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Browser crashes when viewing Wikipedia pages

Guest Kritta

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I have noticed that when I try to view a page on Wikipedia (using the browser), the browser quits as the page finished loading.

This was not a problem before I upgraded to 2.2.

Does anyone else have this problem? Is it just me? Just Streaks?

I would be interested to know if anyone can duplicate this issue.

- Andrew

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I typed in wikipedia to teh search and it came up with the fix..

I typed Wikipedia into the search box and the first result leads to pages of stuff I'm not interested in about Streak Droid. I don't even know what that is. I don't want to know. And I should not have to know to be able to use Wikipedia.

I followed the link provided above and, again, couldn't see anything specifically about the Wikipedia issue.

If there is an issue with Wikipedia (and possibly other sites) could someone please explain what the issue is and how to fix it. If there is no fix, I would at least like to know if it's me-specific, O2 2.2 specific, or whatever, so I know whether to address the issue to O2 or Dell or whoever.

Thanks in advance,

- Andrew

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I typed Wikipedia into the search box and the first result leads to pages of stuff I'm not interested in about Streak Droid. I don't even know what that is. I don't want to know. And I should not have to know to be able to use Wikipedia.

I followed the link provided above and, again, couldn't see anything specifically about the Wikipedia issue.

If there is an issue with Wikipedia (and possibly other sites) could someone please explain what the issue is and how to fix it. If there is no fix, I would at least like to know if it's me-specific, O2 2.2 specific, or whatever, so I know whether to address the issue to O2 or Dell or whoever.

Thanks in advance,

- Andrew

all you had to do was read issues with 170 thread and it was there right in front of you..

Sorry but I don't see why people should need to be spoon fed.

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all you had to do was read issues with 170 thread and it was there right in front of you..

The only thing you've made clear is that you are narrow-minded and self-righteous. It may have been easier, and more helpful for everyone, if you'd just provided the answer, or not posted at all.

I never expected to be spoon-fed, but I just hoped that others may have helped me out, just as I often help others out in other situations.

Anyway, clearly you are totally superior to everyone, and I apologize for imagining that your kindness may be anywhere near the level at which you imagine your superiority to be.

You are ruining an otherwise fine forum.

I have tried searching, I have tried seeing-through your bloody-minded obsfucation, and I still have not found an answer.

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Guest stoney1973
The only thing you've made clear is that you are narrow-minded and self-righteous. It may have been easier, and more helpful for everyone, if you'd just provided the answer, or not posted at all.

I never expected to be spoon-fed, but I just hoped that others may have helped me out, just as I often help others out in other situations.

Anyway, clearly you are totally superior to everyone, and I apologize for imagining that your kindness may be anywhere near the level at which you imagine your superiority to be.

You are ruining an otherwise fine forum.

I have tried searching, I have tried seeing-through your bloody-minded obsfucation, and I still have not found an answer.

Did you actually read the 1.7.0 thread as advised?

Result for searching 'WIKIPEDIA' http://android.modaco.com/index.php?act=Se...te=%2Bwikipedia

Really not so difficult.

Edited by stoney1973
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Guest stoney1973
Ro be fair to Fards he does get asked a lot of repeated questions. I was having the same issue with wikipedia, and so I read the thread and presto!

My post wasnt aimed at Fards. Was just meant to show Kritta how easy it was to search the forum for 'wikipedia' and get the required info.

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Guest bhull521

Just copy and paste the 2 libskia files found in fards zip file (page 19) to the system/libs directory using root explorer and reboot. I just did this and it works.

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Guest BigBlue007

It might be important to set the permissions correctly before rebooting. Refer to the original file's permissions. Maybe you can also forget about that, but I usually do this, just to be sure.

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Guest Emission

One quick google search and I found this page just fine.

Was having the same issue with being unable to load wikipedia pages in either miren or the default browser, pushing libskia.so and libskiaGL.so to my /system/lib/ worked exactly as described.

Many thanks :huh:.

Running DJ Steves 1.8.0.

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Guest mattguest

Jesus, I was having the same issue but thank god I didn't ask for someone's help on this forum for fear of being flamed. Grow up you arrogant idiot, why don't you take your angst ridden adolescent torment out on your girlfriend or your family. Think i'll stick to XDA from now on, more people in the know and willing to help, less self obsessed adolescent tw4ts wanting to beat their chests. Sorry but this really winds me up.

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Guest stoney1973

Toys? Cot?

Anyway, if you had read the thread, you would see that we all actually answered him properly, he was given the correct answer on more than one occasion.No one stormed into the thread to just throw their toys out of the cot like you did.

As for your obsession with my mom? Really? Was that really the way to go? Do you know her? I guess not, because she would have beaten you for that comment.

EDIT: first post was a kneekerk reaction.No point in flaming.

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So mattguest you've joined Modaco to be abusive towards people, well done, must make you feel really good that..

Theres a very very good reason for asking people to search for stuff rather than asking questions, and that is to make it easier to find the answers.

Its much better to search and read for two minutes than for everyone to spend 25 minutes raking through identical threads all asking exactly the same thing by people who didn't bother searching in the first place.

It clogs up the search engines

Now call Me what you want butI find it very childish in the purest sense kritta reaction. Read it again, he's basically said he's too lazy and can't be bothered to read, so why should anyone be bothered to help him.

This isn'ta Dell support forum, if you want someone to do what you want rather than havea look for your self then you should try dellcares, they get paid for it!

Edited by fards
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Guest mattguest

I didn't join to abuse people, just not my thing, and yes, on reading back my 1st post it was a little offensive and for that I apologise. As for the rest of it, I already made my point and don't see the need to repeat it, and I'm sorry fards, I know of you from here & xda & previously had nothing but respect for you but all you've done here is reiterate the reason for my initial knee-jerk reaction.

Stoney, hey, I appreciate you didn't take offense for me bringing your mum into this, I hope you see the reference was more light hearted than offensive.

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Guest stoney1973
I didn't join to abuse people, just not my thing, and yes, on reading back my 1st post it was a little offensive and for that I apologise. As for the rest of it, I already made my point and don't see the need to repeat it, and I'm sorry fards, I know of you from here & xda & previously had nothing but respect for you but all you've done here is reiterate the reason for my initial knee-jerk reaction.

Stoney, hey, I appreciate you didn't take offense for me bringing your mum into this, I hope you see the reference was more light hearted than offensive.

Dude, I think we all had a bad day.

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Dude, I think we all had a bad day.

I have this problem, does the phone need to be rooted to apply the fix, I have o2 standard 2.2. Please no sarcy remarks, I have very little technical understanding and have searched the forum before anyone tells me off. Thanks

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Guest XsCode

Doubtful it's the same problem on stock 2.2, but no you don't need to be rooted just follow the instructions posted earlier..

I have this problem, does the phone need to be rooted to apply the fix, I have o2 standard 2.2. Please no sarcy remarks, I have very little technical understanding and have searched the forum before anyone tells me off. Thanks
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