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Advent Vega kernel source code now available!

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest Scanno
I've been checking the latest logcat you posted...

07-16 14:56:47.770: E/AudioPolicyManagerBase(102): could not load audio policy configuration file, setting defaults

This is caused by the audio_policy.conf file missing from /system/etc

07-16 14:56:47.830: E/audio_hw_primary(102): adev_open: name:'audio_hw_if'

This is even more strange... It is signaled as an Error E/ .. Seems the adev_open is failing. After this, no other calls to our audio_hw.c are made (and no audio) ... Compiling audio_hw.c with debug enabled should give us a clue on what is happening...

edit1: Forget about the last error. It is not. I used ALOGE instead of ALOGD in adev_open ... It just seems the audio hw module is not being used... It is loaded, but never gets called to out audio.. It is sporadically called to change voice volumne, though... This must be a very silly config we are missing... Why does tha framework prefer not to use audio ? :o ... Maybe it is using another output device...

I think it is a must to copy the audio-policy.conf file, maybe that is the exact problem...


Could this be a device config problem. As i recall in the boardconfig there is something like legacy audio... in the target you provided there are some changes made..

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Guest brucelee666


Could this be a device config problem. As i recall in the boardconfig there is something like legacy audio... in the target you provided there are some changes made..


I added those config options into my latest build so they made no difference with the latest changes, unless your thinking having them in is now stopping audio from working with the latest changes.

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Guest Scanno


I added those config options into my latest build so they made no difference with the latest changes, unless your thinking having them in is now stopping audio from working with the latest changes.

I am not saying that its the case. I am saying that if the sources are not the problem, it cannot be ruled out that there might be a something in the BoardConfig.mk. Sometimes you look into one direction for a solution and the solution might be in the other direction.

I am saying that it might be worth to take a look at that.

I just saw the files you posted. I will have a look at that. I have not been able to get a booting build, but then again i do not have that much time at the moment.

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Guest ejtagle

07-17 12:48:18.950: E/AudioFlinger(103): int android::load_audio_interface(char const*, audio_hw_device_t**) couldn't load audio hw module audio.usb (No such file or directory)

audio.usb is missing in the build... this should eb added to the lunch target (but i don't know if this is the problem)

The other thing that calls my attention is

07-17 12:48:21.470: E/AudioCache(103): Error 1, -2147483648 occurred

07-17 12:48:21.470: E/SoundPool(266): Unable to load sample: (null)

The audioCache is something used to cache decompressed audio samples to a temporary location. It is failing... We must find why, and also find why SoundPool is failing to load samples...

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Guest ejtagle

Audio working! :D

Add to the device.mk the following items:

# Graphics



# Codecs



# Audio policy configuration



The files media_profiles.xml, media_codecs.xml, audio_policy.conf should be taken from grouper device.

Also, add . below audio.a2dp.default , audio.usb.default to the PRODUCT_PACKAGES. That was all i needed to do to get audio working. Obviously, you need the patch to the libmedia I posted previously to get audio and video acceleration working. As far as i see, JB is as stable, or even better, than ICS :)

edit1: Ok, sometimes it does not work... I really would like opinions... For example, ringtones work...

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Guest brucelee666


Some good news audio also working for me, I get all sounds keyboard, mp3 from music app, screen touch (can't check ringtones as I removed voice from my build config which removes that from the volume settings but the other notification/alarms both output sound) - same as before its only through the headphones not speaker (so same as it was on ics with the latest audio kernel code/driver).

I did it slightly different, copied over the media_codes.xml from grouper but left the media_profiles.xml as the one from wingray and instead of copying *.default libs I left the a2dp.default as the one built and did not copy over the usb.default instead I amended the audio.policy.conf from grouper and just removed the usb section (I don't think we have usb audio do we so removed as not needed ?)

Also as I said above adding the shownavigationbar to the framework config now displays it at 160

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Guest foxsen

dear sirs,

I have some P10 pads from Shuttle, their touch screen will have a high probablity(around 10%) die randomly with all usable roms, including original 2.2 roms, vegacream RC1/2 etc. They are either totally unresponsive at the lock screen, or the icon can move a little but unable to reach to unlock position. A simple reboot will fix them temporary.

The touch screen firmware is, config version is

When the touch screen becomes unresponsive, use adb shell and dmesg I will get this message(each time I press on the screen):

>[53274.742997] tegra-i2c tegra-i2c.3: I2c error status 0x0000000a

>[53274.748976] tegra-i2c tegra-i2c.3: no acknowledge from address 0x46

>[53274.755312] tegra-i2c tegra-i2c.3: Packet status 0x00010005

>[53274.762065] it7260 4-0046: read command response buffer failed

>[53274.772566] tegra_pwm tegra_pwm.0: pwm_disable called on disabled PWM

Do you have any clue for this? Is it possible for the driver to reset the it7260 or the whole i2c bus? since reboot works,I guess there should be some way to reactivate the chip.

Thanks in advance.

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Guest ejtagle


Some good news audio also working for me, I get all sounds keyboard, mp3 from music app, screen touch (can't check ringtones as I removed voice from my build config which removes that from the volume settings but the other notification/alarms both output sound) - same as before its only through the headphones not speaker (so same as it was on ics with the latest audio kernel code/driver).

I did it slightly different, copied over the media_codes.xml from grouper but left the media_profiles.xml as the one from wingray and instead of copying *.default libs I left the a2dp.default as the one built and did not copy over the usb.default instead I amended the audio.policy.conf from grouper and just removed the usb section (I don't think we have usb audio do we so removed as not needed ?)

Also as I said above adding the shownavigationbar to the framework config now displays it at 160

Something interesting about audio.usb is that it would allow to use an external USB sound card or microphone, for example, sometimes it is found on some usb headphones... ;)

The thing i had problems with was youtube playback, but perhaps it is a problem in my specific build... If we are not having audio through speakers, we should check audio_hw.c select_device() function. It is the main responsible of switching outputs...

edit2: Maybe the problem is the concept behind headphones/speaker. Maybe android thinks it is dealing with a telephone, rathen than a tablet. A phone uses speaker for ringtones, and handsfree conversations, and headphones for all other things. If that is the case, i think we can easily fix ... :D

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Guest brucelee666


"edit2: Maybe the problem is the concept behind headphones/speaker. Maybe android thinks it is dealing with a telephone, rathen than a tablet. A phone uses speaker for ringtones, and handsfree conversations, and headphones for all other things. If that is the case, i think we can easily fix ..."

Think your on the right track with this idea, also I have a funny feeling this may be the cause of the audio skype issues we have had, someone on tabletroms mentioned that skype audio worked fine if via a bt headset but has not through speakers/headphone this would fit with being seen as a phone rather than a tablet in the skype app - never tried youtube due to other issues so cannot say if it would have worked for me either.

Now if only I could figure out why I am unable to write to sd internal/external think that would fix most of my issues, I have su access I can create folder,amend filenames, install app from sd just not create a new file or amend an existing file and save it - also cannot move app to sd (wondering if the overlay/frameworks/base/data/etc/platform.xml we had in ics device setup maybe causing an issue).

Seems to be permissions thing but have not changed anything I can think of differently from ics, what I did notice at 160density wifi was unable to add network where this worked at 120 although it disappears when reboot so is not saved to sd only temp.

Sure its a simple thing but will keep looking.

edit - ok forget above about write to sd etc was an app issue told you it was something simple

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Guest MikhailM

dear sirs,

I have some P10 pads from Shuttle, their touch screen will have a high probablity(around 10%) die randomly with all usable roms, including original 2.2 roms, vegacream RC1/2 etc. They are either totally unresponsive at the lock screen, or the icon can move a little but unable to reach to unlock position. A simple reboot will fix them temporary.

Do you have any clue for this? Is it possible for the driver to reset the it7260 or the whole i2c bus? since reboot works,I guess there should be some way to reactivate the chip.

Thanks in advance.

This has been solved by some clever Russians. Go to -

the method to fix the touchscreen controller and download links for the files you need are given there by Richardmlea, the guru on touchscreens.

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Guest ejtagle


"edit2: Maybe the problem is the concept behind headphones/speaker. Maybe android thinks it is dealing with a telephone, rathen than a tablet. A phone uses speaker for ringtones, and handsfree conversations, and headphones for all other things. If that is the case, i think we can easily fix ..."

Think your on the right track with this idea, also I have a funny feeling this may be the cause of the audio skype issues we have had, someone on tabletroms mentioned that skype audio worked fine if via a bt headset but has not through speakers/headphone this would fit with being seen as a phone rather than a tablet in the skype app - never tried youtube due to other issues so cannot say if it would have worked for me either.

Now if only I could figure out why I am unable to write to sd internal/external think that would fix most of my issues, I have su access I can create folder,amend filenames, install app from sd just not create a new file or amend an existing file and save it - also cannot move app to sd (wondering if the overlay/frameworks/base/data/etc/platform.xml we had in ics device setup maybe causing an issue).

Seems to be permissions thing but have not changed anything I can think of differently from ics, what I did notice at 160density wifi was unable to add network where this worked at 120 although it disappears when reboot so is not saved to sd only temp.

Sure its a simple thing but will keep looking.

The platform.xml could be the culprit. Remember that the sdcard is being fuse'd by a daemon to the android filesystem. Maybe the problem is that that daemon does not have the right permissions....

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Guest Scanno

The platform.xml could be the culprit. Remember that the sdcard is being fuse'd by a daemon to the android filesystem. Maybe the problem is that that daemon does not have the right permissions....

I can write to the sdcard. I have the following problems with jellybean:

The WiFi icon does not show signal-strength

Offcourse the audio... running now with a kernel with the old drivers. Thought i give it a try and see what is happening.

But one nagging problem is that after a reboot jellybean lust the key of my WiFi.. I have to reconnect and enter the key.

Link2sd is working. I am writing this from jellybean.

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Guest Daedric1383

I can write to the sdcard. I have the following problems with jellybean:

The WiFi icon does not show signal-strength

Offcourse the audio... running now with a kernel with the old drivers. Thought i give it a try and see what is happening.

But one nagging problem is that after a reboot jellybean lust the key of my WiFi.. I have to reconnect and enter the key.

Link2sd is working. I am writing this from jellybean.

A little Alpha for us commoners to test and help debug ? Please? Pretty please? :D

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Guest Michael_llewellyn

Hi all

First off I need to say thank you to everyone in the community for all the work on the vega for the last ≈2years. You guys have kept my vega going and, again thanks to you, have made it the best £200 I have ever spent.

Anyway, to my problem...

I am currently running kernel (from hybr1d's ubuntu thread) and debian wheezy. It works really nicely but without sound and no propriety nvidia graphics (fbdev works fine for xfce4.8+compositor; its perfectly usable for browsing and the like but 3d apps are generally a no go). The R15 tegra_drv.so armel driver appears to load OK but it just makes my screen go blank. I can still SSH into the device and X is running so (after much tinkering with xorg config) I am guessing that I need a newer kernel with (hopefully) updated framebuffer code in order to use the nvidia drivers.

I have compiled the 3.1 kernel from scanno's git repo (probably badly, I am keen but stupid) and using fastboot to pass kernel options but my console goes tiny, corrupts, and freezes still showing (barely) the fastboot messages. I don't think it gets as far as mounting my sd partition (root file system) as no logs are created. However if I use the boot.img from the vegacream beta I boot into my old vegaICS and everything runs fine (except wifi for obvious reasons).

have a few questions that I'm hoping people can help me with-

1) Am I wasting my time using the android kernel source to try and get a usable linux kernel? I'm hoping in the future to use the linux4tegra 3.1 kernel source and patch it as you guys have with the android one but I was hoping for a quick and dirty headstart.

2) Any suggestions on how to either get a failsafe console to show on my vega or how to log and view the output an alternative way - so I can see what is actually going on when I try to boot

3) Would someone be kind enough to describe broadly which parts of the shuttle kernel need to be ported to a generic tegra one. sound I know. maybe the mmc driver? nand? (although I don't use it under linux)

Many thanks

**update: i'm recompiling with tegrafb disabled and fbcon enabled

update2: I've got a running 3.1 kernel using scanno's git. So far so good only the touchscreen isn't working (just the x input driver - I can see raw output from /dev/input/event2) and havent tried accelerated x driver yet. If I get that sorted I'll post my kernel and debian rootfs if anyones interested.

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Guest Scanno

Hi all

First off I need to say thank you to everyone in the community for all the work on the vega for the last ≈2years. You guys have kept my vega going and, again thanks to you, have made it the best £200 I have ever spent.

Anyway, to my problem...

I am currently running kernel (from hybr1d's ubuntu thread) and debian wheezy. It works really nicely but without sound and no propriety nvidia graphics (fbdev works fine for xfce4.8+compositor; its perfectly usable for browsing and the like but 3d apps are generally a no go). The R15 tegra_drv.so armel driver appears to load OK but it just makes my screen go blank. I can still SSH into the device and X is running so (after much tinkering with xorg config) I am guessing that I need a newer kernel with (hopefully) updated framebuffer code in order to use the nvidia drivers.

I have compiled the 3.1 kernel from scanno's git repo (probably badly, I am keen but stupid) and using fastboot to pass kernel options but my console goes tiny, corrupts, and freezes still showing (barely) the fastboot messages. I don't think it gets as far as mounting my sd partition (root file system) as no logs are created. However if I use the boot.img from the vegacream beta I boot into my old vegaICS and everything runs fine (except wifi for obvious reasons).

have a few questions that I'm hoping people can help me with-

1) Am I wasting my time using the android kernel source to try and get a usable linux kernel? I'm hoping in the future to use the linux4tegra 3.1 kernel source and patch it as you guys have with the android one but I was hoping for a quick and dirty headstart.

2) Any suggestions on how to either get a failsafe console to show on my vega or how to log and view the output an alternative way - so I can see what is actually going on when I try to boot

3) Would someone be kind enough to describe broadly which parts of the shuttle kernel need to be ported to a generic tegra one. sound I know. maybe the mmc driver? nand? (although I don't use it under linux)

Many thanks

First the rel-15r7 repo contains the kernel sources you need and contains the sources used in VegaCream RC2. Second it is an Android kernel. If you want to use it for Linux, please check the NVidia site because they also have a general linux kernel.

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Guest brucelee666

I can write to the sdcard. I have the following problems with jellybean:

The WiFi icon does not show signal-strength

Offcourse the audio... running now with a kernel with the old drivers. Thought i give it a try and see what is happening.

But one nagging problem is that after a reboot jellybean lust the key of my WiFi.. I have to reconnect and enter the key.

Link2sd is working. I am writing this from jellybean.


Guess Eduardo missed my edit re. forget my write to sd problem or I was posting at the same time, that did not fix my move to sd option failing in settings until I had time to investigate.

First if I had used Eduardos device setup I would not have the problem as now I have going back and looked again at his device.mk I missed something, second I always enjoy figuring out what the problem was and fixing it means I learn something which is always good keeps the brain working - the problem was caused by me not building make_ext4fs and as now vold has ext4 and looks for it, it was unable to move apps adding it to system/bin fixed it.

Would you like to say how you got wifi working, any amendments or files you used, thanks - edit WiFi works but I had to uncheck avoid poor connections in advanced menu. (Edited on Vega)

Edited by brucelee666
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Guest foxsen

This has been solved by some clever Russians. Go to http://www.modaco.co...w-mobii-ect/��-

the method to fix the touchscreen controller and download links for the files you need are given there by Richardmlea, the guru on touchscreens.

Thank you for your information. But as I understand it, Richardmlea mainly provides a method to fix firmwares with wrong version, that will lead to completely unused touchscreen, and reboot/reflash normal roms won't solve it. My problem is a bit different: the firmware version is ok, usable most of the time, but fail sometimes; shutdown it, power on, the touch screen will be back.

Like I said in last post, at that time it seems the touch screen controller does not response to I2C bus requests.

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Guest ejtagle

Hi all

First off I need to say thank you to everyone in the community for all the work on the vega for the last ≈2years. You guys have kept my vega going and, again thanks to you, have made it the best £200 I have ever spent.

Anyway, to my problem...

I am currently running kernel (from hybr1d's ubuntu thread) and debian wheezy. It works really nicely but without sound and no propriety nvidia graphics (fbdev works fine for xfce4.8+compositor; its perfectly usable for browsing and the like but 3d apps are generally a no go). The R15 tegra_drv.so armel driver appears to load OK but it just makes my screen go blank. I can still SSH into the device and X is running so (after much tinkering with xorg config) I am guessing that I need a newer kernel with (hopefully) updated framebuffer code in order to use the nvidia drivers.

I have compiled the 3.1 kernel from scanno's git repo (probably badly, I am keen but stupid) and using fastboot to pass kernel options but my console goes tiny, corrupts, and freezes still showing (barely) the fastboot messages. I don't think it gets as far as mounting my sd partition (root file system) as no logs are created. However if I use the boot.img from the vegacream beta I boot into my old vegaICS and everything runs fine (except wifi for obvious reasons).

have a few questions that I'm hoping people can help me with-

1) Am I wasting my time using the android kernel source to try and get a usable linux kernel? I'm hoping in the future to use the linux4tegra 3.1 kernel source and patch it as you guys have with the android one but I was hoping for a quick and dirty headstart.

2) Any suggestions on how to either get a failsafe console to show on my vega or how to log and view the output an alternative way - so I can see what is actually going on when I try to boot

3) Would someone be kind enough to describe broadly which parts of the shuttle kernel need to be ported to a generic tegra one. sound I know. maybe the mmc driver? nand? (although I don't use it under linux)

Many thanks

**update: i'm recompiling with tegrafb disabled and fbcon enabled

The android3.1 kernel works beautifully with linux... I know it first hand, as that is exactly what i use to develop new kernel ports.. I created a busybox ramdisk that enables fbcon and sets USB to host, then plug an USB keyboard and i have an small linux box working. Don't forget to enable fbcon ;) .. And you must pass the same command line that is being passed when android boots the kernel, otherwise USB host will not work

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Guest ejtagle

I think i have an idea on why the speaker/headphone switch is not working as it should... It is a combination of bugs in the tegra_alc5624.c switch code, our (i think right now) corrected implementation of audio switchign in audio_hw.c and slight corrections made by Google on the Headset switch handling...I think the bug is in the tegra_alc5624.c file, that must be fixed properly to compatibilize it with the latest Android framework .... I am investigating it.. ;)

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Guest Scanno
I think i have an idea on why the speaker/headphone switch is not working as it should... It is a combination of bugs in the tegra_alc5624.c switch code, our (i think right now) corrected implementation of audio switchign in audio_hw.c and slight corrections made by Google on the Headset switch handling...I think the bug is in the tegra_alc5624.c file, that must be fixed properly to compatibilize it with the latest Android framework .... I am investigating it.. ;)

Please remember that the speaker/headphone switch also occurs in ICS with the latest audio drivers. Perhaps that narrows it down a bit and if google changed things in the framework, those changes were there in ics.

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Guest brucelee666


Ok will await the outcome of your investigations, have not recompiled the kernel in a few days so will make a change from compiling aosp.

As I managed to get wifi working by changing the settings option to avoid poor connections I was able to check iplayer/youtube after I installed flash and both video and audio output was as I would expect - the one audio test I could not do yesterday.

Also can you suggest what area of code you changed to get the wifi signal strength to display on ics (originally did not work in ics also) or what changes you had to make to the code to get it working, as Scanno said it does not display but this could also be because of the poor connection I am seeing, any suggestions would be helpful - thanks.

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Guest Scanno

Ok will await the outcome of your investigations, have not recompiled the kernel in a few days so will make a change from compiling aosp.

As I managed to get wifi working by changing the settings option to avoid poor connections I was able to check iplayer/youtube after I installed flash and both video and audio output was as I would expect - the one audio test I could not do yesterday.

Also can you suggest what area of code you changed to get the wifi signal strength to display on ics (originally did not work in ics also) or what changes you had to make to the code to get it working, as Scanno said it does not display but this could also be because of the poor connection I am seeing, any suggestions would be helpful - thanks.

I am seeing the same with wifi, but i do not have bad wifi signal. Disabling the poor signal AP setting is working for me too. But i will check if i can get a connection with that option enabled.

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Guest ejtagle


Ok will await the outcome of your investigations, have not recompiled the kernel in a few days so will make a change from compiling aosp.

As I managed to get wifi working by changing the settings option to avoid poor connections I was able to check iplayer/youtube after I installed flash and both video and audio output was as I would expect - the one audio test I could not do yesterday.

Also can you suggest what area of code you changed to get the wifi signal strength to display on ics (originally did not work in ics also) or what changes you had to make to the code to get it working, as Scanno said it does not display but this could also be because of the poor connection I am seeing, any suggestions would be helpful - thanks.

The specific change was in the wpa_supplicant files. That is why we need that exact modification as it was done in the ICS wpa supplicant - And make sure to select the proper WPA supplicant libraries and wifi extensions to use in the device,mk ;)

Please remember that the speaker/headphone switch also occurs in ICS with the latest audio drivers. Perhaps that narrows it down a bit and if google changed things in the framework, those changes were there in ics.

More or less, the problem goes like this: On the original 2.6.39 kernel, audio output switching was completely handled in the kernel side (in tegra_alc5524.c), and the audio_hw.c did not switch audio sources at all. But, even if that works, it is not the way that should be done.

In fact, the android framework should handle the audio switching. The idea is that the tegra_alc5624.c code should expose a switch device called h2w that outputs to the user level (in this case, the android framework), the state of the headphone (plugged or not plugged). Then , the android framework will decide if it wants to switch or not audio sources (based on application overrides or not), and, if allowed, will call audio_hw.c to do the actual switching by using the sound mixer api exposed by the codec.

The newer audio_hw.c now implements the audio switching, but the tegra_alc5624.c , even if it exports the h2w switch state, i suspect it is improperly reporting the headphone status. The result is either no switching at all, inverted switching (selects the disabled output)... You will notice that, as there is a delay of 1 second between headphone plug/unplug and the android framework trying to switch to the proper output as reported by the switch...

Question: Did you get audio and hw accelerated video decoding with the patches i posted to libmedia ? ... Without the patch, no hw accelerated video/audio decoding is possible, a no go to HD video... That is why i am interested ;)

I think we are close to get a fully working JB ROM :D

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Guest brucelee666


Thanks for the wifi info, had made most of the changes (as seen in my jellybean patch) but missed a couple of things - now corrected and wifi signal strength now shown on icon, my fix also means I no longer get the poor connection message or have to amend the advanced menu option for "avoid poor connections" - Scanno will post updated patch later tonight.

Now need to figure out why it is unable to write to data/misc to create the wifi_supplicant/config details, reason why its having to be reset on every boot, then that should be wifi to same level as ICS.

re. audio/video - I have applied your libmedia patch and can confirm I have watched 720phd youtube video full screen with excellent picture and audio (via hedaphones) so your patch seems to have worked for that.

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Guest Scanno

As of yet i cannot play any video. I get this error in logcat:

20:46:54.279 Error WVMExtractor 103  Failed to open libwvm.so

I guess it has to do with the prop.files.

Edited by Scanno
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