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Guest FatherD
Posted (edited)

Anyone tried this yet .. I'm not brave enough! :D

EDIT: I got brave!

Edited by FatherD
Guest TJ Style
Anyone tried this yet .. I'm not brave enough! :D

Please upload your current boot.img (kernel), so i can start modify for other vendor.

Guest FatherD
Posted (edited)
Please upload your current boot.img (kernel), so i can start modify for other vendor.

How do I extract it from the device to upload for you?

Edit: Found it .. this is the Modaco custom Rom boot.img for Commtiva N700


Edited by FatherD
Guest FatherD

I can confirm:

After pushing this using flash_image boot /sdcard/boot.img (as I had renamed the .img)

This works on the Commtiva N700 without ill effect - will report after 24 hours testing.

Well done TJ Style :D

Guest TJ Style
I can confirm:

After pushing this using flash_image boot /sdcard/boot.img (as I had renamed the .img)

This works on the Commtiva N700 without ill effect - will report after 24 hours testing.

Well done TJ Style :D


I have unpack the boot.img that you upload, the initrd and defconfig is similliar with my kernel.

so you can use without problem.

ok, I wait your feedback.. :D


Hi TJ,

Great work you have done on the kernel. Loaded it onto my Mi700 and it worked great. SetCPU showed overclocked but i couldn't get the figures you got in Quadrant. My score is only around 450. Any advice?


Guest TJ Style
Hi TJ,

Great work you have done on the kernel. Loaded it onto my Mi700 and it worked great. SetCPU showed overclocked but i couldn't get the figures you got in Quadrant. My score is only around 450. Any advice?


For Quadrant, you can't just see the overall score. but see the blue bar (cpu) score.

Are you've to activate the jit, hw accel and stagefright function?

Please upload your current boot.img (kernel), so i can start modify for other vendor.


Viewsonic Viewpad boot image.

Guest TJ Style

Viewsonic Viewpad boot image.

Hi.. thank you for uploading the boot.img..

You can use the fm6_boot_v1.2.img and please give me the feedback. :D

Guest FatherD

24ish hours in .. no crashes or weirdness of any kind, battery life is only marginally worse - well worth the extra snappiness!

Commtiva N700


Viewsonic Viewpad -

Has flash, has loaded - works! Thanks!

Are you've to activate the jit, hw accel and stagefright function?

Where to activate these functions?

Guest SpyHard06
24ish hours in .. no crashes or weirdness of any kind, battery life is only marginally worse - well worth the extra snappiness!

Commtiva N700

does this enable you from having it rooted, with custom rom and now kernel to have flash player working?

Guest TJ Style
Viewsonic Viewpad -

Has flash, has loaded - works! Thanks!

Where to activate these functions?

To enable HW Acceleration, JIT and stagefright function you can modify the build.prop value.

open system/build.prop With root explorer or similiar tools.

set the debug.sf.hw from 0 to 1

set media.stagefright.enable-player from false to true

if the dalvik.vm.heapsize is less than 48m, you can set to 48m

and add the dalvik.vm.execution-mode=int:jit parameter to build.prop

so the build.prop content is similiar like this:

# begin build properties

# autogenerated by buildinfo.sh

--------------------other value--------------------------------





--------------------other value--------------------------------

Guest TJ Style
24ish hours in .. no crashes or weirdness of any kind, battery life is only marginally worse - well worth the extra snappiness!

Commtiva N700

Great.. thank you for your feedback

does this enable you from having it rooted, with custom rom and now kernel to have flash player working?

I think the flash player still can't be working, because the problem is on the processor architecture.

FM6 is using MSM7227, the ARMV6 Family. and flash player until now is only working on ARMV7.

Guest FatherD
I think the flash player still can't be working, because the problem is on the processor architecture.

FM6 is using MSM7227, the ARMV6 Family. and flash player until now is only working on ARMV7.

Quite right ... I use Skyfire to get the most possible from the web, and VitalPlayer to cope with onboard video - works a treat.

Thank you TJ for the tips on editing the build.prop ... it nearly doubled my benchmark in Quadrant!

To enable HW Acceleration, JIT and stagefright function you can modify the build.prop value.

open system/build.prop With root explorer or similiar tools.

set the debug.sf.hw from 0 to 1

set media.stagefright.enable-player from false to true

if the dalvik.vm.heapsize is less than 48m, you can set to 48m

and add the dalvik.vm.execution-mode=int:jit parameter to build.prop

so the build.prop content is similiar like this:

Thanks for the tips. However, those lines above in my build.prop is located after "# end build properties" and located in "# system.prop for surf". So i copied those lines and placed them under "#begin build properties". Since then the Quadrant score more than doubled for CPU test.


Guest ali2869
Hi.. I'm TJ from Indonesia, Sorry for my bad English.. :D


  • Overclocked up to 864MHz
  • UnderVolt
  • EXT4 enabled
  • SWAP enabled



can you show me the way to instal it ?

can this boot.img insta from rom manager restore image ? or with a688 like a journey ?

like "fastboot flash recovery nama file recovery.img " ?


can you show me the way to instal it ?

can this boot.img insta from rom manager restore image ? or with a688 like a journey ?

like "fastboot flash recovery nama file recovery.img " ?


flash_image boot /sdcard/fm6_boot_v1.2.img

Guest ali2869
flash_image boot /sdcard/fm6_boot_v1.2.img

where i can write that word ?

i have no terminal in my device ?

one time i call terminal via app***net , it show up but i can not write anything ( teh keyboard didn't show up ) even in potrai or landscape mode ?


Guest TJ Style
can you show me the way to instal it ?

can this boot.img insta from rom manager restore image ? or with a688 like a journey ?

like "fastboot flash recovery nama file recovery.img " ?


you can't use a688 tools / fastboot because this device in not yet supported.

you can following the instruction that walery said.

to: TJ Style

Pls add to kernel module cifs and nfs ..

i will add more feature soon, until my pc is back..

thanks the info

but it show up flash_image: permission denied

anything wrong ?

after i write su the $ become #

and i can write, but flash image not found,

the boot file in sdcard any mistake ?


The rights root are received? For example through z4root

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