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A few n00b Q's regarding the Vega..

Guest RubyWoo

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Guest RubyWoo

Hi guys!

I've been planning on getting an Advent Vega for awhile now however I had trouble sourcing one.

I think I should be able to pick one up this weekend however locally.

I'm a total n00b when it comes to Android and the Vega, so if some of you knowledgeable folk could help me out here it would be greatly appreciated :D

1.) Is the memory expandable on the Vega via flash cards etc..?

2.) Via the USB port, would I be able to use USB flash memory sticks for additional memory whilst travelling? Can I use the USB port to connect the likes of an external HD and play back media from that?

3.) When Honeycomb is released what is the likelyhood that I will be able to upgrade to that version of Android on the Vega?

4.) If and when I buy the Vega will I have full access to the Android Market when I bring it home, or will I have to tweak it to get that up and running? I have visions of me bricking the thing if I have to tinker around with it myself.. :-/

I'll mainly be using the device for playing back media, web browsing etc.. but would nice to be able to play around with some nice apps too etc..

5.) Am I right in thinking that there's a SIM card slot on these? What purpose exactly does this have? I don't think it's 3G enabled is it, so if I insert a SIM card I won't be able to make and receive calls on it will I?

Given the launch of the iPad 2 and seeing that the original iPad has dropped in price, I was also considering one of these instead of the Vega - any thoughts re: iPad VS Vega?

Sorry for all the n00b questions!

Would love to hear feedback from those of you who have a Vega - I've started to read some really bad reports of the quality of the screening, in particular viewing angles and the touch screen sensitivity which is rather offputting..

Thanks guys! :(

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Guest peter a

1.) Is the memory expandable on the Vega via flash cards etc..? --- yes it come with a 4gb card which can be upgrade to 32

2 , only had mine a couple of days , so don`t know yet.

3 , read this forum - some say yes , some say no , know fully knows

4 , there is no market place by default , it needs to be hacked .. read the forum on custom roms.

5 , there is no sim slot , if you want 3g , you will need a 3g dongle

if you have the money also look at the MOTOROLA Xoom

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Guest Panayioti

2.yes you can, change it if you either want slave(to computer) or host (usb stick or external drive) this 'app' is included in pauls hack. The hack is quite simple but the hardest bit is to get windows to recognise the drivers 4.In the hack the android market is included also the vega cant be 'bricked' and its very easy to 'unbrick' if you get a bsod(black screen of death).

3. I hope it will.

Best Regards

Edited by Panayioti
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Guest RubyWoo
1.) Is the memory expandable on the Vega via flash cards etc..? --- yes it come with a 4gb card which can be upgrade to 32

2 , only had mine a couple of days , so don`t know yet.

3 , read this forum - some say yes , some say no , know fully knows

4 , there is no market place by default , it needs to be hacked .. read the forum on custom roms.

5 , there is no sim slot , if you want 3g , you will need a 3g dongle

if you have the money also look at the MOTOROLA Xoom


That's great, thanks so much for all that info!

Re: the Xoom - tbh for want I want it for - web browsing, watching films, reading e-books etc.. a Xoom would be too extravagant and pricey for my needs atm, but thanks for the suggestion!

I'm trying to stick to a budget of around E300/350

2.yes you can, change it if you either want slave(to computer) or host (usb stick or external drive) this 'app' is included in pauls hack. The hack is quite simple but the hardest bit is to get windows to recognise the drivers 4.In the hack the android market is included also the vega cant be 'bricked' and its very easy to 'unbrick' if you get a bsod(black screen of death).

3. I hope it will.

Best Regards

It can't be bricked? Phew! Well that's a relief!!

I'm sure I'll be able to follow the guides on here, and well, if I run into any probs, I can always come crying here for help! :D

I don't suppose there's any advantage in getting the iPad over the Vega is there?

I had my mind made up to get the Vega, however with the recent price drops of the iPad it's made it look that bit more tempting..

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Guest Tainlorn

Vega or ipad is really a question that only you can answer. Apart from the obvious price difference (although slightly less now) there are many operational aspects to take into account. Vega screen isnt as good as an ipad thats for sure, but it is slightly bigger and a better aspect ratio for watching movies/TV for example. Are you also happy to have to manage everything through itunes? I believe its your only option on the ipad, even to the point of having to hook it up and activate the pad before you can do anything. Also no expandability on the ipad, vega lets you slap a 32gig card in, access memory sticks, 3G dongles etc.

Of course, the ipad works 'out of the box' where as you will have to get your hands dirty and do a bit or work to breath life into your vega, but thats half the fun of it for me anyway!

For me, even if the ipad and vega were the same price, id still choose the vega. I dont want to be forced to use crappy itunes, i dont want to be forced to use my device in a certain way and i dont want apple dictating what i can and cant do with my device on pain of them hitting the kill switch.

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