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GT540 stuck at DOWNLOAD MODE

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Guest karen025

pls help i upgraded my GT540 to 2.1 but i got this error

Upgrade Error Code = 4008

WParam : 100

LParam : 4008

and then all I can boot is DOWNLOAD MODE

if i press power

power + Volume down

power + camera

power + home

all are going to download mode

pls help me

Guest despotovski01
pls help i upgraded my GT540 to 2.1 but i got this error

Upgrade Error Code = 4008

WParam : 100

LParam : 4008

and then all I can boot is DOWNLOAD MODE

if i press power

power + Volume down

power + camera

power + home

all are going to download mode

pls help me

Go to this thread and try to fix your phone with the instructions in the fourth paragraph (OMG my phone is bricked (dosnt turn on or is stuck on LG screen)! What to do ?!).

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