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Would you find a "Vega Day" useful or just too nerdy?

Guest simonta

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Guest simonta


Wanted to float an idea in the community, guage reactions.

I'm rooting for team Corvus and Newbe5 to get HC out of the door sometime in the next few weeks, and what an amazing feat that would be.

Anyway, the idea is to put together "Vega days" where there would be at least one "expert" who could help people install drivers, flash ROMs, get 3G working etc etc. Would probably pick a pub, sometime in June, preferably by a river with great beer and comely bar staff.

What's the general feeling? I'm thinking a lot of people couldn't afford or justify the travel but if interest is high, maybe we run multiple ones across the country?

Thoughts honourable members?

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Guest trevor432990

Good idea Simon though the drinking and driving aspect might pose a few probs unless it was near a railway station too. Alternatively a live video conference stream might be slightly easier to arrange first off and then we could have our bevvies at home whilst swapping ideas? We'd obviously lose the 'hands-on' element but the logistics would be a lot simpler. :unsure:

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Guest newbe5

I'd have to clear a day for this with the wife but this is something I'd be interested in! I think travelling would be a bit of an issue, depending on how far it was as I have a daughter and my wife is pregnant! :unsure: It would be great to have an in-person meetup, but for me maybe some kind of conference would work better, although it isn't quite as personal :)

Let me know if this gets legs, I'll definitely try to be part of it!


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Guest Stevonator

Sounds interesting I've always said I'd like to meet the masterminds behind Vegacomb!

But even if this were to go ahead I'd be unable to attend due to many reasons. Good idea though :unsure:

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Guest Diveokidoki

Great idea,

I believe this will help those not so strong with technoligy a great bit, and it is great meeting up in person and enjoy the weather with a cold drink.

Go for it


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Guest simonta
Good idea Simon though the drinking and driving aspect might pose a few probs unless it was near a railway station too. Alternatively a live video conference stream might be slightly easier to arrange first off and then we could have our bevvies at home whilst swapping ideas? We'd obviously lose the 'hands-on' element but the logistics would be a lot simpler. :unsure:

My dear sir, good idea with the stream, but I do believe that it's down to the honourable members to choose whether they drive, train it or get a lift. However, might be discriminatory and not welcomed by all so would probably pick a neutral location like a hotel which has a bar nearby to ensure an uininterrupted flow for those who find that soberness and the arcane workings of software are uneasy bedfellows. I'm sure that you recall the early days of proving to ourselves that the Vega is unbrickable and the part that the right choice of beer had to play in that :)

See here for what we were doing last Christmas. Not much changed since then...



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Guest warriorscot

I wouldnt mind volunteering to help people out if they were having problems with drivers, roms etc if the forum couldnt get it sorted. Glasgow would be a pain i hate glasgow but i study at edinburgh so there or falkirk even stirling i could help someone out if they needed it. What might be nice is a dedicated irc channel for vega think we might be able to convince paul to host a modaco sponsored vega irc channel we coud sort a lo'of problems that way.

Also if someone is really stuck i dont mind workimg over rdp using teamviewer could connect up with someones pc from mine and fix drivers mind you drivers arent that hard with all the tools'now.

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Guest trevor432990

OK well if people did think a video conference would be useful before/after the "Vega Day" then here are a few tools we could perhaps use. :unsure:

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Guest simonta

It's the first time I've done one of these poll thingies. When I click "Show results", it doesn't show anything. Do I need to get my coat?

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Guest Stevonator
It's the first time I've done one of these poll thingies. When I click "Show results", it doesn't show anything. Do I need to get my coat?

You need to vote on the poll before you can see the results :unsure:

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Guest simonta

Early indications are that London, Birmingham, Cardiff and Newcastle are favourites although it's a small sample size so far.

It's early days but here are some thoughts.

1. Need more than 5 people to turn up to make it worthwhile. I'll keep this thread near the top.

2. Run 4 or 5 events. Perhaps the above and somewhere around Glascow/Edinburgh.

3. Tap up Modaco/DSG for some sort of support/sponorship. Maybe a draw with a nice little prize. There is no doubt in my mind that both have benefited from this forum.

4. Give people who use the service the opportunity to make a donation to cover the organisers expenses (but will strive to keep this mininimal, hopefully only travel). If donations outweigh expenses, give the rest to a local charity for each location.

5. Have one major session which will include the mother of all how to install drivers and ROMs demos and stream it with live Q&A and assistance.

6. Set up a dropbox and email list to take logistics off the forum.

7. Promote the events on XDA, tabletroms possibly a couple of the Android news sites.

7. Does anyone have Paul's ear? He never responds to my PMs (which I fully understand) but would like to bring him in on this. One, to see if he can help in anyway and two, to see if we can finally get him to agree to a new set of stickies for the newbies with the top guides and FAQs. It's in all our interests to help the noobs.

For folks who are interested in helping out, please PM me with the location you could do, or alternatives.


Thanks for your interest so far.


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Guest ptbw
Early indications are that London, Birmingham, Cardiff and Newcastle are favourites although it's a small sample size so far.


Cambridge or Norwich would get my vote. Paul did mention a meet in Norwich a while back on Twitter I think.

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Guest gavinlew

Bristol/London gets my vote. But generally anywhere within easy reach and a nearby train station. Would be up for this.

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Guest Pdragon
Norwich for me as well

I'd go if it was in London. There are many different pub venues that would host these things for free for a small crowd.

Let me know if you want a hand looking.

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Guest mxbob

not sure any of the proposed venues really suit me but i think its a good idea to help new owners

i would be willing to help any vega owners in cheshire needing help

im no great expert but i have got my head round flashing roms and reckon i could fix a (not really) bricked vega

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