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Guest Putzy

If we do this, is there a "way back" to Stock should the need ever arise?

Guest RaYmAn84
If we do this, is there a "way back" to Stock should the need ever arise?


Repeat step 9 to 11, but this time dd the blob found in the EP101_UPDATE.zip from Asus OTA.

Guest qwer23

Repeat step 9 to 11, but this time dd the blob found in the EP101_UPDATE.zip from Asus OTA.

Where do I get the EP101_UPDATE.zip from original Asus OTA?

Guest Putzy

Repeat step 9 to 11, but this time dd the blob found in the EP101_UPDATE.zip from Asus OTA.

:mellow: Just searched XDA and can't find anything for quite a few search terms, even though I know I've seen it! Any chance of posting a link?

Guest qwer23
Posted (edited)

Repeat step 9 to 11, but this time dd the blob found in the EP101_UPDATE.zip from Asus OTA.

At step 9 I get:

dd: can't open '/dev/block/mmcblk0p4': Permission denied

su worked (I get the #) and md5sum is correct.

Any help?

edit: with the help of netarchy over at xda it went fine:

The guide, as currently written, cannot be followed verbatim, as md5sum and busybox don't exist.

I posted a comment on that blog with my experience/some adjustments for the guide.

Basically you'll need to md5sum locally, so push the blob, then pull the blob to another location on your drive, run md5sum to make sure the size is right (if it's correct from your adb pull, then you know the copy on the device is good).

I believe at the time of this writing, the busybox line in the guide has been corrected (since busybox won't exist), so the only other correction you will need to make is to chmod 755 the su binary, not 666.

Edited by qwer23
Guest lordgodgeneral

Is anyone having a problem with the window becoming unreponsive to commands after obtaining SU (#)??

I run the gingerblockBB it runs, displays

[!] dance forever my only one


but I can't seem to be able to type the next command

Any ideas?

Guest qwer23
Is anyone having a problem with the window becoming unreponsive to commands after obtaining SU (#)??

I run the gingerblockBB it runs, displays

[!] dance forever my only one


but I can't seem to be able to type the next command

Any ideas?

why can't you type the next command? just write next to the #. the # only indicates that you have root rights.

Guest lordgodgeneral
why can't you type the next command? just write next to the #. the # only indicates that you have root rights.

That's what I'm trying to figure out. I've tried to process about 5 times and its the same each time. I get to the # (su) and after that point, typing in the command window does nothing.

Its like the device becomes non responsive or something. I'm def open to ideas on what I may be doing wrong.

Guest qwer23
That's what I'm trying to figure out. I've tried to process about 5 times and its the same each time. I get to the # (su) and after that point, typing in the command window does nothing.

Its like the device becomes non responsive or something. I'm def open to ideas on what I may be doing wrong.

That's really weird, because you should be able to type in cmd even if device disconnects. The error message would then appear after you hit enter. But that you cannot type after getting root rights is strange since you don't change anything on you running windows system :mellow:

Sorry, can't help you here, I'm too much a noob, too.

Guest lordgodgeneral
Posted (edited)

I did get it to finally work,

did the following

adb shell

waited for $

then ran ./data/local/gingerbreakBB

after running I got the # and was able to finish the rest of the commands and got CWM installed.

Now I'm having another problem

pushed su to /system/bin and did chmod 755 /system/bin/su (also tried chmod 666 /system/bin/su) but device is still showing its not rooted

Titanium Backup and Root Explorer both failing to detect root.

su is showing up in the /system/bin folder and superuser.apk is installed, but I'm stuck

Tried redownloading and repushing su, but still no difference

finally got it to work. Had to follow the step to get su installed from installing su on honeycomb for nook

needed to add these lines after copying su to /system/bin

ln -s /system/bin/su /system/xbin/su

chmod 06755 /system/bin/su

source http://forum.xda-developers.com/archive/in...p/t-941445.html

Edited by lordgodgeneral
Guest redmongoose
Get it here :mellow: http://kan.gd/frm

Great work.

Thank you very much for this, just got my transformer swapped today by comet (slight build imperfection) and the first thing I did was root it fully :o

Now where's Paul's custom rom

Guest Putzy

Repeat step 9 to 11, but this time dd the blob found in the EP101_UPDATE.zip from Asus OTA.

Right - found it I think: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.p...mp;postcount=29

Replacing the blob from this .zip file with the one included in the root, and re-performing the steps will return to stock recovery, with 'secure' boot - all I would have to do then is remove the root files, and format data - and I'd be totally back to stock, getting OTA updates?

I'm only asking because I may end up RMA'ing this unit for light bleed I also know that at some point - someone else with wonder. :mellow:

Guest qwer23
Right - found it I think: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.p...mp;postcount=29

Replacing the blob from this .zip file with the one included in the root, and re-performing the steps will return to stock recovery, with 'secure' boot - all I would have to do then is remove the root files, and format data - and I'd be totally back to stock, getting OTA updates?

I'm only asking because I may end up RMA'ing this unit for light bleed I also know that at some point - someone else with wonder. :mellow:

Please give me a quick heads-up what files I have to remove to lose root. I'll send it in RMA the next days.



Guest Putzy
Please give me a quick heads-up what files I have to remove to lose root. I'll send it in RMA the next days.



Presumably gingerbreakBB, su and SuperUser.apk - I don't quite know yet. :mellow:

Guest qwer23
Presumably gingerbreakBB, su and SuperUser.apk - I don't quite know yet. :mellow:

Thx so far!

On really weird question:

Is there a way to push a whole ROM via adb? I know it would be a lot of work, but even if I unroot and secure boot the device again, I'd still have the custom ROM installed. I can't access via recovery or ROM manager and OTA update fails...

Guest qwer23
Is there a way to push a whole ROM via adb?


Guest iamdarren

How do we get into cwm with the method.

I followed the steps but I had stock, then used modaco h1 beta. Then reset factory. Then got the dreaded FOTA. X2 Now I have tried this full root method.

Looks like the super user all don't work only I can't install or update. I'm also seeing the market bug.

I was thinking If I can enter cwm I could flash my first nandroid before any updates were ever installed. And I can get flashing some custom roms.

Guest ghosti32

Get a access denied after the chmod777 . Dont work for me

Guest dictionary
Get a access denied after the chmod777 . Dont work for me

You sure it's typed exactly as it's supposed to be? There is a space between chmod and 777. If you pushed the file to the correct location, and you are trying to chmod the same file you just pushed, you shouldn't have any hangups. Also make sure you don't have a / after gingerbreakBB .. that'll try to chmod a gingerbreakBB folder, which obvioulsy doesn't exist

Guest barabba85

hi..I follow as a guide for root after upgrade on asus site?

Guest Provolino

any easier way to get root?

I mean something like "install an apk, run it, reboot"

current root method is quite hard for non-expert users :mellow:

Guest mhewitson

If I understand it correctly, as Paul has included the blobv5 in his latest hr4 ROM, then using the 'fake-flash' method of installing CWM then flashong the hr4 ROM will give me a fully rooted device?

Is this correct - seems easier than following this guide.

Guest Provolino
Posted (edited)

I got it in the same way

Edited by Provolino

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