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Stock OC kernel V2 (for Acer based rom)

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Guest rithchen
Posted (edited)

Hello everyone,

Since errmsg find out the solution to build liquid kernel from acer, I spend some time to integrated our devs hard work.

This kernel just for my personal use only, so all creadits are belong our smart devs!! Thank you all!

All custom rom based on acer will work, cause it's acer's kernel source!!

How to install

Use malez recovery, flash zip without sign check.


1. OC (from phh. It boot at 768Mhz, and you can change frequency up to 998Mhz as your desire by SetCPU)

2. SWAP support

3. MT fix (from noxwell)

4. compcache (from http://code.goougle.com/p/compcache/)

5. fast dormancy (from acer metal source)

6. add cifs.ko nls_utf8.ko and tun.ko


At first, I must appropriate our devs, they do the best works, and they are still taking us moving forward :D

Second, I post this kernel just for people who want all working hardware, incase in some situation you need it. But if you want have more advanced experience, the cm7 need more feedback and test volunteers.

Third, this kernel may help people who want porting other ROMs (maybe i am wrong, not sure XD), or people want use acer's kernel to build modules you need.

1. What is the difference with the old one?

My goal is to build a stable and battery optimize kernel, and it can let other devs integrate to their custom ROM (Of cause, it must based on Acer's kernel)

In this case, i change the Voltage Scaling policy, and trying to fix the battery drain problem when using compcache (And it's caused by the different way the Android using memory)

So I hope you will like it, and you can post your feedback here. Thank you!

P.S. I change the initlogo to Acer dorid (I knew the old one sucks, but it's my first release, and i don't have time to deal with ROOTFS :D)

2. Does it works on A1 or LiquidE?

I am using A1, but I think LiquidE is working too.

3. Does it support EXT2 or EXT3?

In acer's kernel EXT2 was enabled by default,but EXT3 not!

4. Does Liquid setting App works?

I'm not sure, you can try it by your own :)

5. After I overclock my device some strange things was happened!

Try switch your liquid to lower frequency.

In my case, I can change frequency to 998, but only frequency lower 921Mhz get all functions work XD

6. I have battery drain fast problem!

I think it was caused by compcache.

(After many days test, the battery drain was caused by swap thrashing. So, at this moment the only thing we can do is change swapiness value)


1. If you want to use compache, load the script below from gscript

(I add swappiness config cmd, 0="start swapping only when absolutely needed" 100="preemtively swap out memory you are not using")

insmod /system/lib/modules/ramzswap.ko;

rzscontrol /dev/block/ramzswap0 --disksize_kb=32768 --init;

busybox swapon /dev/block/ramzswap0;

echo 30 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness;

2. If you want turn off compcache

busybox swapoff /dev/block/ramzswap0;

rmmod ramzswap;

If you think this kernel helps you, you can buy me a drink :)

paypal rithchen

Edited by rithchen
Guest rithchen
Posted (edited)

OC kernel for LCR

I don't use LCR right now, So I need your test feedback. Thanks :D


Edited by rithchen
Posted (edited)

hello, for what rom is?

Edited by vekkio

I tried with the original ROM of liquid E, but continues to reboot :D

Guest Thmz159

I really MUST try this, if this work on T&L it would be AMAZING!

Btw, does it work with the Liquid App from Koudelka?

Guest Lens_flare
Posted (edited)

Haptic feedback can be switched on/off with standard acer settings.

Sensitivity patch isn't modify a boot.

Edited by Lens_flare
Posted (edited)

for me with t&l on liquid a1 works fine with 998!

thank you :D

Edited by oppip
Guest zorginho
Posted (edited)

bootloop: doesn't work on liquid a1 with t&l and appstosd enabled

Edited by zorginho
Posted (edited)
OC 921

work with the metal rom 2.5... Sweet!

Edited by isshah
Guest fear_factory84
Posted (edited)

Hi ritchen could you please upload sources and your config somewhere? I'm trying to build a custom kernel for acer based rom since days but I got many problems with koud/roggin/thepasto kernels, since they are a bit too different from stock acer one..

I would like to build cifs module, and set clock speed to default 768000 still allowing higher frequencies via setcpu (editing msm frequency tables like phh did)....

Thanks in advance!

Attached is boot.img, 883mhz with lcr-f 2.0 ramdisk.. just unpacked and repacked with koud's perl scripts :D

headset works and also wifi with acer provided module.. great!


Edited by fear_factory84
Guest Edward.W

Works great with Metal Froyo ROM 2.75 as well, really smooth now!

Can anyone confirm ext2 or ext3 support??

for me dont work ext2 or ext3,

wait for a new version :D

Guest eiben_robert
Posted (edited)

Installed OC833 over A1 stock Froyo

Boot Ok

SWAP and Compcache (via Gcript) OK BUT only after installing busybox from market. Strange that SWAP and compcache gave "permission denied" error with busybox installed by titanium backup

I could not enable Compcache via liquid settings v0.4.2

Looking forward to battery life and to check bluetooth

a BIG thanks to all developers

Edited by eiben_robert
Posted (edited)
work with the metal rom 2.5... Sweet!


Ran the gscript for compcache ... but getting errors...

stderrL insmod init_module "/system/lib/modules.ramzswap.ko' failed (File exists)

disksiez_kb: Device or resource busy

stderr: swapon: .dev/blcok/ramzswap0: Device or resource busy

any idea?

Edited by isshah
Guest navygino

After long waiting.........................................................................


It work well on my 4.003.14_APP_FET....

If you have a paypal link I would like to make a donation.

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