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[HOWTO] Unroot your HTC Wildfire

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Guest 42turkeys

Howto: Unroot your HTC Wildfire to stock.


Latest 2.1 RUU

Other RUUs Avalible Here

You will need:

  1. HTC Sync (For Drivers)
  2. The Download Above
  3. A Windows PC
  4. A Goldcard (Not required for generic HTC Desires)
  5. An HTC Wildfire ;)
The Guide:
  1. Make sure your goldcard is in your phone (If Required)
  2. Turn your Wildfire on
  3. Connect it to a Windows PC
  4. Run the HTC RUU
  5. Let it run
  6. & YOUR DONE! :)
Yes it really is that simple as these are Official RUUs from HTC.

You can use it to return your phone for warranty purposes!

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