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com.google.android.gm force quit

Guest Nemes1s

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Guest Nemes1s

Hi all,

I seem to be suddenly getting a com.google.android.gm process error with force quit. After googling it it would seem my cache may need clearing. However, I have a widget that is on my home screen that accesses my mail and as soon as the widget trys to load the error occurs. The result of this is a restart of the gui and the whole thing reoccurs. In essence this means I cannot get to system settings to clear the cache. Take note if you have an email widget...

So, before I do a rebuild (which to be fair it could probably do with anyway to clear out the dross :D ) I wondered if there is anyway to access the settings via the PC, remembering that I cannot set USB debugging of course either or any other USB mode come to that....

Alternatively I could stop the widget loading maybe if I could get access to a 'config' file or something via the PC? I don't hold out much hope but thought I'd ask!!


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Guest trevor432990
Hi all,

I seem to be suddenly getting a com.google.android.gm process error with force quit. After googling it it would seem my cache may need clearing. However, I have a widget that is on my home screen that accesses my mail and as soon as the widget trys to load the error occurs. The result of this is a restart of the gui and the whole thing reoccurs. In essence this means I cannot get to system settings to clear the cache. Take note if you have an email widget...

So, before I do a rebuild (which to be fair it could probably do with anyway to clear out the dross :( ) I wondered if there is anyway to access the settings via the PC, remembering that I cannot set USB debugging of course either or any other USB mode come to that....

Alternatively I could stop the widget loading maybe if I could get access to a 'config' file or something via the PC? I don't hold out much hope but thought I'd ask!!


Quite a predicament eh? So from what you are saying your device is in a loop and you cannot intervene at the right point to correct it. Have you tried connecting it to the PC via USB yet to see ADB can be used? I tend to always keep my Vega in slave mode and with USB Debugging running. I believe there are two PC apps one called ADB Wireless which as the name implies allows ADB access without USB and another whose name I don't know for remote access to the Vega (do a search and you'll probably find it). The downside is they both probably need an Android app running on the Vega 'before' they can be used which won't therefore help. Anyway worth checking them out and let us know how you get on. :D

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Guest Nemes1s
Quite a predicament eh? So from what you are saying your device is in a loop and you cannot intervene at the right point to correct it. Have you tried connecting it to the PC via USB yet to see ADB can be used? I tend to always keep my Vega in slave mode and with USB Debugging running. I believe there are two PC apps one called ADB Wireless which as the name implies allows ADB access without USB and another whose name I don't know for remote access to the Vega (do a search and you'll probably find it). The downside is they both probably need an Android app running on the Vega 'before' they can be used which won't therefore help. Anyway worth checking them out and let us know how you get on. :D

Yep. Constant loop. I have managed to get access to the taskbar in-between the alerts and get to my TaskManager but doesn't really help. I can then get to a browser too via the adverts on the task manager. So I might be able to browse to the web market and install an app that way. I'll have a play tonight when I get in. Thanks for the pointer on the ADB Wireless.

Not too bothered as I can rebuild and do a restore but a pain never the less. More of a heads up for anyone using a gmail widget too. Anyway, will play a bit tonight before a rebuild and advise on what I find.

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Guest Drat2
Yep. Constant loop. I have managed to get access to the taskbar in-between the alerts and get to my TaskManager but doesn't really help. I can then get to a browser too via the adverts on the task manager. So I might be able to browse to the web market and install an app that way. I'll have a play tonight when I get in. Thanks for the pointer on the ADB Wireless.

Not too bothered as I can rebuild and do a restore but a pain never the less. More of a heads up for anyone using a gmail widget too. Anyway, will play a bit tonight before a rebuild and advise on what I find.

Just a thought but have you considered turning off your wi-fi router? Maybe if the email widget can't connect to the server it won't error, giving you the opportunity to clear the cache or delete the widget. This probably won't help but it is worth a try....

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Guest Nemes1s
Just a thought but have you considered turning off your wi-fi router? Maybe if the email widget can't connect to the server it won't error, giving you the opportunity to clear the cache or delete the widget. This probably won't help but it is worth a try....

Yeah, thought of that too. I don't think the Vega ever gets to initiate the wifi on startup cos it bombs before it starts unless it is merely the tool tray icon that doesn't get to start. Not sure when the wifi initialises in the startup process? Anyone?

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Guest Nemes1s
Yeah, thought of that too. I don't think the Vega ever gets to initiate the wifi on startup cos it bombs before it starts unless it is merely the tool tray icon that doesn't get to start. Not sure when the wifi initialises in the startup process? Anyone?

update. Right, as luck would have it I had left USB debugging enabled so I could get on with adb. Pulled the log and sure enough unhandled exception was being thrown when the mail widget (pure messenger) was loading up. It must hook in the com.google.android.gm though as the actual failure was in that app. Soooo, uninstalled the widget via adb. Still got the error though even after a reboot.

Then uninstalled com.google.android.gm via adb and rebooted. Wasn't sure if this would screw the os but figured what the hell, was gonna rebuild anyway. Restarted and all runs fine now. What is really odd and I can't get my head round it, is that Gmail still works and com.google.android.gm is listed if I adb shell

pm list packages

. Most odd. Being a c# programmer, not an Droid one Im not sure whats occuring here. Perhaps because it is in the ROM I baked it is auto loaded from there? I dunno - guessing. Anyway, problem seems to be fixed.

The last odd bit is that I can't find gmail in the manage applications list so I can access the cache. I can't remember if it was every there! Could someone else who added it to their baked ROM check and see if it is in their list? Thanks! :D

As an aside, does anyone know where the cache actually lives in the file system?

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