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YAUDIG. USB driver guides for newcomers. It works!

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Guest simonta
Posted (edited)

For newcomers. Screen shot intensive, step by step guides to installing the USB drivers needed to flash stock ROM and install the Modaco ROM on Windows XP, Vista and 7. Done as PDFs rather than a monster post which would probably be unusable.

Please feedback, especially if any steps didn't work, didn't make sense, seemed out of order or had different results to the ones shown in the guides.


If you are certain that you are doing it right but you get a yellow exclamation mark and "code 10, device cannot start", reboot both your PC and your Vega. To reboot a Vega, do it from an app or the power menu or if no other choice, hold power for about 6 seconds.

Good luck.....



Edited by simonta
Guest davethechamp
For newcomers. A very screen shot intensive, step by step guide to installing the USB drivers needed to flash stock ROM and install the Modaco ROM on Windows XP. Done as a PDF rather than a monster post which would probably be unusable.

Please feedback, especially if any steps didn't work, didn't make sense, seemed out of order or had different results to the ones shown in the guide.

Will rest a while, then produce the same for Vista/Windows 7.

Good luck.....

As new user, yet to collect my Vega, I have read many articles on this topic and have a good handle on what to expect - I think and Hope!

This Guide seems easy to read and to follow and makes the proccess seem a lot simplified and less duanting.

Hopefully will help a lot of people and prevent a load of new to vega topics!! Myself potentially included.

A great big Thank you


Guest stevesilk51

Excellent Guide Simon.

This needs to be a stickie/pinned to avoid the upteen requests for USB driver help from newbies who are often at their wits end, so much so, they don't search for a solution but want instant gratification!

Together with the Percy25 guide/installation thread and the arad65 win 7 64bit version?


Guest stevesilk51
Posted (edited)

Sorry double post

Edited by stevesilk51
Guest simonta

Shameless bump to keep it in view for newcomers...

Guest Mogedwards

This has been brilliant, although some of the things that happen on my PC are not quite the same, even though it is XP, but I have been able to figure these out.

The one thing that was the real life saver was your details on putting the Vega into recovery mode. I knew all about the button sequences, but I had not realised that the screen has to be completely blank with no backlight. In fact, I thought if it was like this it was just Off. I'm sure other people had said this, but I obviously missed it. Just that one piece of info got me from a dead Vega to a working wonder.

Because I had this knowledge, I discovered that my 2secs were too long anyway, so I would never had got it into recovery. I think the real time is 1second. I did this and it worked a dream.

So thank you for your time and effort. The PDF is now on my Kindle, so I won't have to search for it in future.

Guest simonta
This has been brilliant, although some of the things that happen on my PC are not quite the same, even though it is XP, but I have been able to figure these out.

The one thing that was the real life saver was your details on putting the Vega into recovery mode. I knew all about the button sequences, but I had not realised that the screen has to be completely blank with no backlight. In fact, I thought if it was like this it was just Off. I'm sure other people had said this, but I obviously missed it. Just that one piece of info got me from a dead Vega to a working wonder.

Because I had this knowledge, I discovered that my 2secs were too long anyway, so I would never had got it into recovery. I think the real time is 1second. I did this and it worked a dream.

So thank you for your time and effort. The PDF is now on my Kindle, so I won't have to search for it in future.

Thanks for the feedback and I'm delighted that it helped.

If you can remember, I'm interested to learn where it differed. I'd like there to be a guide to end all guides which will help all.



Guest Mogedwards
Thanks for the feedback and I'm delighted that it helped.

If you can remember, I'm interested to learn where it differed. I'd like there to be a guide to end all guides which will help all.



It's difficult to remember exactly. It could have been because I reinstalled Windows at the weekeend and there are already 79 updates waiting to be installed. Maybe when these are installed it will act more typically.

I do think your instructions on putting the Vega into recovery mode is invaluable. I have looked at a couple of other posts where people have "Bricked" their Vegas and I am sure many of them are doing exactly as I was, which is trying with the backlight on.

Posted (edited)


> Thanks for the feedback and I'm delighted that it helped.


> If you can remember, I'm interested to learn where it differed.  I'd like there to be a guide to end all guides which will help all.


> Cheers


> Simon


> Great guide, thx for the effort!


> Not sure if it is android or the Vega but installs seem to be slightly different for some even when on same set up


> My experience on xp installing 1.06.5 image and r7 ROM, generally as shown but when installing driver I could not select as no file was shown, tried to select the x386 folder but was greyed out, so I selected the folder level above and it just found the driver and it ran


> I ran the install.bat file from the command line and did have a slight difficulty when the fire wall initially blocked it, after accepting on firewall the install hung so had to start again with firewall off and after that went fine


> I followed one of the easier video guides which was invaluable wo me, not sure how easy I would have found it without it! Can link it if you like?lect the x386 folder but was greyed out, so I selected the folder level above and it just found the driver and it ran


> I ran the install.bat file from the command line and did have a slight difficulty when the fire wall initially blocked it, after accepting on firewall the install hung so had to start again with firewall off and after that went fine


> I followed one of the easier video guides which was invaluable to me, not sure how easy I would have found it without it!

See links to video guides


Edited by Dav0
Guest davethechamp

Followed the up-dated guide....

No problems at all. Followed guide well and now have my vega with 1.09 and MCRv8.

Thank you very much.


Guest gadget_tech
Posted (edited)


Edited by gadget_tech
Guest Kooky
Posted (edited)
For newcomers. A very screen shot intensive, step by step guide to installing the USB drivers needed to flash stock ROM and install the Modaco ROM on Windows XP. Done as a PDF rather than a monster post which would probably be unusable.

Please feedback, especially if any steps didn't work, didn't make sense, seemed out of order or had different results to the ones shown in the guide.

Will rest a while, then produce the same for Vista/Windows 7.

Good luck.....

I am ever so sorry to have to post this, I know how annoying it is to have novices not managing the install, especially as an idiot's guide is provided! It's a super guide but it has only taken me so far as I'm using Vista, so have had to translate actions across. I've lost 6 hours of my life to this now!

Following the instructions I've achieved almost all of it, except I cannot get Vista to show me the ADB interfaces when adding hardware, and I can't find the driver (android_winusb.inf), not even when I search the whole of C: for them, (I know that I extracted to there, and when I cooked the ROM I included the drivers.) I am well and truly stuck! Any help would be appreciated.

1401 Another hour's work has produced the location of the driver, however it will not install and I can only see the ADB interface, not the composite one. Tempting to take it all to my outlaws and use their XP machine...



Edited by Kooky
Guest nigel_p
I am ever so sorry to have to post this, I know how annoying it is to have novices not managing the install, especially as an idiot's guide is provided! It's a super guide but it has only taken me so far as I'm using Vista, so have had to translate actions across. I've lost 6 hours of my life to this now!

Following the instructions I've achieved almost all of it, except I cannot get Vista to show me the ADB interfaces when adding hardware...

Hi. Like you i spent hours on this problem.

Try Googling for PDANet then download and install the windows client software.

Keep an eye on device manager to see if a composite adb device appears and when it does (hopefully) you can then right click, update driver and find the one you extracted previously.

This worked for me.


Guest Kooky
Try Googling for PDANet then download and install the windows client software.

Thanks for the assistance, this project has eaten another two hours of my life and although I know my Vega will be great once I've done this, it's driving me NUTS.

Downloaded PDANet and it it won't properly install the driver, then it uninstalls.

I've followed the tutorial here

and when I attempt to install the .bat file in cmd it gives the message

*daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037*

*daemon started successfully*

and then just hangs.

And yes, the Vega is in debug mode and I've tried starting it both before and after connecting it to my PC.

AFAICT the PC is not registering the Vega as an android phone. I've attached a screenshot of my device manager screen in the event that it helps someone to help me!

Thanks again,


Guest simonta

I haven't been able to find the time to do a Vista/7 guide, sorry.

1. Right click the device you have highlighted. Uninstall and, if offered the choice, also delete the drivers (it will be a check box on the uninstall confirmation dialog).

2. Click start and type "mmc" without quotes, do not press enter. Wait for mmc.exe to appear in the search results, right click it and select run as administrator. Accept the confirmation.

3. When mmc is open, click File-Add/remove snapin. Choose device manager and local computer. Click OK. You will see the same view as in the screen shot you posted.

4. Right click the computer at the top of the tree and select add legacy hardware. Click Next.

5. Choose the second option to install manually.

6. Ensure that all device is highlighted then click Next

7. Click Have Disk and browse to the drivers you downloaded with mcr. If you have not already done so, they must be unzipped - they are in a file called r1-tegrausbdrivers-modaco.zip in the usbdriver folder

8. Click all the way through and, if shown, accept the warning in red that the drivers are not signed.

When finished, you should have a device class called "Android Phone" at the top and a device called Android Composite ADB Interface within it. No point proceeding if it's not there, so come back for more help. If it is there, run install-windows.bat in the unzipped mcr folder.



Guest Kooky
Posted (edited)
I haven't been able to find the time to do a Vista/7 guide, sorry.

1. Right click the device you have highlighted. Uninstall and, if offered the choice, also delete the drivers (it will be a check box on the uninstall confirmation dialog).

2. Click start and type "mmc" without quotes, do not press enter. Wait for mmc.exe to appear in the search results, right click it and select run as administrator. Accept the confirmation.

3. When mmc is open, click File-Add/remove snapin. Choose device manager and local computer. Click OK. You will see the same view as in the screen shot you posted.

4. Right click the computer at the top of the tree and select add legacy hardware. Click Next.

5. Choose the second option to install manually.

6. Ensure that all device is highlighted then click Next

7. Click Have Disk and browse to the drivers you downloaded with mcr. If you have not already done so, they must be unzipped - they are in a file called r1-tegrausbdrivers-modaco.zip in the usbdriver folder

8. Click all the way through and, if shown, accept the warning in red that the drivers are not signed.

When finished, you should have a device class called "Android Phone" at the top and a device called Android Composite ADB Interface within it. No point proceeding if it's not there, so come back for more help. If it is there, run install-windows.bat in the unzipped mcr folder.



Thank you. That's got me further.

The Android phone now shows but the Android ADB interface shows an error ! sign. And the installer said error 10 and that it might not work.

1520 So near and yet so far. Ran the .bat and it went fine until the end where the cmd said there was insufficient space for the performance bit of the mcr and that it could not allocate memory. The vega rebooted and is now hung showing the bug. The PC will not recognise it either. (It's looking like a very expensive paperweight at the moment!) What should my next step be please? Screenshot added, if it helps...

1949 After much effort got the pc to recognise the Vega. Baked a new mcr without the performance pack to reduce the overall size. It's all fitted on the Vega and rebooted, but at the beginning the cmd said the following

Could not access the Package Manager. Is the System running?

Making room for new files

rm failed for /system/lib/hw/wlan/_ar6002, no such file or directory

rm failed for /system/etc/dix, No such file or directory

And then it carried on mostly happily and then rebooted, it's hanging with a blank screen.

Have also tried installing the stock rom from Advent, just in case that was a pre-requisite for installing the ModaCo one. That failed too.

I am searching like the forums like crazy for solutions, but still posting here just in case one of you kind people can give me a definitive answer! I'm learning lots :D Any hints as to what I should do now please?



Edited by Kooky
Guest Kooky
Posted (edited)
Thank you. That's got me further.

The Android phone now shows but the Android ADB interface shows an error ! sign. And the installer said error 10 and that it might not work.

1520 So near and yet so far. Ran the .bat and it went fine until the end where the cmd said there was insufficient space for the performance bit of the mcr and that it could not allocate memory. The vega rebooted and is now hung showing the bug. The PC will not recognise it either. (It's looking like a very expensive paperweight at the moment!) What should my next step be please? Screenshot added, if it helps...

1949 After much effort got the pc to recognise the Vega. Baked a new mcr without the performance pack to reduce the overall size. It's all fitted on the Vega and rebooted, but at the beginning the cmd said the following

Could not access the Package Manager. Is the System running?

Making room for new files

rm failed for /system/lib/hw/wlan/_ar6002, no such file or directory

rm failed for /system/etc/dix, No such file or directory

And then it carried on mostly happily and then rebooted, it's hanging with a blank screen.

Have also tried installing the stock rom from Advent, just in case that was a pre-requisite for installing the ModaCo one. That failed too.

I am searching like the forums like crazy for solutions, but still posting here just in case one of you kind people can give me a definitive answer! I'm learning lots :D Any hints as to what I should do now please?


I have now managed the install after a few tricky moments. Thank you Nigel P and Simonta for your help, much appreciated.

Edited by Kooky
Guest simonta

You're most welcome. Glad it worked out for you.

Guest simonta

Bump (it's Saturday, there WILL be a noob flood :D)

Guest MikhailM
For newcomers. Screen shot intensive, step by step guides to installing the USB drivers needed to flash stock ROM and install the Modaco ROM on Windows XP, Vista and 7. Done as PDFs rather than a monster post which would probably be unusable.

Please feedback, especially if any steps didn't work, didn't make sense, seemed out of order or had different results to the ones shown in the guides.

Good luck.....


Thank you from all Advent/Android novices. I wish I found this guide when I started over a week ago. A clear, logical, well written guide. Should be included in the box with every Advent Vega sold! Well done.


Guest simonta

Thank you from all Advent/Android novices. I wish I found this guide when I started over a week ago. A clear, logical, well written guide. Should be included in the box with every Advent Vega sold! Well done.


You're welcome. Glad it helped.

Guest SeiferTV

Your tutorial ended my 5+ hours of struggle with damn windows drivers issues.

I'm running MCR now and it feels GOOOOOOD

I can't thank you enough.

Guest simonta
Your tutorial ended my 5+ hours of struggle with damn windows drivers issues.

I'm running MCR now and it feels GOOOOOOD

I can't thank you enough.

It's my pleasure.

You're welcome.

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