bars gets a small x on it, the red led flashes and I can't make outgoing calls. Strangely I can receive incoming calls when this happens. When it first started doing it I just switched to airplane mode and back and the signal came back, I now switch the display off with the power button and when I switch it back on it's fine. It does this a couple/few times a day, usually when I (well juice defender) switch wifi on (it only ever does it when wifi is on). Normally I'd put it down to a hardware fault, but, it does it on both phones... I've searched the forum a few times and not found any mention of this problem by anyone else. Anyone else having a problem ? It's annoying rather than worrying :D Yes I had this when on the old Leaked Chinese kernel - I have not had it since swapping to a new Source Kernel. Look in the Sticked ROMS thread and check the table there - for a kernel that is Source
Guest StevenHarperUK Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 Great idea, StevenHarperUK! I thought it might be a good idea to maintain a dedicated buglist too for the different ROMs? People can reply with bugs that they find and perhaps topic starter could updated first post. This should make it easier for Devs and Users to report-fix bugs? I would do it but I'm not reliable and not always online during the working week. Hmm not sure - Bug lists / known bugs - should really be in the 2nd post for each ROM too much effort to keep them all in one place
Guest StevenHarperUK Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 (edited) Brilliant! You're a star for taking the time to put this together, while the rest of us just sit around and moan. :D How about making the questions a slightly larger font size so they stand out a bit more? Done - can you think of any subjects I have missed? Edited January 9, 2011 by StevenHarperUK
Guest lixcab Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 Hmm not sure - Bug lists / known bugs - should really be in the 2nd post for each ROM too much effort to keep them all in one place Yes, you're probably right - way too much effort to manage in one thread.
Guest StevenHarperUK Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 Added a few more - all suggestions & Links appreciated
Guest UncleFista Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 Yes I had this when on the old Leaked Chinese kernel - I have not had it since swapping to a new Source Kernel. Look in the Sticked ROMS thread and check the table there - for a kernel that is Source Sorry, forgot to mention. I flashed Flibblesans new kernel a couple of days ago, no change..
Guest Arr Too Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 can you think of any subjects I have missed? "Have I got TFT or OLED?" is a common question (along with "...and what's the real difference?"). And I recall a few people not being able to get into recovery because they mistakenly pressed Vol+ when they powered on. Oh, and the great tip about installing "ADB Wireless" from the Market would be a great solution to the problem of getting USB connections working. Recent one about using a internet proxy (which many people have to suffer) seems to be: use a 2.2 ROM (like Japanese Jellyfish) and install the latest TransProxy (a combination which works!). (I wonder when Android will have this essential feature natively?)
Guest IronDoc Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 Maybe add that xScope (is it xScope?) can play flash video. I Installed Superboot or a None OLED device and now my screen is Tinted BLUE and I cannot wake the screen after it sleeps should read I Installed Superboot on a Non OLED device and now my screen is Tinted BLUE and I cannot wake the screen after it sleeps ?
Guest StevenHarperUK Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 "Have I got TFT or OLED?" is a common question (along with "...and what's the real difference?"). And I recall a few people not being able to get into recovery because they mistakenly pressed Vol+ when they powered on. Oh, and the great tip about installing "ADB Wireless" from the Market would be a great solution to the problem of getting USB connections working. Recent one about using a internet proxy (which many people have to suffer) seems to be: use a 2.2 ROM (like Japanese Jellyfish) and install the latest TransProxy (a combination which works!). (I wonder when Android will have this essential feature natively?) Ta did that Also added some search info at the top
Guest StevenHarperUK Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 Maybe add that xScope (is it xScope?) can play flash video. I Installed Superboot or a None OLED device and now my screen is Tinted BLUE and I cannot wake the screen after it sleeps should read I Installed Superboot on a Non OLED device and now my screen is Tinted BLUE and I cannot wake the screen after it sleeps ? ta
Guest Arr Too Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 Also added some search info at the top This link is an example that restricts a search for "clockworkmod" to just this Blade forum.
Guest StevenHarperUK Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 This link is an example that restricts a search for "clockworkmod" to just this Blade forum. Thanks
Guest friederike Posted January 10, 2011 Report Posted January 10, 2011 another great one, thanks Steven! how about: I want to get rid of the Orange apps but don't feel comfortable installing a ROM
Guest mikhd002 Posted January 10, 2011 Report Posted January 10, 2011 Yes, well done, although I think after this guide has been finished it should be locked, and all the replies deleted so that it is easier to read
Guest samjam Posted January 10, 2011 Report Posted January 10, 2011 Yes, well done, although I think after this guide has been finished it should be locked, and all the replies deleted so that it is easier to read Keeping it open is a good way to discuss and suggest changes: I can not get into Recovery (clockwork) Make sure you are pressing (and holding) the Volume Down button (-) If you Just see some ZTE text then you have not installed a Custom Recovery Image yet Or the letters "FTM" - they also indicate not installed Custom Recovery Image
Guest Posted January 10, 2011 Report Posted January 10, 2011 I "look after" 2 san frans, mine and my sister-in-laws. Since installing Paul's alpha 2.2 (first a4 then a5) I get random signal dropping on both. The icon on the the top bar showing 4 reception bars gets a small x on it, the red led flashes and I can't make outgoing calls. Strangely I can receive incoming calls when this happens. When it first started doing it I just switched to airplane mode and back and the signal came back, I now switch the display off with the power button and when I switch it back on it's fine. It does this a couple/few times a day, usually when I (well juice defender) switch wifi on (it only ever does it when wifi is on). Normally I'd put it down to a hardware fault, but, it does it on both phones... I've searched the forum a few times and not found any mention of this problem by anyone else. Anyone else having a problem ? It's annoying rather than worrying :D Mines been doing things like this since day 1 with the stock rom! Starting to think the phone is faulty or my 10 month old sim?! ARGH
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