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How to uninstall pre-installed apps (no cmd needed)

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Guest KopCity

Hi guys,sorry if its been posted before or if i'm on wrong thread,but i noticed lots of people are finding it difficult to remove pre-installed apps on android...

i went on the following:

http://androidcommander.com/ downloaded it..

Phone Requirements:

- ROOT (only for Applications Manager and flashing options)

- BusyBox (required only for rooted phones; included to most ROMs)

- Settings->Applications->Development->USB debuging must be enabled

- USB cable

it says busybox but u can use "Superuser" to root your phone...

PC Requirements:

- Windows

- Instaled Android SDK *

- Instaled ADB USB Driver from SDK

- SDK/Tools set in System Path (program can set it for You )

* Download the Android SDK: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html

* Installing the Android SDK: http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html

Install SDK from the above link,you must also have JAVA installed on your PC...

download and install all the required programs

connect your android phone to pc through USB

then click on the "android commander" program(make sure you set system path,look for the item path where you installed ADB..the pc needs to find this)

this should detect your phone,then go on from there to search and remove your unwanted apps

any help with this,ask me here or PM me..

Guest KopCity

stupid idiot!!!!!im a stupid idiot!!! i removed FMRADIO and now my keyboard is missing! i cant type!lmao...how do i get a keyboard manually???

Guest Frankish
stupid idiot!!!!!im a stupid idiot!!! i removed FMRADIO and now my keyboard is missing! i cant type!lmao...how do i get a keyboard manually???

You wouldn't lose keyboard through removing fmradio...

You can also just use Titanium Backup app to remove system apps from your rom. Much simpler.

Guest KopCity

wheres my keyboard???helppppppppp i installed a keyboard and yet i still cant type anywhere,it wont shoe me input method?im not touching my phone again after i fix this!!!

Guest vermat17
wheres my keyboard???helppppppppp i installed a keyboard and yet i still cant type anywhere,it wont shoe me input method?im not touching my phone again after i fix this!!!

May sound stupid, but have you gone to settings, language and keyboard, and then selected an input method?.

If not, you could go to Swype, make an account, download the beta keyboard for temporary use, then use that to search a keyboard you like from the market.

Guest KopCity

^ im stupid mate,but not that stupid but thanks..

i rebooted my phone n its ok now!!

this thread needs deleting and thanks guys for titanium backup and other program which costs 0.62p

but will titanium backup work for pre-installed apps?

Guest KopCity

tested titanium back up and it works! cheers :D i thought i bricked my phone when i got error message on my phone "unexpected error occured" my phone went blank and rebooted! :D


Easiest way is to just use terminal and rm the apk from /system/apps/

Guest flashprince


If you download some Rom you can open it with WinZIP.

system\app\ here the all of app what is in the rom. You can delete here what you dont need. (If you break your phone is not my buisnes, you need think what you wanna delete) I delete here always the FMradio, Filer replace root explorer, delete car home, i replace the launcer to the launcherPro. etc.

So here you can delete what you dont need. And you can put here some IMPORTANT apps what you wanna install in the first boot. Dont put here AngryBirds or other like this app.

After just flash your phone. And tadam here your "custom" ROM.

Thats the first step if i try a new ROM.

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