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Guest TheQuest

Hi PeaNut_HU

Can anyone with an SDHC card (preferably 8GB) confirm, that TPT mode works?

Works with 8GB SDHC Lextor.

Take Care

TheQuest :mellow:

Posted (edited)
Can anyone with an SDHC card (preferably 8GB) confirm, that TPT mode works?

I'm still thinking that i'm having trouble because my card is high capacity, and maybe this low-level upgrade mode does not support reading from SDHC cards.

It works fine on my 8GB SanDisk Class 2 card. Some older blades have problems with some types of sd card, usually high speed ones over 16gb, I would have thought you would have probably noticed it before now though (constant mount/unmount problems).

Trying a different sd card worked for another guy: http://android.modaco.com/content/zte-blad...tim-2gb-sdcard/

Edited by wbaw
Guest gingerninja


I had problems using TPT with a 8gb sandisk card with an ext3 partition. Dont know if it was the card or the partition causing problems. Using original card with no partitions and TPT worked perfectly. Many thanks wbaw for your exelent work.

Guest simonckenyon

it worked with my 16GB class 10 card. so i suppose it just depends.

Guest shmizan

working flawlessly! Gen 1 TFT Orange San Francisco is now Gen 2!

I guess 850 Mhz reception in affect because my reception has improved by 2 bars at home!

the H symbol is also there.. great work

thank you, very much.

Guest PeaNut_HU
Posted (edited)
I'm confirming the issue with my Kingston HC 8GB sdcard. When I use the 2GB stock Verbatim sdcard, TPT GEN2 conversion works perfectly.

Time to reinstall gps-fix and google apps, markets and apps are automaticatlly restored from my Google account, some data from Titanium Backup ans SMS from SMS Backup&Restore and I'm done.

Peanut_HU, you too have an 8GB HC sdcard, try with a lower capacity/speed one and everything should go smooth.



Yep, that's what i thought too... mine is a Kingston SDHC 8GB Class 4 card (SDC4/8GB) too.

Thanks to all of you for the feedback about SHDC cards, i'm gonna buy a cheap 1 or 2GB one for the purpose of upgradeing with TPT to Gen2.

...and of course thanks to wbaw for the great work :mellow:

Edited by PeaNut_HU
Posted (edited)
Yep, that's what i thought too... mine is a Kingston SDHC 8GB Class 4 card (SDC4/8GB) too.

Thanks to all of you for the feedback about SHDC cards, i'm gonna buy a cheap 1 or 2GB one for the purpose of upgradeing with TPT to Gen2.

...and of course thanks to wbaw for the great work :mellow:

Does the sd card work normally when the phone is running? I've heard the older models of blade have issues with some big/fast sd cards, there's a long thread on it, but they seemed to be having lots of problems. That bug has been fixed in newer phones. It's possible that a TPT might fix the sd card issues, so you might be able to keep using your existing sd card, so you just need to borrow another card really.

A partitioned sd card shouldn't cause any problem, as long as the FAT partition comes first (that's the standard layout) & the image folder is on the FAT partition. I'm using a partitioned sd card.

Edited by wbaw
Guest hugobosslives

press menu as well

hold down menu and volume + and then add power.

Guest ehe12

I have just flashed my san francisco. This is amazing! Thanks for your great work!

Guest Mushroom_Lord

Note to self: dont try getting into fastboot without deleting the files this created: just reset my phone :mellow:

Ah well: wont take to long to get it back to scratch: thanks to googles contacts backup!

Note to self: also make more regular clockworkmod backups...

Guest Flumpster

It should be :

Note to self: read the first post properly before doing it.

"Remove the image directory from your sd card after install, to prevent accidental wipe & re-installs in future."

Guest purpse
press menu as well

hold down menu and volume + and then add power.

Thanks for that, my bad, worked a treat!

Guest Ashenfall

Pretty sure I know the answer, but I should be able to flash right back to a TPT created by your (wbaw's) 'repartition already installed ROM' tool after doing this?

Thanks for your work on it :mellow:

Guest wbaw
Pretty sure I know the answer, but I should be able to flash right back to a TPT created by your (wbaw's) 'repartition already installed ROM' tool after doing this?

Thanks for your work on it :mellow:

No, you cant, not straight away. At least not without adding a Gen1 amss.mbn & amsshd.mbn, otherwise you'll end up with no mobile network. I will update that script though.

Guest Maz2011

Something I dont understand about this procedure: does it actually install the bits of the Gen2 firmware that supposedly provide 850Mhz functionality? The instructions seem to imply that it doesnt, but maybe I just dont understand the references.

I dont think that anyone has actually confirmed that the 850Mhz functionality extends to 3G data anyway, which is what I want it for, as my provider uses only 850Mhz for 3G data where I am.

Guest fixedwheel
Posted (edited)

I have updated my Phone to Gen2 with this method and now want to go back to Gen1 because of bad battery draining in 7.0.2 stable.

Have read nearly the hole thread but their's still a little question to get sure i'm right on rolling back to Gen1 with one of the rolling-back-zip's from the first post:

Do i have to install it like the updating method from Gen1->Gen2(on&menu&Vol+) or

only with chossing the *.zip via ClockWorkMod?


Edited by fixedwheel
Guest hugobosslives
Something I dont understand about this procedure: does it actually install the bits of the Gen2 firmware that supposedly provide 850Mhz functionality? The instructions seem to imply that it doesnt, but maybe I just dont understand the references.

I dont think that anyone has actually confirmed that the 850Mhz functionality extends to 3G data anyway, which is what I want it for, as my provider uses only 850Mhz for 3G data where I am.

yes. 850mhz is usuable with this update. (it does say this a few times in this tread so I'm not sure you have read it :mellow:)

I have updated my Phone to Gen2 with this method and now want to go back to Gen1 because of bad battery draining in 7.0.2 stable.

Have read nearly the hole thread but their's still a little question to get sure i'm right on rolling back to Gen1 with one of the rolling-back-zip's from the first post:

Do i have to install it like the updating method from Gen1->Gen2(on&menu&Vol+) or

only with chossing the *.zip via ClockWorkMod?


yes do it the same way as the gen2 update. (via tpt). tho I would advise recalibrating your battery first. this is probably the problem.not the rom.

Guest hahawas

Thank you so much for this! I was afraid of upgrading to gen.2 cos i wouldn't have a backup but this is brilliant!

Guest PeaNut_HU
Posted (edited)

Thank you all. I have borrowed an old 2GB microSD from a friend and did the update.

Note that it did not go flawlessly, something i was afraid of would brick my phone.

My luck was that the update always stopped after amss.mbn which is the module that does the TPT mode if if remember right.

My update always stopped at the third line, always randomly at another percentage, 22%, 59%, 99% etc.

I did always remove my battery and restart the TPT, and about for the 11th time all green lines were 100% done.

Seems like i always have problems where others don't, but in the end my conversion to Gen2 was successful.

Thanks again for all the feedback!

Edited by PeaNut_HU
Guest rwalton159

I used this CM7.0.2_GEN1_GEN2_TPT_Image to upgrade on the 28th April.

Can I now upgrade using the nightly roms by downloading and installing them through rom manager please?

Guest Ashenfall
No, you cant, not straight away. At least not without adding a Gen1 amss.mbn & amsshd.mbn, otherwise you'll end up with no mobile network. I will update that script though.
Ah, thanks - I'm presuming then that TPT's created by that script aren't considered 'a full TPT' (as the first post says 'reversible using any Gen1 full TPT').

Thanks again for your work :mellow:

Guest Maz2011
yes. 850mhz is usuable with this update. (it does say this a few times in this tread so I'm not sure you have read it :mellow:)

Thanks for that. I did actually read the whole thread but various parts of it didnt make much sense to me as I am not an expert. I also dont understand about the cache partition stuff and whether or not this update releases the locked memory on the Gen1 Blade.

As it is reversible I will do the update at some point and will then be able to say categorically whether 850Mhz 3G data works or not, in case anyone else is interested.

Thanks for doing the work.

Guest stuartmc

Thanks for the great work. Been stuck on Paul's ROM for some time but this made the move to Cyanogen sooo easy!

Guest stuartmc
Posted (edited)

May have spoken too soon, now in a permanent reboot loop.

EDIT: Forgot I'd tried SetCPU, reduced the speed and all is well again.

Edited by stuartmc

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