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Guest espeon
under adb: flash_image boot /sdcard/boot.img

Try this using clockworkmod: http://www.multiupload.com/RVL30X0B5W

If don't work, i don't know how can i help you, since i eared that fastboot is not available in your device (still insure).

Guest som097
Try this using clockworkmod: http://www.multiupload.com/RVL30X0B5W

If don't work, i don't know how can i help you, since i eared that fastboot is not available in your device (still insure).

great thanks!

this does work, I've flashed it together with a2sd+ latest beta.

Now I see /system/app pointing to /system/sd/app.

The kernel version stays the same, all kernel modules were loaded successfully.

Don't know why flash_image cannot work while system is running.

thanks again, a great help!

Guest ming0971
Try this using clockworkmod: http://www.multiupload.com/RVL30X0B5W

If don't work, i don't know how can i help you, since i eared that fastboot is not available in your device (still insure).

Thanks, it worked for me too...now I have lots of memory space for installing any applications.

Guest kokokranc

why you need to flash new kernel for a2sd support? isn't it supported natively in Froyo?

or do you mean different type of a2sd? im sorry a real newbie here.

Guest ming0971
Posted (edited)
why you need to flash new kernel for a2sd support? isn't it supported natively in Froyo?

or do you mean different type of a2sd? im sorry a real newbie here.

It's a different type of a2sd. the froyo native a2sd is only moving part of the applications to sdcard, yes you will get a more space to the internal memory but not so much....the a2sd that we talked about is another kind of a2sd that moves applications, dalvik-cache, etc to an EXT4 partition of the SD card. When I used the native a2sd, I only got 40MB free of internal storage but when I used the a2sd (EXT4) I got 100 MB free.

In order to do that you need to make an EXT4 partition on your sdcard, flash the update kernel which supports EXT4 and a2sdext (just like darktremor apps2sd)

Edited by ming0971
Guest espeon
Posted (edited)
why you need to flash new kernel for a2sd support? isn't it supported natively in Froyo?

or do you mean different type of a2sd? im sorry a real newbie here.

app2fat -> froyo implementation of app2sd (can't move widgets, can't move apps that don't support it, if you connect phone to pc you cant use them, it takes more space, you can only move apps)

app2ext -> all apps are moved to ext partition, there is no restriction, apps are available when you connect your phone to pc, it takes less space, you can also move dalvik-cache or even all data, there is no device encryption, faster.

runparts support -> needed for app2ext and implemented in kernel, main purpose is to run scripts at startup, its very useful, you can set everything you want under startup scrips, one time set lets forget and enjoy :mellow:

Edited by espeon
Guest som097
app2fat -> froyo implementation of app2sd (can't move widgets, can't move apps that don't support it, if you connect phone to pc you cant use them, it takes more space, you can only move apps)

app2ext -> all apps are moved to ext partition, there is no restriction, apps are available when you connect your phone to pc, it takes less space, you can also move dalvik-cache or even all data, there is no device encryption, faster.

runparts support -> needed for app2ext and implemented in kernel, main purpose is to run scripts at startup, its very useful, you can set everything you want under startup scrips, one time set lets forget and enjoy :mellow:

espeon, could you build a kernel without overclock, kernel hack and all the debug options, with a2sd+ ?

Noticed the one you uploaded earlier has been oc'ed. By default the stock kernel enabled nearly all kernel hack/debug options.

Guest espeon
espeon, could you build a kernel without overclock, kernel hack and all the debug options, with a2sd+ ?

Noticed the one you uploaded earlier has been oc'ed. By default the stock kernel enabled nearly all kernel hack/debug options.

Try this: http://hotfile.com/dl/116456602/5571a2f/up...ernel2.zip.html

Wifi may not work...

I don't have your device to test.

Guest espeon
Posted (edited)
thanks, btw, here is the stock kernel config for my viewpad7, if interested.

Wifi may not work because sometimes we have to compile and link wifi drivers with kernel..

Just try and tell us if it worked.

Edit: i saw it worked, nice :mellow:

Edited by espeon
Guest som097
Wifi may not work because sometimes we have to compile and link wifi drivers with kernel..

Just try and tell us if it worked.

really thanks, this puts my device on a shinning spin.

1) enable hw acceleration, jit according to this thread;

2) enable a2sd+ using kernels provided by espeon (in this thread too) and a2sd+ beta (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=715940);

I don't want overclock since I want longer battery, also with #1 I found it better to play rmvb in mobplayer.

viewpad 7 has an 'ok' video card, won't worry too much about cpu speed on a daily use.

You guys rock!

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest s2k7

I bought a Viewpad7 with rom version 2.2.2.

If I flash fm6_boot_v1.2.img, the touch panel will not work anymore! Even I can receive a call.

Any comment welcomed!

Guest TJ Style
I bought a Viewpad7 with rom version 2.2.2.

If I flash fm6_boot_v1.2.img, the touch panel will not work anymore! Even I can receive a call.

Any comment welcomed!

Sorry, the overclocked kernel is not compatible with newer device that using ITE touchscreen.

because the driver in not available in this time..

you can revert to your original boot.img or system.

you can get from here:


Guest sunil_k
Posted (edited)
i already put the fm6_boot_v1.2.img on my sdcard

but when i check /system/bin theres no flash_image! what should i do FatherD, please help me..tnx

I have a N700. I had this problem so placed a flash_image file there using root explorer. The other file is in the correct place. I used terminal emulator to carry out the process after each command I pressed enter and it went to the next line so it seems to have worked? but im not sure

I ran a bench mark and I got a score of 380? So im unsure on if it has worked or not. anyone got any advice.

........... I got this to work after I flashed a rom. Quadrant score is now up at 750 and the device is a bit more responsive.

Edited by sunil_k
Guest s2k7

May I ask you to make a new BOOT.IMG including ITE touchscreen?

Thanx in advance.

Sorry, the overclocked kernel is not compatible with newer device that using ITE touchscreen.

because the driver in not available in this time..

you can revert to your original boot.img or system.

you can get from here:


  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Solomon Wang

I can't download fm6_boot_v1.2.img now, any advice?

  • 3 weeks later...

I've flashed this kernel to my Viewpad 7 2.2.2 stock ROM. The results are as expected, but ...

After flashing CPU speed sometimes and randomly downs to 7XX Mhz, 6XX Mhz or even 2XX Mhz. It happens after re-booting and it "normalizes" to speed of 864 Mhz only after another re-boot.

Is there any remedy? Many thanks!

Guest Infernoken

I've flashed this kernel to my Viewpad 7 2.2.2 stock ROM. The results are as expected, but ...

After flashing CPU speed sometimes and randomly downs to 7XX Mhz, 6XX Mhz or even 2XX Mhz. It happens after re-booting and it "normalizes" to speed of 864 Mhz only after another re-boot.

Is there any remedy? Many thanks!

That's normal, the CPU speed will decrease when you do not need the power...

What the kernel update dos is increase the max. speed the cpu can run at, but it still will throttle to lower speeds when it does not need the max...

Good for your battery life and the thermals of your CPU...

You can set the CPU to always run at 864Mhz with SetCPU, but I don't see the need...



Guest AlanF100


As a newbie I am a bit lost as to what all this long technical thread is telling me !

Can I install this ROM on a Commtiva N700 and get "better performance" (by overclocking the processor, etc..), and also get Flash 10.1 to work ?

Sorry its such a dumb question.


Guest flez1966
Posted (edited)


As a newbie I am a bit lost as to what all this long technical thread is telling me !

Can I install this ROM on a Commtiva N700 and get "better performance" (by overclocking the processor, etc..), and also get Flash 10.1 to work ?

Sorry its such a dumb question.


In a word Alan yes, based on experience from my samsung, but the guides were simpler and i have only had mine 7 hours... I apologise to the community for being so lax..

If anyone can point me and the gent above to a guide in toys'r'us speak I'd be happy to follow it, I have my spoon with bendy handle at the ready....


ok had a play, i tried superoneclick but for me was a supertimewaste, only ever got as far as step3 and then just sat until windows said it had stopped responding, also the pad did too, while it responded to touch it was no longer in debug mode, as both the app and the pad had stopped woriking theres no finger to point and the superoneclick software seems to have worked for others so i dont think theres anything wrong with that, it may be adifferent pad version it cant cope with or something else simple, either way try it it may work for you, just didnt for me.

What did work was finding gingerbreak.zip on this forum, downloading it and placing it on the sd card, i also opened the zip and placed the gingerbreak-v1.20.apk file onto the sd card.

i unplugged the pad, used file browser to find it, and ran it.

let it install then choose 'open'

one rooted device.

Edited by flez1966
Guest zwiebug

any updates on kernel development? maybe this nice little device can be overclocked even more? :-)

  • 1 month later...


In some first topics here there is that this kernel support ext4 (so I presume ext2 and 3 as well).

I have tried to use darktremor app2sd, partitioning card in clockworkmode recovery but it didn't work, then I have partitioned it on the pc connecting tablet with the card. I couldn't create swap partition this way but ext3 no problem. So I end up with two partitions - fat32 and ext3 but again - it doesn't work.

a2sd complains about that it wasn't executed at boot so maybe the kernel doesn't support init.d.

Could the creator please answer this or maybe anyone else can advice on how to use ext3 with this kernel?

My tablet is Commtiva N700, I have rooted this and installed fm6 kernel from this thread.


Guest Oldbarzo


In some first topics here there is that this kernel support ext4 (so I presume ext2 and 3 as well).

I have tried to use darktremor app2sd, partitioning card in clockworkmode recovery but it didn't work, then I have partitioned it on the pc connecting tablet with the card. I couldn't create swap partition this way but ext3 no problem. So I end up with two partitions - fat32 and ext3 but again - it doesn't work.

a2sd complains about that it wasn't executed at boot so maybe the kernel doesn't support init.d.

Could the creator please answer this or maybe anyone else can advice on how to use ext3 with this kernel?

My tablet is Commtiva N700, I have rooted this and installed fm6 kernel from this thread.


Hi Jared

I have the same tablet but am using a Viewpad 7 rom which is compatible. This rom (Cleanviewpad7 v1.0|APPS2SD|CWM) by skink123, available on XDA Developers, Viewpad 7 and variants Rom Development.

This rom includes darktremor apps2sd.

Hope this is of some help.



Hi Jared

I have the same tablet but am using a Viewpad 7 rom which is compatible. This rom (Cleanviewpad7 v1.0|APPS2SD|CWM) by skink123, available on XDA Developers, Viewpad 7 and variants Rom Development.

This rom includes darktremor apps2sd.

Hope this is of some help.


Thanks, I will give it a try although I am very .... reluctant to change roms right now - you know, everything set up, installed, skinned etc. After installing new rom - everything need to be installed again.

Does this rom include swipe? I kinda used to it and it's as a stock app in N700 rom.

Can installation of all apps, skins etc be somehow automated? I think titanuim backup can do that, I must check it.

Thanks again.


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