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Guest keef319

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I sure am impressed by the speed they're putting out updates so far. Aren't xoom owners still waiting on an update to get a working SD card slot? :S

Hope Asus are this fast when the next version of honeycomb comes out :)

Edited by cas3
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Guest mimminito

Just been pushed the update, not installed yet though.

I updated the to the last one, and there is no root for that yet, shall I wait on this one, or am i stumped already??

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Just been pushed the update, not installed yet though.

I updated the to the last one, and there is no root for that yet, shall I wait on this one, or am i stumped already??

My question exactly. I have the update notification also but feel a bit burned about the last one. Was really hoping to run custom roms.

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Guest Mr Paul

26th April 2011:

-Updated Kernel.

-Updated Wifi driver.

-Updated bluetooth driver.

-Updated build number.

-Fixed video camera stutter. ('Youtube' mode = 720p@30fps and 'High Quality' mode = 720p@27fps)

-MyZine FC issue fixed.

-Minor bug fixes.

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Guest Mr Paul
Runs a lot faster AND the video recording frame rate has vastly improved. A+ for Asus.

Yes the recording vid is actually very good, well impressed!

Runs faster, IMHO it's the same. What do you find faster?

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Guest M@rtin

General response seems faster, also I dont get any pauses while watching videos in the youtube app any more, nor do things grind to a halt when watching flash videos in the browser. Finally i typed this all on the stock asus keyboard without getting fed up with the lag. Theres still small delay but its a lot more useable now.

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Guest Mr Paul
General response seems faster, also I dont get any pauses while watching videos in the youtube app any more, nor do things grind to a halt when watching flash videos in the browser. Finally i typed this all on the stock asus keyboard without getting fed up with the lag. Theres still small delay but its a lot more useable now.

True, keyboard is faster

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Guest zeuice

I was just able to get to the wifi/brightness/settings etc.. from the notification area by clicking the battery icon from the notifications pop up menu. I think this is a new feature since the update (never noticed it before, and did try).

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