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looking at building USB Host Mode into an eclair ROM

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Guest fonix232
Sven Killig has made USB Host Mode possible.


but, the boot.img on his website has no details http://sven.killig.de/android/Blade/usb_host/

can someone test it for me to see if it is TFT compatible?

Froyo users need not apply, just need someone who uses Eclair and is willing to test this on their TFT device.

Why don't you simply download the kernel source (the fixed one) and apply the USB host changes, then build it yourself? That's the simplest way to have a compatible kernel :D

Guest hecatae
Why don't you simply download the kernel source (the fixed one) and apply the USB host changes, then build it yourself? That's the simplest way to have a compatible kernel :P

my netbook is still making it. :D

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