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The 'I want to enter the lottery portion of the competition' topic

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Guest haitchaitch
Posted (edited)

Seems I've let myself get a bit out of touch. I joined here ages ago as a dell axim x30 then x51v (those were the days) owner then I went "convergent" as they used to call it with nokia n95 then samsung omnia and now with a 3GS. I do miss being able to fiddle under the cover easily. I've also got a samsung sf310 for my lappy and have already been surprised by how well the core i5 processor performs. Would now love to have allay with one of these things :-)

Edited by haitchaitch
Guest LiveRock

I am keen to have a vega too. I am developing for iOS and would like to try Android.

Guest Azkabor

Nice, a lottery. Just when I need a newer device. I'm still developing on my aged and machine washed Hero.

Guest DJ'er

Sweet, I don't own any tablet, this would be awesome if I could get one.

Guest twDragon
Want to enter the 'lottery' portion of the competition but not sure where to post?

Let's not clutter up the other threads if you're a bit shy and don't know what to say... post here!

Why not tell us a bit about yourself and your tech! :D


let's make it short

I want to enter the lottery portion of the competition

Guest stuartmc

Saw the Vega in PCWorld yesterday. definitely a step up from my Orange SFO. Keep up the good work Paul.

Guest ishaq2007

I would like to be entered into the lottery, Advent Vega looks cool!

Guest rock3r

Well, it seems like I forgot to post in here earlier... Count me in :D

Guest gavtaylor

'I want to enter the lottery portion of the competition', would love to win myself a Vega and as all I need to do to enter is make a quick post here, I thought why not...

bit about me?

Im a PHP developer at one of the leading UK hosting companies, working in their R&D department, in my spare time I love tinkering with Android on my now ageing HTC Hero.

I'd love a Vega as my 4yr old is obsessed with Android (in particular Angry birds and Xconstruction) and would like my phone back ;-)


Vega is an amazing piece of hardware!

and since there's no Vega resellers in Italy, why not to try to win it by taking part in this lottery... :D

i want to take part on it!


Guest varta

I'm in! :D

Would be nice to win.. :D

BTW, I'm a student from Slovakia :(

Guest harisled

Lottery time!!

Thanks for the prizes Paul, they are great!

Guest BE_Error

Would love to win, but with my luck I probably won't.

Would be nice to have a new piece of hardware to play with though!

Guest Philli

Never won anything in my life. Perhaps now. Still trying!! :D :D

Guest Joran H
Oooo, shiney... please put me in the lottery!

+1 I'd love one of these, it'd match my Adam that is supposed to be arriving soon.

Guest maliciouspixels

Always enter lotterys!

Plus, I would like to get into this tablet stuff.


I too would love to win a Vega. I've heard such great things about Android, but haven't been able to justify the expense of a new device. All I've experienced so far is Windows and Windows Mobile - I feel like a dinosaur :D

Guest lostunsunghero

i reckon im gonna win, nothing wrong in seeing the positive of everything lol.

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